Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2017: The mystery of the giant pit is solved

Ancient city.

Had it not been for later, the formation on the ancient city suddenly became solid, Huangfu and others would not be able to hold on.

Today's ancient city formation, defense ability, for example, has only improved by more than 30%.

At this time, everyone turned around and saw Shangguan Yi and Zhao Min flying from the city.

It turned out that they had restored the formation of the ancient city to 70%!

In this way, there should be no major problems with the defense of the formation to carry the beast tide this time.

But suddenly, from hundreds of miles away, there was a roar of a heaven-shaking beast, which shocked everyone.

But the roar of the beast quickly fell silent, and then the worm infestation faded away.

The catastrophe of the worm tide, has it passed like this! ?

Many warriors were hollowed out and fell on the city wall.

Some of the experiences they have just experienced are simply unforgettable for them.

"Where is Ling Tian!?"

Li Wuyou frowned when he looked at the mountains in the distance.

The tide of insects had receded, but Ling Tian was nowhere to be seen.

"Hehe, although Ling Tian is tyrannical, he is really too big and dare to go deep into the worm. After so long, he has no chance of surviving."

"Yeah, the worm tide is so terrible, if he is still alive, then there is really no sense."

The warrior camp in Wushuang City was whispering.

Of course they would like to see Ling Tian die in the worm tide.

Otherwise, this kind of genius who is against the sky really makes them jealous.

Zhao Min and the others looked across their eyes, and before they could speak, they saw a sound from all over the sky, rising suddenly from the top of the mountains.


"Big Brother Ling Tian is not dead!"

"Of course there will be nothing wrong with Ling Tian."

Zuo Xiao, Li Wuyou and others are overjoyed.

Today, Ling Tian is their backbone, as long as Ling Tian does not die, then they have no worries.

Soon, the huge Xiaoqing crossed the formation and descended on the city wall.

Ling Tian carried the big scorpion, and jumped down from it.

"Just keep it, there are not many casualties, right?"

Ling Tian asked.

"Fortunately, there were almost no casualties, and the fighting strength is still there." Huangfu stepped forward, as if reporting.

"That's good." Ling Tian looked at the densely packed golden cores outside the city, "clean up the battlefield outside the city, these golden cores are good things."

When Ling Tian's voice fell, the warrior on the city wall became agitated, and was about to jump off the wind wall of the city wall.

"Wait! Gusu city warriors go down to pick up the golden core, everyone else is not allowed to go down the city!"

But suddenly, Ling Tian shouted, shaking the whole city.

Warriors of Wushuang City and the warriors of all large and small teams are furious, but they dare not speak.

Although Ling Tian's approach is really tough, it's not unreasonable.

After all, this city, Gusu City now has the final say.

"let's go!"

Although a group of Warriors from Wushuang City didn't dare to resist, they still dispersed and returned to the city.

They did not give up, and Leng Yue was not the strongest existence in Wushuang City.

Today, Yan Nanfei and Lu Zhiyao are still carrying more than 1,500 Wushuang City elites. When they come back, they can retake the city.

But Gusu City warriors, no matter so many, swarmed down, frantically snatching the golden cores everywhere.

"Huangfu, let people watch here. They can grab these golden pills, but everyone has to hand in half!"

"Those who don't follow, drive out of the city!"

After Ling Tian said, he led people towards the center of the ancient city.

Although I don't know what Ling Tian's move meant, Huangfu Changle still complied with it.

The center of the ancient city.

There is a big blue-black tower erected here.

The tower is extremely tall, with a length of a thousand feet, and covers an area of ​​ten miles.

It seems that there are three levels of space inside.

But the tower is confined, and it is still not allowed to enter, the huge formation is surrounded by dense arrays.

However, many of the formation patterns are gray, full of ancient meaning, and have not been driven yet.

Although Zhao Min and Shangguan Rongyin restored some formation patterns, the proportion of these formation patterns was only one-tenth.

Obviously, the formation pattern around this huge ancient tower is not all the hub of the great defense formation.

Ling Tian walked around the huge tower.

Based on his insight, he didn't know what these formations were used for.


However, in the eyes of Huangfu and others behind him, Ling Tian seemed to be omnipotent.

"Ling Tian, ​​what can you see?"

"Can you fix it all!?"

Huangfu asked when Ling Tian stopped.

Ling Tian curled his lips, he didn't see anything.

However, he went around this circle to show Tao Yaoyao.

Soon, Tao Yaoyao in Taoyuan suddenly stomped her foot and said, "I see, Ling Tian!"

"The huge pits we saw before were not mountains being pulled out at all, but ancient cities!"

"The ancient city has been pulled up!"

Ling Tian heard it, and there were black lines on his forehead, "What do you mean when the ancient city is pulled out!?"

However, after listening to Tao Yaoyao's explanation in Taoyuan, Ling Tian's brows gradually unfolded.

It turned out that these cities did not stand here all the time, but moved!

In an instant, combined with the memory from the insect king, Ling Tian began to weave a huge grand plan in his mind.

If this plan can come true, then he can at least guarantee that everyone can cross the periphery of Shengxian Road!

"Ling Tian!? What's wrong!?"

Zhao Min saw that Ling Tian was there, thinking that Ling Tian had encountered something he didn't understand.

"Nothing, the formation is still easy to repair."

Ling Tian calmed down and waved his hand to make everyone breathe a sigh of relief.

"It's fine if it can be repaired, but this city is fine. We have to rush to the next city to repair the formations there to withstand the second worm wave seven days later."

Huangfu Changle let out a sigh of relief.

In previous times, Tianjiao of all races did this. The worm tide was once every seven days, and it was getting stronger and stronger. They couldn't always hide in the ancient city. They had to move towards the depths of the road.

"It's too late, the next worm infestation will arrive in three days, and it will be even stronger."

Unexpectedly, Ling Tian waved his hand.

"What? Three days later? How is this possible!?"

Huangfu Changle's expression changed when he heard the words, "We may not be able to find the next city in three days."

"Then what to do? Defeating this ancient city!?" Li Wuyou frowned.

"Desperate defense is not a solution. The worm tide will become stronger and stronger. At that time, even if the ancient city's defensive formations are fully opened, it will be destroyed."

Huangfu Changle shook her head in denial, but immediately, she looked at Ling Tian, ​​"How do you know that the worm tide will come in three days? You already have a solution, right?"

"I learned from the Insect King." After that, Ling Tian raised his hand, and on it was a golden core the size of a Ye Mingzhu.

"High-grade golden core!?"

Huangfu Changle whispered while covering his mouth.

Today, I believe it too.

This high-grade golden pill for ascending immortality is really rare, and it is definitely from the worm tide king.

"Brother, you just rushed out and killed the king of the insect tide!?"

Zuo Xiao pointed at the golden core, grinning constantly.

People are more popular than others!

Ling Tian's strength is simply unfathomable.

"Three days later, a stronger worm tide came, and we didn't have time to take everyone to find the next city, but sticking to this ancient city is also a good choice."

Ling Tian put away the golden core, the corners of his mouth were majestic.

"Hold on to this city?" Huangfu and the others looked at each other. "This ancient city is only fifty miles in radius. When the defensive formation is fully opened, it can be increased by 30%. The next worm tide may be able to withstand it. What about next time. !?"

"Moreover, even if we can withstand the impact of all the worms, shall we not go? Our goal is to walk out of the road to Shengxian, to advance, we can't stay here forever, right?"

Zhao Min also rubbed his fingers, full of doubts.

But looking at Ling Tian's uncontrollable smile at the corner of her mouth, she sighed, and said angrily: "You already know what to do, right? Let's talk quickly, don't sell it!"

"That's, Ling Tian, ​​our brains don't have your aura, so don't tease us!" Yuan Meng also scratched his head, anxiously.

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