Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2022: Tenth on the Killing Dragon and Phoenix List【Large

"What a strong sword world! In Gusu City, there are kendo wizards!?"

Yan Nanfei was astonished that this kind of will is so strong,

"I heard that Li Yunlan of the Five Great Sword Sects is in the Gusu City camp. Could it be that..."

"No, that's Ling Tian!"

"He's here alone!"

Bai Hao frowned and was thinking, but after a while, the figure on the opposite side still descended in front of the ancient city.

This person, dressed in Tsing Yi, with flying silver hair, carrying a large arm in his hand, is full of fighting spirit.

With a cold face, he looked at everything on the city wall.

Although only one person came, its boundless momentum, but it seemed to be carrying a thousand troops!

"Ling Tian!"

At this time, Yan Nanfei finally saw Ling Tian's face clearly.

However, from Ling Tian's face, what he saw was not that he was in awe and horror.

Even less attention.

Instead, it is contempt!

That's right, just contempt!

Yan Nanfei has never felt this kind of look since he was a child.

Today he Ling Tian, ​​what a thing! ?

"Ling Tian, ​​my cousin Leng Yue, is it dead in your hands?"

Yan Nanfei narrowed his eyes.

Although he was astonished at the city that could fly, he still hadn't put it in his eyes as the sixth in the dragon and phoenix list, the Saint Child of Wushuang City, a Gusu City camp.


Ling Tian raised his head and said lightly.

"You are so bold and daring! Kill me Wushuang City Tianjiao, now, you are here to plead guilty to death, so that I can spare Gusu City Warriors!?"

Yan Nanfei's face was grim.

The only regret is that the saint Lu Zhiyao is not there.

Otherwise, she would be able to see how this Ling Tian was tortured and killed by him.

"I want you this city."

However, Ling Tian's voice suddenly fell cold.

Want this city! ?

For a time, on the city wall, Wushuang City warriors all whispered.

When Ling Tian came here alone, he wanted the city! ?

Is this person crazy! ?

Even if he has the ability to kill Leng Yue, he is so rampant, right?

When all the Warriors in the city do not exist?

When Yan Nanfei Bai Hao does not exist?

At this moment, the killing intent in Yan Nanfei's eyes immediately surged, and he said coldly: "Ling Tian, ​​you are crazy!? What qualifications do you have to talk to me, Yan Nanfei!? You were in Tianfei before, if Huangfu Changle was not here, you would have been died!"

"The Tianjiao in the three holy cities is far from what you can imagine!"

As he spoke, the killing intent surging in him grew stronger, and he really didn't pay much attention to Ling Tian.

What if Ling Tian really killed Leng Yue?

Leng Yue ranked sixteenth, and he was sixth on the Dragon and Phoenix Ranking!

He has a top-tier fairy soldier in his hand, an endless stream of superb supernatural powers, tyrannical heavenly treasures, Ling Tian is not worth mentioning in his eyes.

Not even worthy of him to do it himself.

"Ling Tian, ​​I will give you one last chance, immediately, immediately, and self-decision in front of me, you are not qualified yet, let me do it myself!"

Yan Nanfei looked indifferent, and the sea of ​​qi in his body kept surging.

"Don't give it!?"

"At first, Leng Yue did the same, and then she died."

"Today, if you don't hand over the city, you will also end up."

Ling Tian lifted his hand slowly.

"court death!"

When Ling Tian spoke out of his mouth without mercy, Yan Nanfei's complexion turned black almost instantly.

Now, before the two cities, under the presence of thousands of human warriors, Ling Tian dared to be so rampant.

He stared at Ling Tian, ​​and said coldly: "The **** from South China City, shamelessly, do it and kill him!"

When the voice fell, more than a dozen people in Wushuang City, who had quietly dispersed long ago, burst out with strong magical powers,


More than a dozen figures directly shattered the boulders under their feet, and the fierce offensive immediately enveloped the sky.

"I can't help myself!"

Ling Tian's expression was indifferent, his thoughts moved slightly, the majestic sword world turned into a storm and roared away, covering his entire body in an instant.


Accompanied by the earth-shattering sound of swords, more than a dozen people who rushed immediately fell into the sword intent, and a hundred thousand sword shadows whizzed back and forth, and the ten people were strangled and strangled. Blood mist.

"Holy Son Wushuang, it's better for you to come up alone. These people are just going to die!"

The corner of Ling Tian's mouth raised, and he had never moved half a step.

"I will meet him!"

Before that Yan Nanfei left, Bai Hao drew out the fairy sword and flew forward.

The body is filled with fairy light, and the high-grade Taoist body blooms with the blue sacred glory of the mountains.

Let it look like the son of a fairy.

Can't be forever.

"Ling Tian, ​​do you know who I am?"

Ling Tian looked across his eyebrows, and suddenly felt that this person was somewhat similar to Bai Yu from the Bailu Academy.

"The Bai family?"

"Hehe, that's right! I am Bai Hao, the second disciple of Cang Yue Jianzong, and tenth on the Dragon and Phoenix Ranking!"

"Ling Tian, ​​you killed my cousin Bai Yu before, you should understand that there will be today!"

"I didn't expect that you knew you had offended Yue Shengcheng, but you still dared to come to Shengxian Road."

"I admit that you are very strong, but the top ten geniuses on the Dragon and Phoenix list are not something you can contend with. Give up!"

Bai Hao Qingjian coldly drank, but in the sea of ​​anger, it was already urged.

Within the fairy light, the Jinxian's will of the early days has already blessed his combat power, ready to launch a thunderous blow at any time!

"Hehe, isn't it?"

"Top ten on the Dragon and Phoenix list?"

Unexpectedly, Ling Tian seemed to be indifferent, and immediately pointed to his feet, "Come on, let's take a shot, I take a step, and I lose."


"Today, Bai Hao, I will not take your head, so I will not be a man!?"

Being so despised by Ling Tian, ​​a cold light flashed in Bai Hao's eyes, his figure whizzed out like lightning, and the long sword slashed towards Ling Tian.

The sharp sword light turned into the height of the mountain and strode out towards Ling Tian. However, he found that Ling Tian's eyes had turned, just standing there and looking at him quietly, unexpectedly, there was no intention to make a move.

"court death."

Bai Hao had an indifferent expression, and the shadow of the earth-colored flood dragon appeared around the fierce Jianfeng, wanting to engulf Ling Tian directly.

The heavily blessed Cang Yue's unique sword demonstrates the unmatched combat power of the top ten arrogances of the Dragon and Phoenix Rankings.


But what made everyone stunned was that the sword light fell on top of Ling Tian's head, but in an instant, it was crushed by the storm formed by the 100,000 sword shadows.

Bai Hao's pupils shrank, and he clearly felt the power of the sword world in Ling Tian's body, how terrifying!

But a sword failed. In that instant, Bai Hao's figure flashed, before Ling Tian entered, and immediately a sword fist fell on Ling Tian's chest.

He didn't believe it, Ling Tianzhen didn't move, accepting his punch.


But when the punch fell, Bai Hao felt that it was not a flesh and blood body, but an indestructible divine body.

His face was terrified, but he saw Ling Tian staring at him indifferently, and said, "Top ten on the Dragon and Phoenix Ranking!?"

But when Bai Hao’s attack hit Ling Tian’s body, he felt that Ling Tian seemed to be different from what he thought. At least in terms of strength, he was much more aggressive than him. Let him attack, let alone break open. Defense can't even shake his body. What kind of body is this?

With his strength, even if it fell on Yan Nanfei, it wouldn't be so, right?

How terrible is Ling Tian's body, what he cultivates is the nine transformations of a true dragon, and the blood and bones of the horned dragon are cast, making Ling Tian's current body no different from that of the horned dragon.

At this time, under his clothes, there were green-red dragon scales manifesting.

Ling Tian's physical body is not what it used to be, and now his body is below the top three in the dragon and phoenix list, no one can shake it.

Bai Haoxiang is proud, but in his eyes, he has never cared about Ling Tian.

The palm of his hand stretched out, the fairy light behind Ling Tian surged, the boundless fiery red vitality condensed into a big hand, and he directly grabbed Bai Hao, who didn't even have time to retreat, his face was miserably defeated, and he stared at Ling Tian fiercely.

"You are nothing but that!?"

There was a hint of contempt and disgust in Ling Tian's eyes. This Bai Hao, he had never seen a single face before, so he wanted to kill him?

"Ling Tian! My senior brother is Canglan Mountain, the sacred son of Yue Shengcheng. He is the third on the Dragon and Phoenix Ranking! Unmatched combat power!"

"If you dare to move me, my brother, I will never let you go!"

Bai Hao felt that he was clenched by Ling Tian's big hands, and he couldn't get rid of it.

"Haha, Canglan Mountain!?"

"He doesn't have to look for death, otherwise, I will kill him as well!"

Ling Tian's palm pressed slightly, and with a soft click, Bai Hao was squeezed into a cloud of blood.

I am afraid that from the day he entered Shengxian Road, he did not expect that he would die in the hands of a junior from Xijiang.

Moreover, it died so miserably.

Ling Tian opened his hands, his expression indifferent.

Squeezing a dragon and phoenix list tenth is like killing a dog.

Yan Nanfei didn't feel uncomfortable looking at the fallen body, Bai Hao was not his.

It was just a little surprised at Ling Tian's strength. Although he knew that Ling Tian was definitely not weak, he did not come from the four holy cities after all.

However, Bai Hao just died.

Even he asked himself, if he came to kill Bai Hao, it would be nothing more than that.

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