Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2051: Blood of the Immortal King

"no problem!"

"I'll come first!"

Jin Tianjin did his part, walking through the ore, and the golden light on his forehead surged. Although he was consuming his energy crazily, he still persisted.

Finally, after another cup of tea, Jin Tianjian picked two stones out.

However, his face is not very good.

The ores that City Master Li Wen took out were very strange. Even if he was hopeful of the Sky Eye, it was still quite difficult to identify them.

Arrived in Lingtian.

Everyone thought that Ling Tian would also need to waste a lot of time, but what they didn't expect was that he just walked around, as if looking at the flowers, and took out two pieces of ore.

"It's over?"

Li Wen frowned.

He knew the identification of these void mines.

Over the years, he has also seen a lot of Jianshi masters, but no one has ever lived as easily as Ling Tian.

It looks more like a random search.


Ling Tian nodded and placed the stone under his feet.

"Ling Tian, ​​you will definitely lose."

Jin Tianjin narrowed his eyes slightly.

"Don't talk too full, otherwise, you may not be able to get off the stage for a while!"

Ling Tian sneered.

"Well, you two don't quarrel, who will solve the stone first?"

Li Wendao.

"Me first!"

Jin Tianban thought for a while, and handed the stone on his left hand to Li Wen.

The stone is not big, only the size of a melon.

Jin Tianban didn't actually see through this stone, but faintly, this stone gave him a strange feeling. It was certain that something came out, and it depends on its value.


Li Wen nodded, and soon picked up the stone. Jinxian's powerful force surged and directly violently crushed the ore.


However, in this moment, an extremely tyrannical atmosphere of the monster race suddenly burst out of the ore.

The aura swept all around in an instant, and even caused Ling Tian and Jin Tianban around them to retreat directly.

The warriors in the audience also stood up suddenly in an instant.

"Oh my God, yes, it's the breath of the demon clan fairy king!"

"Could it be that it is a piece of the bone of the fairy king!?"

"The bone of the immortal king! Jin Tianban actually opened the bone of the immortal king!"

Elder Qizhou exclaimed.

The twelve generals were also killed.

The bones of the fairy king?

What a precious existence! ?

Jin Tian Ban was able to open such a treasure, almost undefeated.

"Yes, although it's just a piece of the fairy king's hand bones, you can also understand the will of the fairy king from it, which is quite useful to me."

Looking at the small piece of the bone of the fairy king, Li Wen praised.

Although it is not a **** bone of the fairy king level, it is also quite precious.

He looked at Ling Tian again, "Human junior, you are not under pressure."

"Haha, it doesn't matter, this piece of the fairy king's bones is just a chicken rib, tasteless to eat, it is a pity to discard it."

But unexpectedly, Ling Tian sneered at this piece of the bone of the fairy king.

This surprised everyone again.

Is this Ling Tian's tone too big?

"Ling Tian, ​​you are too arrogant, the bones of the fairy king, dare you say it is a chicken rib!"

"I don't believe it, what baby can you see, it's better than this piece of the bone of the fairy king!"

Jin Tianjian angered Ling Tian.

"City Lord, the treasure in this ore can defeat the bones of the Immortal King."

Ling Tian handed over an ore.


Li Wen was curious, the ore that Ling Tian brought over was smaller, only a fist.

Although he didn't believe it, he directly squeezed the stone.


"Get out of the way!"

But at the moment of squeezing, Li Wen exclaimed, and immediately waved his sleeves, sending the two Ling Tian directly out.

With an explosion, the entire city lord's mansion was shaking.

An unmatched demon gas rushed into the sky, shockingly.

But at this time, the city lord Li Wen directly opened the city formation and suppressed the demon pressure.

Immediately, from the dazzling profound light, everyone saw a drop of blood in Li Wen's heart holding his hands in shock.

That's right.

Just a drop of blood!

One drop, the blood of the fairy king!

"The blood of the fairy king!"

"My God, there is such a pure blood of the Immortal King in this stone!?"

"A drop of the blood of the fairy king is enough for the monster warrior to comprehend the will of the soul of the fairy king!"

"Yes, it's enough to create a great evildoer!"

"Even City Lord Li Wen can integrate this fairy king's will into his own battle soul, so that his combat power will skyrocket. At that time, it may not be impossible to understand a more powerful battle soul!"

Seeing that drop of Immortal King's blood, everyone was stunned.

The blood in this place is invaluable to the monster race!

Even among all the current descendants of the alien race, there is only one Jin Tianban, awakening the spirit of the immortal king of the golden lion alien race.

It is enough to see the value of this drop of blood.

"Ling Tian, ​​you won."

Putting the blood into his sleeve, Li Wen's eyes fell on Ling Tian, ​​looking at him deeply.

"Hehe, congratulations to Senior City Lord, for obtaining the treasure."

Ling Tian nodded, without a trace of regret on his face.

It seems that the blood of the immortal king is in his eyes, and its value is nothing more than that.

"Let's go back."

Li Wen didn't say much, and returned to the main hall.

"Ling Tian, ​​you remember, you will regret everything you did today."

"Fight against me, you won't have a good end."

Jin Tianjin looked at Ling Tian coldly, with killing intent in his eyes.

This human race not only snatched his Su Jiu'er, but now even the Stone Mirror Technique has been defeated.

"After half a month, I am waiting for you."

Ling Tian sneered and flew back to the pavilion.

Of course, he also took the piece of ore presented by Li Wen.

Ling Tian would not give Li Wen a drop of the blood of the fairy king in vain.

"Senior City Lord, the younger generation has a **** spirit. This time, he specially came from the clan and brought the most precious treasure, Wannian Blood Coral."

"Junior Human Race Ye Mingyu, in order to show our human race's supreme respect for Lord City Lord, a magical monkey with the blood of the Golden Immortal is hereby offered!"

"Human Crimson Sword Sect Sheng Qiye, special offer a piece of golden immortal-grade dragon pattern spirit emerald!"

After Jin Tianban and Ling Tian, ​​all the great arrogances also offered generous gifts one after another.

But because of the bones of the fairy king and the blood of the fairy king in front, the generous gifts offered by the great arrogances did not cause much sensation. After all, the value of the blood of the fairy king is really hard to surpass.

"City Lord, Situ Wuxin of the junior human race, there is no school, no school, and no longs on her body, but as a tribute, the junior wrote a piece of music for the senior. I don't know if the senior can listen to it."

At this time, the sword mad Stuart got up and said without intention.

"Oh? I heard that you, the younger generation of Human Race, have a good piano sound skill, and I also like the music of Human Race Guqin very much. Come, today, let me open my eyes!"

Li Wen was in a very good mood. At this time, she was in great interest.

Situ Wuxin sat in front of the guqin, with his ten fingers on the strings, and suddenly the whole person's temperament seemed to change.

With the beating of his fingertips, a crisp sound came out from the strings, brisk and bright.

The sound of the piano played slowly, with a strong appeal, and it easily brought the warrior into the artistic conception of the sound of the piano. The sound of the piano was high-pitched, like a high-pitched song, like the heroes of the world gathered together, all of them are romantic characters, indulgent. In martial arts, fighting on the battlefield, there are dragons roaring in the sea from time to time, and mysterious turtles whispering from time to time.

Even, the people vaguely saw a series of illusory figures, the phantoms of the sacred beast Xuanwu and the Shenlong appeared. At this moment, the people seemed to be drawn back to the ancient times, the era of extremely prosperous martial arts.

The penetrating power of this sound was extremely strong, as if the sound was on the scene. There was no noise at the banquet except for the sound of the piano. Many people looked at Situ Wuxin, the young master Pianpian, with extraordinary elegance.

Even Ling Tian and Huangfu couldn't help but secretly praise them.

Situ Wuxin's piano skills are the best among the younger generation.

Even if it is not as good as Ling Tian, ​​it is still stronger than Huangfu and Yinyin.

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