Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2048: Santos, is a tortoise

Inside the pavilion, Su Jiu'er got up and reached out to hug it.

Indeed, since the Jiuzhongshan Pass, Su Jiu'er himself didn't know what was wrong, and Ling Tian was all in his mind.

The sky fox clan is noble and noble, especially after she has swallowed nine sky monster grasses to become a top dao body, her xinxing has also become cold.

Even Jin Tianban and other supernatural arrogances, she has never taken it seriously.

Maybe it's because I have met better people.

That person is Ling Tian.

On that day, Ling Tian was in the Jiuzhongshan Pass, and came with a sword.

Su Jiuer knew about saving her from before the Jiuzhongshan Pass.

Her life was a mistake.

"Jiu'er, don't be like this."

But Ling Tian took a step back and stepped aside Su Jiu'er.

There are many warriors here, and the influence is not small.

And for Su Jiu'er, he himself has no idea.

This time I came here just to make some people shut up.

Also, just look at old friends.

"-Don’t call me gracious, it sounds weird.’

Ling Tian smiled.

"Well, Brother Ling, do you... do you think about Jiuer!"

Su Jiu'er's eyes were filled with hope, and his pretty face was pink, so beautiful.

"Uh, okay, okay."

Ling Tian touched his nose, "You have grown up very quickly, and you have surpassed me."

"Come on, you can definitely rush out of Shengxian Road."

"Well, Brother Ling must be able to do it too. After the Seven Great Immortals, Jiu'er will still follow you, OK?" Su Jiu'er nodded.

"Uh...this, let's talk about it."

Ling Tian and Su Jiu'er talked happily under the pavilion. At this time, in the huge garden of the city lord's mansion, countless warriors were paying attention to Ling Tian's side.

Especially the disciples of those aristocratic families and top foreign races, the Heavenly Fox saint who now makes them dream about, is so intimacy with a human race! ?

What is the situation?


Huangfu Changle smiled lightly, and they couldn't help shaking their heads looking at the expressions on the faces of the alien races and even the human race Tianjiao.

Ling Tian's move was really a hatred.

"Sister Zhao Min, the threat of Su Jiu'er is not small, you have to watch Ling Tian." Huangfu Changle smiled.

Although she knew that Ling Tian was unparalleled in her charm, she had never imagined that even such a strange woman as the Heavenly Fox Saint could not escape Ling Tian's palm.

"If he wants, I always don't care."

Zhao Min shrugged.

"Sister, your mentality is really good, if you change to me, I will definitely castrate him!"

Huangfu Changle's voice fell, and Li Wuyou behind was shaking.

Zuo Xiao: "What happened to my nephew."

Li Wuyou: "Urine, urgency."

On the side of the hall, the elders and twelve generals also showed different colors.

Ye Mingxiao's face was gloomy, but Gu Lingxi frowned slightly, not knowing what he was thinking.

Yin Chi played with the blood-red beads in his hands, but didn't react much. Instead, he looked at the furious Jin Tianban, and the corners of his mouth raised a sneer.

Perhaps he is the one who is least interested in Su Jiu'er's beauty among all the warriors.

"Hehe, this guy, really has some patience, Qiye, this time, you can be regarded as losing him."

Inside the pavilion of Sheng Qiye, Situ Wuxin smiled while holding the guqin.

"It's useless, it will only make him die faster."

Sheng Qiye pursed his lips and said.

He knew that Ling Tian was capable, but he didn't expect that the other party could be so ignorant of his identity and would still steal the limelight on such occasions.

Does he really think he is the number one in the human race?

Soon, Ling Tian flew out of Su Jiu'er's pavilion.

From beginning to end, the two were separated by a considerable distance, but all warriors could see the reluctance in Su Jiu'er's eyes, which seemed to be enough to explain the problem.

"Ling Tian, ​​if you have a seed, let Lao Tzu come out and see if Lao Tzu will kill you!"

Jin Tianjin was still holding a sledgehammer and howling.

But Ling Tian didn't give the other party a chance, and went straight back to take a seat in the hall.

Jin Tian forbids itching at all, but it just can't happen.

"The city lord is here!"

At this moment, from the direction of the inner house of the city lord's mansion, there was a shout suddenly, and in a moment, in the huge garden, tens of thousands of warriors, in an instant, all silenced.

Even Jin Tianban, who had just opened his teeth and danced his claws, quickly put away the sledgehammer and sat back in the pavilion with An Sheng.

Faced with the city lord of Qizhou, he also dared not make a mistake.

Ling Tian also put down the spirit tea in his hand and looked in the direction of the hall.

For this legendary Qizhou City Lord, he is still very curious.

It is said that the city lord is already in the Golden Fairy Realm, placed in the outside human race, that is also the top powerhouse.

However, when a figure was surrounded by the twelve generals and walked onto the central throne of the main hall, Ling Tian couldn't help but raise his brow.

Zuo Xiao, Li Wuyou and others behind him also widened their eyes.

Not because of how tall and mighty this Qizhou City Lord is, but because he is too short!

And the race of this city lord...

It's no wonder that when they asked others about the City Lord's race, those people were secretive.

"It turns out that the city lord is a tortoise..."

Zuo Xiao smashed his mouth, and after seeing the city lord sitting down, he couldn't help but mutter.

"Speak down! That is the existence of Jinxian, be careful with a finger, you will be crushed to death."

Zuo Xianzhi covered Zuo Xiao's mouth.

Ling Tian's pupils shrank, if in terms of image, this Qizhou City Lord was really not very good.

The city lord looked only five feet tall and looked like a dwarf. Although he was wearing a luxurious long-distance race, his back was bulged.

That is his shell.

But Ling Tian felt a tyrannical dragon clan pressure from the city lord's body.

Dragon turtle.

The race of Qizhou City Lord turned out to be the descendant of the mythical beast Xuanwu.

No wonder it is so tyrannical.

Although it is short and ugly in appearance, none of the warriors has the slightest slightest contempt.

This kind of blood is absolutely rare among other races.

Even if it is not a **** body, it is definitely the talent of the top Taoist body.

In addition, he may have practiced for hundreds of thousands of years, and his cultivation level is unfathomable.

He just sat there quietly, causing everyone to bow their heads involuntarily.

This is also the first time Ling Tian has come into contact with a golden immortal powerhouse of a foreign race. It is really tyrannical.

"Hehe, my younger generations, don't be cautious, the old man Li Wen is the city lord of Qizhou. Now I see so many arrogances of all races gathered in Qizhou, I am also very relieved!"

"So, today I have a special feast to invite all the younger generations to come and join in the feast. Everyone, please accompany the old man to have a drink, how about!!!"

As he said, the city lord raised the glass in his hand.

And the next moment, in the garden, all the warriors also toasted together.

Drink it all in one go.

This Qizhou City Lord didn't seem to have the slightest arrogance, so that all the younger generations were relieved in their hearts.

"Hehe, good, good, very good."

Li Wen's gaze swept across the six pavilions one by one, and she couldn't help but nod her head again and again, especially when she swept through Su Jiu'er and the Jin Tian forbidden, she couldn't help but smile, like the alien Tianjiao, in the future, will let Qizhou City, Strengthen Sheng.

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