Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2083: Exchange life with sword

Fanjing sneered.

"Which imperial palace?"


Ling Tian licked his lips, "I guessed it too, you really belonged to them!"

"However, since I Ling Tian can walk here, it can also explain that your all the way is waste!"

"Now, I will give you a chance to let them go, otherwise, I swear by Ling Tian, ​​I will destroy all of you!"

Ling Tian's face tense.

The hand-wounded Long Yuan Sword was held high.

"Ling Tian, ​​death is imminent, and he is still not ashamed. Do you know how many insects and beasts we have in deep space? There are more than ten million, among which there are a lot of golden immortals! Hurry up and hand over the Dragon Abyss sword in your hand and kneel down Die!"

Yin Chong on the side shouted angrily.

"Hahahaha, Ling Tian! You are useless to scare me!"

"I know you are powerful, but here I am, there are really many golden immortals!"

"Not to mention whether you can kill us! These dolls are in my hands, don't you want to listen to me?"

Fanjing looked up to the sky and laughed, and immediately flew over Zhao Min's head, pressing his hands on Zhao Min's head.

"Do you think you kill fast, or she die fast?"

"You are looking for death!" Ling Tian's mouth was twitching.

This Fanjing even threatened him with Zhao Min.

"Hehe, don't worry, I have been deployed until now to wait for you. Although you are hundreds of years late, the result is still the same."

"I know that you are a human race who values ​​love and righteousness, so you won't just watch them and die in front of you one by one, right?"

"Oh, right, in fact, they and I had no grievances, but they died because of you."

With that, Fanjing's palm used a little force to wake Zhao Min from the coma.

"Ling Tian! Leave me alone, go!"

Enduring the terrifying pain, Zhao Min screamed at Ling Tian with tears in his eyes.

"Master, leave us alone, let's go!"

The others also awakened one by one, but at this time they were all bound by chains and couldn't break free at all.

In front of Fanjing, they are the fish on the cutting board.

"Fanjing, what you want is my life. They are insignificant. Let them go. Today, you and I will never die, how about!?"

Ling Tian's expression turned several times, but in the end he still didn't make a move.

"No, until now, even if I don't let them go, you can't escape, don't you? You are not qualified to negotiate terms with me!"

Fan Jing shook his head.

But Ling Tian did frown. Indeed, with the current situation, Fanjing didn't seem to have to reason so much with himself. He could do it together and kill him, Zhao Min and others, that's it.

Anyway, what they want is their own life.

It must be because they have something in their hands that they fear or need.

Suddenly, Ling Tian's expression changed and he looked at the Long Yuan sword in his hand.

He remembered the four proverbs Huangfu had said to him, and then looked at the gate of ascending immortals in front of him, Ling Tian knew it in his heart.

"Hehe, Fanjing, don't say that I am not qualified now. To tell you the truth, no one can get out of the way to Shengxian without the Dragon Abyss sword in my hand!"

"To die, we all die together."

Ling Tian sneered, he just took care of it.

Anyway, no one knows the secret of opening the gate of ascension.


Fan Jing's face changed.

Yin Chong was also a little embarrassed, thinking that he had just spoken too much, which made Ling Tian alert.

"If you don't agree, I will destroy the Dragon Abyss Sword now!"

"I can die, but you, don't want to get a complete Dragon Abyss Sword from my hands, otherwise, just try it!"

Ling Tian clenched the hilt with his big hands, the sword body trembled, and the Thunder Dragon groaned. It sounded like a sign of breaking apart.


Sure enough, Fanjing raised his hand.

Let go of Zhao Min.

His countenance changed, and finally he sneered, "Hehe, okay, I let Zhao Min go, you give me the Long Yuanjian first."

"No! I want you to release all of them now, and return to Yutian City safely, before I give Longyuan Sword, otherwise, I will shatter him now!"

But Ling Tian still did not relax.

"Don't make an inch!"

Fanjing's face was gloomy.

"Hehe, I'm already surrounded by you anyway. Are you afraid that I won't be a person?"

"I Ling Tian, ​​I will do what I say, let go!"

"Master..." Yin Chong frowned, "Master, without the Longyuan Sword, we can't open the gate of ascending to immortality!"

Compared to taking Ling Tian's life, for them, walking out of the road to ascend to immortality is more temptation. Who wants to stay in this dark place for a lifetime?

"Let them go."

Fan Jing gritted his teeth, and finally waved his big hand, shattering the chains of Zhao Min Huangfu and others.


Ling Tian put down the Long Yuan sword and looked at the arrogances on the wall.

"Big Brother Ling Tian, ​​how can we leave you here alone?"

"I'm not afraid of death!"

"Yes, Ling Tian, ​​if you do this, do you think we are all greedy for life and fear of death?"

"For the human race, we also want to be heroes, we are not afraid of death!"

Zuo Xiao and others just stood there and didn't leave.


"Die, don't die in front of my eyes!"


Ling Tian let out a roar, shaking the space around the gate of ascending immortals.

The expressions of Zuo Xiao, Li Wuyou and others changed. They had never seen Ling Tian so harsh and angry.


Zhao Min pursed her lips. She did not persuade Ling Tian. The first one jumped off the city wall and headed towards the imperial city.

"Listen to all races, quit the gate of ascending immortals for 100,000 miles, and today there is all the cause and effect, I am Ling Tian, ​​and I will end it alone!"

Ling Tian turned around and looked at the Yutian City and Li Wen Su Jiu'er, leaving one by one.

Until 100,000 miles away, they had enough time to escape.

Ling Tian turned around slowly.

He raised the Long Yuan sword, and grumbled the blade with pity.

"Hehe, I don't know, can I see the day you become the Seven-Star Dragon Abyss Sword."

The blade buzzed, Xiao Lei wrapped around the blade, seemingly reluctant to give up.

"You are tired, although this time, you failed to accompany me to the end, but you have lost more than a dozen lives."

"I am for them, thank you."

"It's me Ling Tian, ​​not strong enough."

After all, Ling Tian raised his eyes to Fanjing.

"Why? Ling Tian, ​​you want to regret it? But I have never heard that Ling Tian is unparalleled in love and righteousness, and you have always kept your promises!"

Fanjing frowned.

He was very scared, Ling Tian repented.

If so, he is really planted.

"Hehe, rest assured, I will do what I say!"

"However, I just temporarily store the Dragon Abyss Sword in your hand. It will soon belong to me."

After that, Ling Tian raised his hand and threw the Dragon Yuan sword over.

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