Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2018: Move the fortress to pacify everything [five changes]

"Let's solve Huangfu's problem first."

Ling Tian stood under the huge tower and pointed at the formation pattern at his feet, "Today, the formation of this ancient city, when fully opened, can only withstand the next beast wave impact. Moreover, the area of ​​the ancient city is limited and can only depict so much. The pattern."

"But, what if we expand the city and carve more formations to make the defensive formations stronger!?"

"Expand the city!?" Everyone was amazed, all with their mouths open.

"Also, can you still play like this?" Zuo Xiao's eyes were about to fall out, "But, how can this ancient city be expanded? We don't have much time!"

"Three days, isn't it enough?"

"Hehe, don't worry about these. Actually, this ancient city is not simple. In other words, you can regard the city under your feet as a magic weapon, so it's easy to understand!"

"As long as I have enough raw materials, I can control the hub here and make the city bigger!"

Ling Tian held his hand and said with a smile.

In fact, Tao Yaoyao said this just now, and he repeats it now.

But think about it, it's incredible, and it's really cool.

"Magic weapon!? It's incredible."

Everyone shook their heads again and again, what Ling Tian said was beyond their cognition.

"Next, is the second question."’

Ling Tian paced, walked to the other side of the giant, and said leisurely: "Of course we can't stay here forever."

"But what if I say, I can make this city fly or even move?"

"Yes, this Shengxian Road is so big, we can go as far as we can!"

Ling Tian made a sound, his pride burst out.

"What? Let this ancient city fly, move the city!?"

"How is this possible? It's terrifying!"

"My God, you have a big brain!"

However, everyone did not believe it.

Even Zhao Min frowned, "Is it true? You are going to build a mobile city!?"

"No, it's a mobile fortress!"

"A city in the sky!"

"I want to take this sky fortress and remove all obstacles!"

"No one can stop us!"

"The worm tide is not good, the three holy cities, Honghai City, the foreign race, not good!"

Ling Tian's pupils narrowed slightly, and then his palm fell on the formation pattern on the giant tower.


The formation pattern was urged.

At the next moment, everyone was surprised to find that the city under their feet was shaking, and a lift suddenly broke out.

What Ling Tian said turned out to be true.

This ancient city, you can fly!

The ancient city quaked, and then recovered the bottleneck.

"Ling Tian, ​​I believe what you said is true. The question is, how to expand?"

Li Yunlan frowned.

"Miss Li is a good question!"

Ling Tian had already prepared, and said, "This ancient city is a magical artifact. It is much simpler to expand."

"The entire ancient city is made of a kind of black crystal fairy copper. As long as you collect enough black crystal fairy copper and pour it into this huge, the ancient city will automatically expand."

"This kind of material is only available after Shengxian Road. I have already read it. There are mineral veins in the mountains a hundred miles away near the ancient city."

"In the early stage, using these mineral veins, we can increase the radius of this city by ten miles in one day."

"In three days, this city can skyrocket from a radius of fifty li to a hundred li!"

"Double the defensive array!"

"Enough to withstand the next two insect infestations!"

"Two insect infestations for six days, time, enough time to make us go far!"

"Then, collecting this kind of ore requires a lot of people, right?" Huangfu frowned.

"Yes, it needs the power of all the warriors in the city."

Ling Tian nodded.

"It's a good idea for the Gusu City camp, Wushuang City warriors, how do you do it? Without telling them the truth, I'm afraid they won't mine ore willingly. After all, that's what miners do!" Li Wuyou Frowning, a little embarrassed.

Huangfu Changle also nodded, "Yes, and now the worm tide has passed. Tell them that the worm tide will arrive in three days. They won't believe it if they want to come. If they don't, they will leave the city and go to other ancient cities."

"Haha, let's go?"

"No one left."

Ling Tian sneered.

"Yes, grandma's, who would dare to leave? I smashed his head with a hammer!"

Zuo Xiao moved the sledgehammer in his hand.

"At a young age, don't fight and kill all the time."

Ling Tian turned around, pressing his palm on the gate of the giant tower.

Immediately, the door opened, and it looked very dim.

"Zuo Xiao, go in and try!"

Ling Tian pointed inside the door.


Zuo Xiao pointed at himself, pursed his lips, hesitated, "Well, Brother Tian, ​​there won't be any ghosts inside, right? It's dark, so gloomy!"

"Second Uncle!? Are you still afraid of this?" Li Wuyou laughed.

"Then you go try it?"

Li Wuyou: "I'm also afraid..."

Everyone: "..."

Ling Tian had a black line on his face, "Don't be poor, there is nothing terrible in it, wait a while, you will fight to enter it!"

"hurry up!"

Ling Tian stepped forward and threw Zuo Xiao directly into the gate.

After a while, Zuo Xiao rushed out of it, breathing heavily.

"what's happenin?"

Li Wuyou and others were very curious, "What's in it?"

"Nothing! I'm going, it's a bit awesome!"

Zuo Xiao shook his head, looking very excited.

"Nothing, what are you breathing for, say it quickly!" Li Wuyou said impatiently.

"In, inside, there are three levels of space!"

"On the first level, the flow of time is twice that of the outside, one day outside and two days inside!"

"The second layer is four times!"

"At the top level, the flow rate is six times as much!"

"One day outside, six days inside!"

"This huge tower turned out to be a time and space immortal treasure!"

After Zuo Xiao finished speaking, everyone's jaw dropped in surprise.

Time and space fairy treasure, control the flow of time! ?

Although there are also immortal treasures that control time, even the Huangfu family can do it about four times.

It is said that there is an immortal treasure in the City Lord’s Mansion of Tiansheng City, which can reach six times the time flow, but there are so many restrictions that it cannot run for a long time.

Not to mention those fairy treasures, they can't be used on Shengxian Road at all.

Therefore, on the way to Shengxian, everyone's time flow is equal, and the speed of improving the cultivation base depends only on the cultivation method and the natural physique.

But now, it looks like this huge tower is about to be added!

For a moment, everyone looked at each other and couldn't help swallowing.

"Ling Tian, ​​what if the ore veins are finished!?" Zhao Min asked.

Ling Tian chuckled, "Then grab it, grab it one by one!"

"If you don't give it to the city, destroy them!"

Everyone was shocked. After they finally came, why did Ling Tian be so arrogant and ambitious!

Now, they have a mobile fortress, there will be countless golden core resources, and such a time machine, which means they have several times more time than others.

Just ask, who can be their opponent! ?

What three holy cities, what dragon and phoenix list, what foreign race! ?

They are all younger brothers!

At that time, you have to kneel down and call Dad!

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