Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2021: Annex Wushuang City

"Fifth time!? Why, is there any difference?"

Li Wuyou scratched his head.

"It's not the same. The fifth infestation will arrive only half a month after the fourth infestation."

Everyone looked at each other, "Half a month, isn't that better?"

"No, the fifth worm infestation is extraordinary. From the memory of the insect king killed today, I have found the scale and intensity of the fifth worm inundation. It will be unprecedented. At that time, there will be nothing under the fourth-level ancient city. The city can resist."

Ling Tian shook his head.

"So scary!? So, we have to expand the city to a radius of three hundred miles with the money of the fifth worm wave?" Zhao Min frowned.

"Yes, there must be more human warriors in need."

Ling Tian nodded.

He narrowed his eyes, "Mining is not enough for us to complete the expansion, we can only annex, annex the big city!"

"You mean, go find Yan Nanfei!?"

"So soon, are you going to face them head-on?"

Huangfu took a deep breath before entering Shengxian Road, not a few days later.


"If you want to come, they must also want to find me!"

Ling Tian clenched his hands tightly.

"I will let them know who I am Ling Tian!"

The ninth day when Shengxian Road opened.

Wushuang City.

This is the inscribed name of the son of Wushuang City, the occupied ancient city.

For this, it is natural to make Wushuang City famous on Shengxian Road.

Of course, they didn't want to occupy this city forever, but the worms were too violent and they had to rest for a while.

But the fierceness of this fourth wave of insects far exceeded Yan Nanfei's expectations...

On the city wall, looking at the fragmented defensive formation, Yan Nanfei was holding a long knife in his hand, **** and panting like a cow.

This time the insect infestation lasted for a full two sticks of incense.

Moreover, the formation of this ancient city, the warriors of Wushuang City, only activated 70%.

Fortunately, the stalemate reached the last moment, and the worm tide disappeared.

Otherwise, life and death are really unknown.

Originally, in this city, there were 1,500 people he brought from Wushuang City, plus the large and small teams gathered along the way, there were also nearly 2,500 people in size.

Excluding the five hundred people Lu Zhiyao took away three days ago, there are still two thousand people left.

But after the impact of this beast wave, as many as five hundred people were lost in the city!

"Holy Son, there is news about Miss Leng Yue."

At this time, the warriors of Wushuang City Lord's Mansion flew up the city wall.

"Leng Yue!? What news!? Is she already killing Ling Tian?"

Yan Nanfei turned around when he heard the words.

And beside him, a young man in a white sword suit also turned and looked over.

This person's sword eyebrows are eye-catching, and between his eyebrows and eyes, there is still some scholarly air.

"Uh, no, it's not."

The warrior of Wushuang City murmured, and cautiously said: "The news that just came back, Leng Yue waited for the people in Gusu City on the first day that Shengxian Road opened. However, she was killed by Ling Tian. Above the city wall."

"What? Leng Yue, dead!?"

"No, it's impossible!" Yan Nanfei suddenly pulled the warrior up, "I left five hundred people for Leng Yue, plus a large and small team, a full 1,000 people, and she has a city in her hand, relying on it. With the tide of worms, you can kill the warriors in Gusu City!"

"How can she die!?"

First, he didn't believe it, and second, what Leng Yue said, it was his cousin.

How can he accept it! ?

Scholar Bai Yu also frowned. How did Leng Yue say, he was also the chief of Xuanfeng Sword Sect. Even if he didn't enter the top ten of the Dragon and Phoenix rankings, he would be killed by Ling Tian Yili.

"Holy Son! This is true. We don't know the specific situation. There is too little news from the rear. Everything is too strange. Even the same door we stayed behind in the city has lost contact."

The warrior trembled all over.

"Get down, useless things!"

Yan Nanfei threw the warrior from the city wall, putting his big hand on the brick wall.

"Bai Hao, do you believe that Leng Yue died at the hands of Ling Tian?"

The man behind him thought for a while and shook his head, "I don't believe it, Leng Yue ranks sixteenth in the Dragon and Phoenix Ranking. I know that Ling Tian is capable of killing my cousin Bai Yu, but there is no reason to kill Leng Yue."

"I think it should be the work of Huangfu Changle, and later generations used it as an error."

"Hehe, no matter who I am, I dare to kill people in Wushuang City, I will let them pay for it!"

"From now on, I'll be waiting for them here, if I don't completely destroy the Gusu City warriors, I, Yan Nanfei, swear not to be a man!"

Yan Nanfei lifted his long sword and turned around suddenly.

"If the order continues, everyone will cheer me up. There will be warriors in Gusu City approaching everything, and there will be no mercy for killing!"

However, at this time, the warriors inside and outside the city did not pay attention to Yan Nanfei's yelling, but stared at the sky blankly.

Each face was full of horrified expressions.

Yan Nanfei turned around and found that even this Cang Yue Jianzong Tianjiao Bai Hao was the same.

"Young Master Nanfei, look, what is that!?"

Yan Nanfei followed Bai Hao's gaze and turned around, his pupils suddenly shrinking.

I saw that in the distant clouds, I don't know when, a huge city flew out!

That's right, it's a giant city!

This huge city has a radius of one hundred and fifty li, flying above a thousand feet of height, covering the sky and the sun, while slowly flying, there is a thunder that shakes the sky and the earth.

"This is, what the hell!"

At this moment, even as the Son of Wushuang City, Yan Nanfei was still dumbfounded.

This city flying at extreme speed has exceeded his cognition.

The ancient city can fly in the sky! ?

"Then, how come it seems that there are still people up there!?"

But suddenly, Bai Hao's pupils shrank.

He clearly saw that there were densely packed figures above the ancient city that had flown from, and it was definitely a human race.

"No, it's impossible, it's Huangfu Changle!"

"It's the warrior of Gusu City!"

Soon, Yan Nanfei also saw the figure on the city wall clearly.

The golden figure shrouded in sacred glory is not Huangfu Changle, who else can it be! ?

The warriors of Gusu City arrived so soon!

Moreover, he came from this ancient city that can fly!

At this moment, all the warriors in the ancient city, regardless of their injuries, flew up the city wall, looking at the giant city that flew like a **** from the sky, marveling again and again.

This is truly breathtaking.

Even the city in the sky they saw in Tianfei before, is it just so?

What is even more incredible is that above this city are all the warriors of Gusu City.

These people were targeted by the three holy cities, and it stands to reason that they should have been destroyed long ago!

"The city seems to have stopped!"

At this time, someone exclaimed again.

I saw the sky city hovering fifty miles away from the ancient city.

Immediately, a ray of light shot up into the sky, directed towards them, and shot towards them.

Although there was only one, it made everyone seem to see a sharp sword across the sky, tearing through the sky, and attacking with unparalleled sword intent.

The void is shaking!

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