Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2032: War

This is horrible.

In the absence of Heavenly Immortal Soldiers, perhaps even Ouyang Feng would not be Fan Jingang's opponent.

This Ling Tian not only accepted the opponent's attack, but also repelled Fan Jingang?

Moreover, looking at the terrifying Longwei on Ling Tian now, everyone took a breath.

This, it seems that Ling Tian is really not alone anymore!

At this moment, there was a rumbling sound, and Fan Jingang's body ejected, and instantly descended to the sky, overlooking Ling Tian, ​​his ferocious face was full of fright.

The supreme Golden Ape Clan Tianjiao was shocked by a fist from a human descendant.

This is simply a shame.

At this time, the brilliance of his body was more dazzling, and the armor on his body became more solid.

Fan Jingang looked at Ling Tian in Hualong, with horror in his heart.

That punch just before Ling Tian, ​​the dragon power within it was extremely terrifying.

Moreover, being able to confront him can also prove that Ling Tian's physical body has reached a terrifying situation.

"Hehe, let me see, how many jins are you on earth!"

Above the sky, the battle spirit behind Fan Jingang once again bloomed with sacred glory, and the infinite power oscillated in the void and gathered on his arms.

At this time, Fan Jingang's arms and fists were like those made of gold, and the sacred glory bloomed like two giant peaks.

At this moment, under the light of the thousands of feet of war soul behind him, Fan Jingang at this moment was like an ancient god, unparalleled in the world.

The infinite coercion was suppressed by Ling Tian, ​​but he saw the immortal light vibrating behind Ling Tian. Although there was no immortal shadow manifested, the boundless volition caused the dragon to burn the terrifying flame of the immortal. And the coercion of Fan Jingang, collided in the void.

Chamber resists ceremony.

Not weak at all.


"Golden Ape moves the mountain hammer!"

Fan Jingang hammered his chest fiercely, then his arms were like mountains, and he suddenly smashed down towards Ling Tian.

This time, Fan Jingang didn't have any reservations, and all his power was taken out.

The boxing front is like a golden mountain, extremely tyrannical.

Ling Tian stretched out his big palm and used the dragon's mighty thunder to condense into a huge palm print, pushing out horizontally.

In the void, fists and palms meet, and everything collapses.

The sound waves swept across like the doomsday, and the earth broke apart. Whether it was a human race or a foreign race, they all retreated at this time, looking at the two figures in the void from a distance.

This kind of fighting between top arrogances is really terrifying.

Afraid of the aftermath, countless deaths could be caused.

Ling Tian's gaze did not show the slightest wave. He just raised his head to look at the void, like a dragon war god, the glory of the beginning was shining, and it was impossible to live. On him, an invisible general trend bloomed, and this general trend enveloped his body, and Fan Jingang's Jinshan straight fist fell. At that time, they were all wiped out by Ling Tian's light of thunder.

The aftermath shook his body without shaking at all.

The body of the horned dragon after its transformation was too tyrannical.

Ling Tian clenched his fists with both hands, and was also feeling this powerful energy.

"I don't believe it, you are a human race, and your body can compare with me!"

The Jinshan Giant Fist failed to make merit, and Fan Jingang roared and flashed down. The whole figure looked like a mountain. When he reached Ling Tian, ​​his hands were torn off.

At this moment, he actually wanted to see if Ling Tian's physical body was real or not.

He just wanted to fight Ling Tian close together!

Fan Jingang roared with a shocking roar, and countless fist fronts smashed down one after another.

In the void, it was pitch black, and the space was torn apart!

Ling Tian naturally wouldn't be afraid.

On the contrary, he burned the supreme fighting spirit and fought in close quarters. He hadn't experienced it for a long time.

It is almost impossible for the Terran to want to get close.

The strength of the physical body is a natural moat.

However, Ling Tian is different.

At this time, his body possessed the complete exclamation and bones of the horned dragon.

Bang bang bang!

Two huge figures were above the sky, blasting madly, as if two ancient giant beasts were fighting.

This terrifying scene even caused the foreign army that besieged Yutian City to stop attacking.

Stunned to witness the battle in the sky.

Perhaps, the result of the battle of the Imperial Sky City actually depends on the two figures, who can win.

In the distance, Canglan Mountain was also separated from Huangfu Changle.

Looking at Ling Tian who was swinging the dragon fist, he swallowed, "Is he always so strong?"

‘I didn’t expect that, I just saw his swordsmanship, no one can match. "

"This physical body, he has used it for the first time."

Huangfu shook his head.

There are so many secrets in Ling Tian.


Canglan Mountain frowned, secretly saying that Ling Tian is so fierce with his bare hands, if he adds swordsmanship! ?

Then, who could be his opponent! ?

On the other side, Lu Zhiyao, who had never done anything before, kept his eyes on Ling Tian.

The latter's strength still surpassed her expectations.

Could it be that all Tianjiao on this road to ascend to immortality are not Ling Tian's opponents?

I don't know why, she is a little sour in her heart.


Suddenly, above the sky, there was thunder bursting and golden light splashing.

The two figures fighting together suddenly collapsed.

At this time, Ling Tian's dragon body and Fan Jingang's huge body were full of bloodstains.

Obviously, both Tianjiao were injured.

But the outcome is still not divided.

"Hehe, are you still not convinced?"

Ling Tian wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and looked at the opposite side provocatively.


"You are obviously a human race, but you can use the power of the dragon race. This is not fair!"

Fan Jingang was ashamed.

After so long, he hasn't been able to help Lingtian.

"Haha, fair!?"

Ling Tian Fei Ascended Martial Artist, from the day that he descended into this chaotic battlefield, he has walked up step by step, and I can obtain resources without you being born as a arrogant arrogant. "

"Now, what are you telling me fair!"

"I want to see how many palms you can hold me! Today, I will destroy you!"

Ling Tian shouted angrily, and the big thunder palms were intertwined again, and enveloped.

This time, Jun Lei's palm, Ling Tian had already urged to the extreme, the sea of ​​Qi was fully opened, and he was blessed in the beginning.

Fan Jingang may be able to stop him today, but he is bound to be embarrassed.

At this moment, he already understood that no matter whether he was in power or physical body, he couldn't help transcending the sky.

Moreover, Ling Tian still has that horrible fire and endless fairy arts blessings.

Standing high above the sky, watching the thunder coming from Ling Tian's palm, Fan Jingang roared, and the golden light all over his body suddenly condensed, and a hand of immortal soldiers, manifested, was held tightly by him.

Everyone's pupils shrank.

That weapon blade enveloped thousands of feet of golden sage, extremely dazzling.

It was an extremely bright golden spear, and Fan Jingang, who held the golden spear in his hand, was like a god.

The combat power skyrocketed almost instantly.

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