Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2042: Sheng Qiye Tianhuang Battle Sword


However, Murong Ziyan murmured, and finally shook his head.

In the face of so many Tianjiao, he already knew that his sister had a lot of protection, and even they were stronger than him.

This man took out the halberd of Heaven's Sin, pitying him.

"I don't have the right to pick up the halberd of Heaven's Sin."

"I will take revenge, but I don't need a halberd."

Murong Ziyan shook his head, turned to face the arrogances of the Flying Alliance, and walked over step by step.

"court death!"

On the opposite side, Ye Mingyu's gaze returned from the halberd of Tiangui to Murong Ziyan, full of disgust.

"Get away from the halberd of Heaven's Sin, it's an eyesore!"

His big hand fell, and the warriors of the Flying Alliance rushed up again.


However, Ling Tian raised his sleeves, and a strong wind pushed out like a mountain, directly fanning the warriors, immediately waved, and pulled Murong Ziyan aside.

"Kuchi! Don't embarrass you Murong's family!"

Immediately, Ling Tian looked at that Ye Mingyu, "My people in Xijiang, it is not your turn to teach you a lesson."

"who are you?"

Ye Mingyu was cold and gloomy.

In front of everyone, he suppressed the warriors of the Ascension Alliance. Is this person trying to die?

Even Ouyang Feng didn't dare to do this.

However, he did not know this person.

But around him, Canglan Mountain, Zhang Xuanyihuangfu and others, he knew.

But when will these top ten princes of the Dragon and Phoenix Ranking be a strange warrior, the head of the horse will look forward to it?

"Human Race, Ling Tian!"

Ling Tian held his hand and said lightly.

"You are Ling Tian!? Ling Tian from Haoran City!?"

Ye Mingyu's pupils shrank.

He is no stranger to this name.

Because the saints of the Ascension Alliance, Ouyang Yuner and Shen Chenyu, both mentioned this name in the alliance.

However, he did not expect that this legendary character would come to him one day, and he would still be so rampant.


Ling Tian raised his head.

"Haha, it's nothing, I am Shengzi Ye Mingyu of the Ascension Alliance. I heard that Brother Lingtian is also an Ascension Warrior from the lower realms, and I have a good relationship with the saint Ouyang Yuner and the elder Shen Chenyu of my alliance. We are not enemies!"

"Today, it's a martial soul, why don't we find a restaurant and talk about it!?"

"We are all humans, and we should take care of them a lot in the future."

Ye Mingyu looked at Ling Tian's arrogant appearance. Although he was already ashamed, he didn't make a move.

He couldn't see through Ling Tian, ​​and there were too many strong people behind Ling Tian.

Without absolute certainty, he would not be able to do it.

He also soared from the lower realm and lived for hundreds of years. He was not a hot-blooded brat.

"Don't go."

Unexpectedly, Ling Tian on the opposite side did not show him any face.

"You do not deserve."

The corners of Ye Mingyu's mouth twitched suddenly, "Ling Tian, ​​are you too mad, really when you killed that Ouyang Feng and took the halberd of Heaven's Sin, you would be defiant?"

"I didn't think so much, it's just that you slapped my friend's brother, this...has to be returned."

Ling Tian looked at Ye Mingyu with a serious face.

"What? Come back!?"


Ling Tian nodded, "Really!"

"Then I will see when the time comes, you, who has this ability!"

When the sound fell, Ye Mingyu shook his whole body, drew out the dragon head and halberd behind him, and rushed towards him.

At this time, Ye Mingyu was enveloped in the shadow of a rolling golden dragon, and the euphorbia appeared like a dragon, turning the river to the sea, causing a burst of exclamation.

However, the people behind Ling Tian didn't show any surprises, but rather smiled with compassion on their faces.

Playing with Longwei in front of Ling Tian is too ignorant.


Ling Tian didn't even think about making a shot personally. Behind him, he rushed out of the mountain with sword light.

This mountain sword light was interwoven by thunder and overwhelmed the sky and came down.


With a blast, the Thunder Mountain and the Golden Dragon shook each other, and then they collapsed.

The strong wind swept through, and people turned their backs.

Although both sides were a little afraid to fight in the city and gathered some strength, the aftermath was still quite strong.

"Canglan Mountain, you dare to stop me too!?"

Ye Mingyu was shocked when he took back the Euphorbia.

Although he didn't use his full strength, the Eucalyptus in his hand was not a mortal soldier, except for the Heavenly Immortal Soldier, he had no weapons and could easily block it.

But this fairy sword in Canglan Mountain's hand gave him the feeling that it was even more faintly and tyrannical than the Celestial Immortal Soldier.

But this is not the Fire Qi Sword.

And Canglan Mountain, who was in charge of this fairy sword, was able to stop him.


"Hehe, Ye Gongzi, there are people outside, there are days outside the sky, I am just a swordsman now, I still hope you, don't be too slapped, Ling Tian Shengzi wants to slap you, then let him slap one!?"

Canglan Mountain returned the sword into its sheath, holding the fairy sword, and returned to Ling Tian's back.

After the first battle in the stone forest, Canglan Mountain was willing to follow Ling Tian to comprehend the way of swordsmanship and become a sword servant. The deadline was one year.

Ling Tian persuaded him not to listen, so he had no choice but to put the Dragon Yuan sword in his hand during his leisure time.

The former Saint Child of Yue Shengcheng had become Ling Tian's servant holding sword. At that time, he really caused a lot of embarrassment.

"You are all crazy!?"

Ye Mingyu was furious.

Let Ling Tian slap himself in the face, which is simply funny.

"Let's give up resistance, you are not Ling Tian's opponent, and your ascending alliance person is not our opponent."

Zhang Xuanyi sneered with arms folded behind Ling Tian.

"Presumptuous, you guys..."


Ye Mingyu still wanted to curse, but Ling Tian's figure flashed, and the boundless sword power descended, and Ye Mingyu was immediately imprisoned, and the latter flew out with a loud slap in the face.

"Now, it's even."

"If you don't agree, you can come to me at any time."

"I don't mind, clean up the portal for the Ascension Alliance!"

"let's go!"

Ling Tian pulled up the halberd, brought back a group of people, and left.

"Ling Tian!"

"I remember you, you wait for me! If this revenge is not avenged, I swear not to be a man!"

Ye Mingyu lay on the ground and cursed, his face flushed.

This time, he completely lost all face.

"Let's go, go back and find my brother!"

Ye Mingyu followed a group of warriors from the Ascension Alliance and ran away in disgrace.

But on Tianfei Shengxian Road, Ling Tian brought Heavenly Immortal Soldiers to Qizhou City, and the incident of beating Ye Mingyu in public, spread quickly within Qizhou City.

Not because of how strong Ling Tian is.

After all, Human Race is inherently weak.

No matter how strong it was, it was just fighting in the nest, Ling Tian fought, not Sheng Qiye.

And everyone knows that the strongest in this generation of Ascension Alliance is the saint Ouyang Yoona.

It was the halberd of Heaven's Sin that made this incident a hot spot.

This, but the Celestial Soldier!

Moreover, the news that the Tianlei Warhammer was also in Yutian City still circulated.

For a time, this city walked out of the weakest way to rise to immortality, became the focus of Qizhou City.

Even the limelight overwhelmed Sheng Qiye.

Seven Nights City.

Sheng Qiye, who was enveloped in the crimson flame, flew down from the huge tower, and slowly rewarded him on the city wall.

In the city, thousands of warriors looked at this figure in admiration.

Sheng Qiye continued to kill and attack along the way, leading the human race city to move forward, but the foreign race could not stop it.

All of this relied on the swordsmanship on the day of Sheng Qiye.


"Have you heard?"

However, when Sheng Qiye descended on the city wall, there was already a figure there.

This figure was shrouded in black robe, and his voice was dry and dumb, and he couldn't even tell whether it was a male or a female.

"I heard that both the Sky Sin Halberd and Sky Thunder Hammer were born."

Sheng Qiye nodded.

"We finally have an opponent."

Black robe is humane.

"Hehe, what, mad, are you scared too?"

"You have the Heavenly Phoenix Sabre in your hand, what are you afraid of?"

Sheng Qiye smiled suddenly.

"Do you think I'm afraid?"

The black-robed man looked over.

"Nothing is good. The Heavenly Sin War Halberd is nothing. Now there is no one who can match this Heavenly Immortal Soldier with Halberd. So, don’t think about it for the time being. As for the owner of Thunder Warhammer that day, he was the son of the South China City Lord Zuo. Xiao is still a child and there is no threat."

Sheng Qiye didn't care.

"Then, what about Ling Tian, ​​do you understand?"

The black-robed man asked again, "I heard that he is a sword repairman, and he is quite powerful."

"Jianxiu... no one can compare to my Sheng Qiye!"

Sheng Qiye Junyi's face suddenly became gloomy, and the flaming Shenghui was tumbling.

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