Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2034: I want to grab Tianyu!

But at this time, the warrior of the Zhang family camp shuddered all over.

If Fan Jingang was defeated, then the foreign race would also be defeated.

But they had just shot together, wanting to break the Imperial City.

So Ling Tian, ​​can you let them go?

"Also, any last words!?"

Ling Tian took the long sword and flew down, landing in front of Fan Jingang.

What Yaozu relies on most is the flesh.

But under Ling Tian's sword, Fan Jingang's ape clan body was no longer invincible.

"Haha, I am not convinced!"

"You still use the power of the dragon!"

Fan Jingang said with sobbing blood.

"Hehe, this is the advantage of my human race."

"You have to admit it!"

Ling Tian's sword pointed directly at Fan Jingang's head.

"It's useless to kill me. You still can't get out of this road to ascend to immortality. Without my 20,000 foreign races, your human force will not be able to survive the next worm wave!"

Fan Jingang sneered.

"This, you don't have to worry about it."

"Follow your foreign race in Honghaicheng, let's die together!"

Given the Ling Tian long sword, he directly cut off Fan Jingang's head.

The supreme arrogant of Hong Haicheng was beheaded by Ling Tian in this way.

Those alien warriors in Honghai City also had no heads at this time. Soon, under the leadership of the tianjiao, they fled in panic.

With Ling Tian's combat power today, they can definitely kill all of them.

"They have the elixir of ascension on them, kill them all!"

Ling Tian's long sword pointed directly, and thousands of human warriors rushed out of the Yutian City.

Twenty thousand alien races no longer have the intent to fight. Terran warriors are rare to chase and kill alien races like driving sheep.

"Ling Tian, ​​how do they deal with it!?"

Huangfu flew up and looked at the Zhang family camp.

For a while, Zuo Xiao and others all looked at that Zhang Xuanyi.

This guy was just so arrogant and defiant.

But in fact, even if Ling Tian didn't make a move, more than one person could kill him.

And being watched by everyone, the Zhang family martial artists, including Zhang Xuanyi and Zhang Ruofei's sister and brother, all changed their expressions.

With 20,000 alien races, Ling Tian can still win.

Then their Zhang family camp, life and death, is only between Ling Tian's thoughts.


Ling Tian rose in suspension, standing in front of the Imperial City Gate.

"If you follow, I can let you wait to enter the city. Not only can you resist the next worm infestation, but you can also enjoy the time machine inside the giant tower."

When everyone heard it, they didn't wait for Zhang Xuan to speak, they put away their weapons, and flew toward Yutian City.

"I'm willing to wait!"

"I'm a human race, we should unite as one!"

"We are willing to submit!"

But for a moment, there were only a few dozen people left in the Zhang family camp.

It's miserable.

"Zhang Xuanyi, in the future, please Ling Tian Shengzi, take care of it."

Zhang Xuanyi finally lowered his arrogant head.

He, the general trend has already taken place.

He had no way to compare with Ling Tian.

"what about you!?"

Ling Tian looked at the Yue Shengcheng camp again, "To be honest, if you want to go out of the road to ascend to immortality, you can only be united. I will not kill the same clan indiscriminately. You are all indispensable forces. I, Yutiancheng, all need you."

"The son of Ling Tian has a heart like a sea, I Canglan Mountain, I am ashamed, and I hope the son, don't blame it!"

"My Yue Shengcheng martial artist, I am willing to merge into the Imperial City camp."

Canglan Mountain also flew over with thousands of warriors.

"Haha, very good."

Ling Tian and everyone looked at each other and smiled.

Finally, their power has grown stronger.

The top of the huge tower of the Imperial City.

At this time, Yutian City flew high again, flying towards the depths of Shengxian Road.

Ling Tianduan sat on the top of the huge tower, breathing the nine real dragons.

The dragon's blood rolled, letting the scars on Ling Tian's body be repaired one by one.

Although he was also injured by Fan Jingang, these injuries were nothing to Ling Tian's horned dragon body.

"Hehe, it's still sharp."

Ling Tian raised his hand and looked at the one-foot-long golden spear in his hand.

This spear is a weapon that Fan Jingang is proud of.

Although the refining methods continue to be top-notch, the materials are really top-notch.

Even, it's far beyond the pitch black before.

In the previous battle, Ling Tian's grandiose shattered and it was no longer usable.

Nowadays, the material of this golden spear is good, and it's just used to repair the big stalk.

Anyway, he will not treat A Bao badly.

"A Bao, this weapon is good, it's cheaper for you."

Ling Tian stretched out his hand and pulled out the soul of the golden spear.

The storm dragon swallowed it directly into the mouth, with a burst of excitement.

"Master, rest assured, A Bao will fight for you in the future."

A Bao revolved around Ling Tian.

"Okay, stop flattering!"

Ling Tian melted the golden spear, letting it merge with Dalai.

Three days later, a brand-new dark gold giant was carried by Ling Tian behind him.

"Ling Tian, ​​I found the trace of the martial artist in the Holy City of Heaven."

At this time, Zhao Min gave Ling Tian a message.

"Well, I will go down here."

Ling Tian flew out of the huge tower and landed in the central hall of the city.

At this time, Huangfu, Canglan Mountain, and Zhang Xuan were all here.

"Where are they?"

Ling Tian took a seat above the main position.

"Three thousand miles ahead, Ma Shan is about to arrive."

"There is a stone forest like a sword."

"The wind is all around, and the terrain is a bit strange."

Zhao Min raised his hand and projected an image in front of everyone.

"Three thousand miles away? Ancient Sword Stone Forest."

Ling Tian's pupils shrank.

It is not a coincidence that the place where the warriors of the holy city occupies this day is the ancient relic that Ling Tian is going to go to!

It must be that Ouyang Feng who also killed the insect king!

"Ling Tian, ​​shall we go around? Ouyang Feng has Celestial Immortal Soldiers in his hands."

Zhang Ruofei frowned.

Everyone also looked at Ling Tian, ​​but there was no fear.

"Go around? Why go around? I'm here for the immortal soldiers of that day!"

"Let the order go on, go forward at full speed, and kill Gu Jianshilin, I will kill Ouyang Feng!"

Ling Tian sneered, even if Xuan got up.

The Halberd of Heaven's Sin, not Ouyang Feng, can afford it!

Ancient sword stone forest.

Outside the boundless storm, the strong gathered here at this moment, Ouyang Feng stood on the void, his figure was as straight as a halberd, and his temperament was outstanding.

"How long will it take to break through the ruins!?"

Now, he has been in this stone forest for ten days, but he still has no way to break through the ruins and enter it.

"Holy Son, the formation of the ancient ruins is too strong, at least, it will take half a month."

Before the storm, the formation martial artist of Yutian Holy City trembled and said.

"Half a month!? What do you want!? Get out of here, I blast away the ruins with the halberd of Heaven's Sin!"

Ouyang Feng exclaimed, waved his big hand, flying the array mages, raised his hands, and the enviable Heavenly Immortal Soldier manifested in his hands.

The halberd of Heaven's Sin, everything is unbreakable.

The formation used to blast away the ancient ruins should be very fast.

At this moment, there seemed to be a loud noise coming from a distance, and the ground vibrated. Ouyang Feng asked, "What sound?"

"I don't know." The person next to him shook his head: "It seems to be coming from behind."

They stopped and looked behind them. The roaring sound continued, getting closer and closer, and in the distance, a dark shadow could be seen faintly, slowly flying over from the storm.

"No! It's Imperial City! Flying City!"

"They didn't even get annihilated by the alien!?"

Gu Sheng looked at the flying behemoth in horror.

"Hehe, it's just right!"

"Imperial Sky City and ancient ruins, Ouyang Feng, I want them!"

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