Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2019: Shocking Book

Under the huge tower, everyone couldn't help trembling faintly.

If Ling Tian's plan is successful, then perhaps all of them will achieve unprecedented achievements in the early stages of Shengxian Road!

Although I don't know if they can get out of the way of Shengxian, at the very least, they will grow up extremely quickly.

"Huangfu, Minmin, you go to the Gusu City and Wushuang City martial arts camp to give orders, and use the collected ores in exchange for the time to enter the huge inner cultivation. I think they will be willing!"

Ling Tian smiled slightly.

With the time machine in hand, he didn't believe it, no one would be unmoved.

"Hehe, let's do it now!"

The two girls, Huangfu and Zhao Min, had smiles on their faces, and they went to make arrangements.

Others rushed directly into the giant tower and went straight to the third floor.

They are all Ling Tian's cronies, so naturally they don't need to pay any ore.

Moreover, time is too important for them now. In three days, the worm tide will come again. Although the defense of the ancient city can be absolutely withstood, they will be able to kill more worms if their combat power becomes stronger. Get more golden pills.

Ling Tian was alone under the giant, repairing the formation pattern little by little.

Now, this huge tower is like the center of this ancient city, or the source of power, like a big energy melting pot.

The driving force is naturally the Golden Elixir of Immortality.

As long as there are enough golden elixir for rising, this ancient city will be able to rise from the ground, expand, and fly.

There is Tao Yaoyao, repairing it is just a very simple matter.

Through the information in the giant tower hub, Ling Tian also knew that the expansion of the city also had levels.

Like the scale of this ancient city today, with a radius of fifty li, it can be regarded as the smallest existence in Shengxian Road, only a first-level city.

On top of it, the second-level ancient city can reach a radius of one hundred miles, the defense is doubled, and the huge tower will also be upgraded, building the fourth floor, which can accommodate more warriors.

Since then, the city has gradually increased, one hundred and fifty li, three hundred li, five hundred li, eight hundred li and even a super giant city with a radius of a thousand li.

Although the scale of this giant city is incomparable with the outside Gusu City, Nanhua City, or even Haoran City, you must know that these cities are movable, similar to the existence of fairy treasures and magical artifacts!

When it becomes a giant city with a radius of thousands of miles, the number of layers within the giant tower will become nine layers. The time of the ninth layer will be extremely, and it will control the flow of time to thirty times!

This is a very terrifying flow of time in the fairy world.

Basically, at that time, who can have the blessing of 30 times the flow rate is equivalent to aspiring to the road to the immortal.

No exercise or physique will smooth out the time blessing of this flow rate.

Of course, if you want to upgrade to a super giant city with a radius of thousands of miles, the resources needed are also quite terrifying.

Not only are there many, but it is also not easy to find.

Even in the late stage of Shengxian Road, the upgrade may not be successful.

Before three hundred miles, the resources needed by the ancient city were only black crystal immortal bronze, and to upgrade to a medium-sized city of three hundred miles, what it needed was a material called Qingyao Xian Yin. To this day, Ling Tian hasn’t Know where this thing is.

If it doesn't work, I have to go directly to the ready-made 300-mile giant city and swallow it.

Of course, it is still too early for the life to become a medium-sized city of 300 miles.

Ling Tian wasn't very worried either.

Injecting all the golden pills of ascension that had been collected into the huge tower, the time was extremely activated, and Ling Tian also began to retreat with everyone.

Prepare to absorb the elixir of elixir.

In the secret room of the third-story tower, Ling Tian sat cross-legged, and suddenly thought that after Cai'er had just killed the Insect King, she also got a storage ring.

Thinking of this, Ling Tian took out the ring with his palm.

The ring was pitch black and looked very rough, and the refining technique, at first glance, knew that it belonged to a foreign race.

Are you stupid?

Ling Tian shook his head. He wanted to come to the stubborn arrogant Red Sea City, but in the end he died tragically in the worm tide. Thinking about it, it was awkward enough.

Shennian easily cracked the ring, Ling Tian infiltrated it, and found that there was nothing in the ring except for a large number of Immortal Ascension Pills.

Entering Shengxian Road, ordinary immortal stones have little effect.

Therefore, many Tianjiao will not be brought in.

"Huh? What is this?"

Suddenly, Ling Tian found a pitch-black jade slip in the corner of the ring space.

On the jade slips, there are exquisite vigorous patterns, which look like human things.

Ling Tian was a little curious about the jade slip of a human race in Hu's hand.

Moreover, this jade slip seemed to carry an ancient aura, and it didn't seem to be obtained from a human warrior.

With doubts, Ling Tian used his spiritual thoughts to go directly into the jade slip.

However, I found that the jade slip had an array restriction on it. The restriction was very old and had not been opened before. I thought that the stubborn array was not well-versed, so I kept the jade slip in the corner.

However, for Ling Tian, ​​this was just a matter of hand.

During the breath, the restriction was broken, but the next moment, a tyrannical will to kill, burst out from it, roaring!

Even, at this moment, Ling Tian seemed to feel that thousands of troops were rushing forward, boundless fighting spirit, like thunder and fire, turning into a fairy king and general, king over the world!


Suddenly, a big breath descended from the sky, as if to kill Ling Tian's divine mind will.


At this moment, above the Dao Foundation in Ling Tian's body, the shadow of the emperor suddenly opened his eyes.

An awe-inspiring battle intent burst out from it, and instantly wiped out that great breath.


Ling Tian's spirit was saved, but he also directly launched the jade slip.

If it weren't for the primordial martial spirit on the Daojia just now, I'm afraid that this time, he would suffer a great loss of spiritual consciousness.

Inside this jade slip, there is such a terrifying strand of will, which is not much, and it may even be killed directly.

Ling Tian let out a sigh, but he became more and more curious about this jade slip.

The breath of talent just now, even if it is not as good as the emperor, the immortal, but it is definitely the level of the immortal king.

This is definitely a treasure!

Holding the jade slip in his hand, Ling Tian's spirit infiltrated it again.


槊 spectrum! ?

Ling Tian's mind suddenly tightened when he saw the three bright characters in the jade slip!

The record in this pitch-black jade slip turned out to be a book!

It's really effortless to break through the iron shoes and find no place to find it!

Ever since Ling Tian got the Heiqi in his hand in the ancient battlefield of Hangushan, but now, he hasn't practiced any qi.

It's because there is no high-grade top-level music score at all!

Such cheats are too scarce.

Unexpectedly, now in the hands of this awkward, you can still find this class of music.

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