Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2008: Shattered the monument [Five more thanks to the owner Chen for essential oil]

This halberd was also the first Celestial Celestial Soldier Ling Tian had seen!

It can't be wrong!

However, this Celestial Immortal Soldier should have been in Murong Ziyan's hands. How come it has become Ouyang Feng's possession now! ?

Ling Tian rolled his eyes, and then turned around to look at Murong Zining who was stunned there.

Until now, they still hadn't seen Murong Ziyan, but the Heavenly Sin War Halberd had actually reached this Ouyang Feng's hands.

With Murong Ziyan’s character, he would never take the initiative to offer this day’s halberd of sin.

The only possibility is to be robbed!

"Damn it! That is my brother's halberd of heaven!"

Murong Zining trembled and couldn't help but rush out.

"Murong, don't get excited. Although the Halberd of Heaven's Sin has changed hands, Murong Ziyan is not necessarily dangerous."

"It's not time for us to confront Tianshengcheng head-on."

Zhao Min calmed Murong Zining down.

Ling Tian's expression wasn't very good either. Although Murong Ziyan wanted to teach him a lesson, he couldn't tolerate Ouyang Feng's hand this day.

Under the huge monument, the face of Canglan Mountain, which was originally unparalleled, changed drastically at this time.

"Heaven's Sin War Halberd? This, this is impossible!"

He never expected that this Ouyang Feng would actually get a handful of Heavenly Immortal Soldiers after Sheng Qiye!

In this way, he will have no possibility to surpass Ouyang Feng.

The dragon and phoenix ranked second, he gave in.

"Hehe, Canglan Mountain, I'm sorry, this time, you lose."

Then Ouyang Feng laughed, Xuan even shot a holy light into the monument, let his name go straight into the sky, and finally overwhelmed Canglan Mountain, occupying the second position.

At this point, the gap between him and Sheng Qiye seemed to be only a fairy king will.

And Canglan Mountain's face was dark, and although he was unwilling, he still fell from the sky.

Otherwise, in the face of everyone's gaze, his talented rhetoric is like a joke!

Afterwards, Tianfang Gate opened wide, and within it, there was a strong celestial spirit gushing out, and even the face of the fairy palace Tianque, those were the mirages of the seven immortal states, which made people fascinated.

After verifying the identity, those warriors poured into Tianfei, just like crucian carp crossing the river, especially spectacular.

However, the top talents of the three holy cities have never left.

Their eyes all looked in the direction of Gusu City.

Obviously, their previous threats were not just talk.

But the Gusu City martial artist is really not allowed to go first.

Soon, there were fewer and fewer warriors in the city of the sky, and in the end only more than 1,500 people were left.

More than a thousand of them are all warriors in Gusu City.

The top Tianjiao of the three holy cities, then left with a sneer and flew towards Tianfei.

"Ling Tian, ​​Saint Son of Nanhua, I am waiting for you to die on Shengxian Road! If you are scared, don't enter Shengxian Road!"

Yan Nanfei was still threatening Ling Tian at the last moment before stepping into Tianfei.

Above the square, Ling Tian kept his face cold, but the big hands in his sleeves had become tighter and tighter.

It seems that on the way to Shengxian, he can't help but do it first!

Huangfu Changle brought the Gusu City camp warriors forward, verified their identities one by one, and flew to Tianfei.

However, the faces of all the martial artists were full of fear and complaining, if it weren't for Ling Tian, ​​how could they be suppressed in this way! ?

In the end, Huangfu Changle stepped forward, and a fairy light hit the monument without using all his hole cards. He just grabbed the seventh place back.

"Ling Tian, ​​don't mind those threats. We will face the challenges on the way to Shengxian together."

After all, Huangfu Changle also flew into the sky.

Zhao Min, Zuo Xianzhi, Li Wuyou and others all verified their identities, and finally, on the huge square, only Ling Tian was left.

He raised his head and looked at the huge stone monument that looked like a mountain in front of him.

And the densely packed names of light and shadow on it, Sheng Qiye, Ouyang Feng, Canglan Mountain, all Tianjiao, like peerless powerhouses, are high above them.

Before he stepped onto the road of Shengxian, he was already ridiculed and ridiculed.

Even, many people feel that Ling Tian will definitely not survive a day on the road to ascend to immortality.

Is Ling Tian upset?

Of course he is angry.

But all enemies, he has long been used to it.

Hasn't it been this way along the way?

"Hehe, waiting for me."

Ling Tian's pupils shrank, and he suddenly raised his big hand. The primordial martial soul burst into his body, the ninety-eight layers of immortal fire burned, and the eternal Burning Heaven opened up, allowing Ling Tian's big palm to press directly on the stone tablet.


In an instant, a brilliant ranking manifested from the bottom of the stone tablet, and then almost in the blink of an eye, it rushed to the sky, passed Ouyang Feng, and penetrated the name of Sheng Qiye!



Not only that, the huge monument burst into light, the beam of light penetrated into the sky, and between the roar of the sky, the huge monument seemed to be unable to withstand the power of the sky, and it burst with a bang!

The monument was broken!

The dragon and phoenix list, at this moment, all disappeared on the city of the sky.

Immediately, Ling Tian Yujian rose, turned into a stream of light, and sank into the sky.

And in the next moment, from the clouds and mist on the sky city, several powerful figures emerged.

Each of these figures is the cultivation base of the Sixth Heavenly Immortal.

If there are disciples from the Holy City here, they will be amazed.

Because these few figures are the lord of the four holy cities!

However, at this moment they looked at the huge monument shattered by the light, and their faces changed drastically.

No one thought that someone would shatter this monument.

"This, how is this possible?! The giant monument is made of extremely special materials. It can only detect talent combat power, and brute force will never shatter it."

Wushuang City Lord said in shock.

"Yes, there is only one possibility that can shatter the monument."

The city lord of Yue Sheng city also nodded, "That is, the talent of the younger generation is extremely high, and the huge monument is not qualified to verify him."

"So, the monument is broken."

The giant monument is not qualified to verify the talent of a younger generation?

So how far will the talent of this younger generation be?

"Divine body? Immortal Venerable Will?"

The Lord of Tiansheng City's face was gloomy.

"I don't know, in short, it is very strong. It seems that the road to ascend to immortality this time has changed drastically. The five heavenly immortal soldiers were born, and it was an eventful autumn."

The City Lord Yue Sheng shook his head, and even left.

"Ling Tian..."

"Fortunately, it is Ling Tian and Changle, this time, you really counted it!"

In the end, only City Master Huangfu showed a mysterious smile when he looked at Tian Fei, who was gradually closing his head.

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