Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2084: Falling into the abyss

Volley held the Long Yuan sword in his hand.

Rao is Fanjing, and I can't help but praise him again and again.

"Good sword, really a good sword!"

"It's no wonder that this sword can rival the golden fairy."

Holding the trembling Long Yuan sword, Fan Jing finally showed a smile on his face.

With a wave of his hand, he locked the spirit in the Longyuan Sword with his strong spirit, making Xiao Lei unable to struggle.

After that, he put the Dragon Yuan sword and the four heavenly immortal soldiers together, and sure enough, between the five blades, there was light entwining each other, slowly flying up, and heading straight to the gate of ascending immortals.

Upon seeing this, Fan Jing and Yin Chong were both overjoyed.

Sure enough, what is needed to open the gate of ascending immortality is this Dragon Abyss sword.

"Okay! Very good! Now, you are the only one left!"

"kill him!"

A hideous color flashed across Fan Jing's face, even as he flew towards the gate of ascending immortality.

Yin Chong brought more than a dozen Golden Immortal-level insects and beasts to kill Ling Tian.

In an instant, a series of terrifying trends set off around Ling Tian.

"Haha, Ling Tian, ​​are you desperate now?!"

Yin Chong was holding his battle axe, looking at Ling Tian who was empty-handed, and sneered.

"There is nothing to despair. Even if I die, someone will avenge me. The road to ascend to immortality is wide open, and there will be more human races, go out!"

Ling Tian's face was solemn.

"Hahaha, Ling Tian, ​​I advise you to stop wishful thinking, Human Race? You don't even know that after the opening of Shengxian Road, the alien race in the chaotic battlefield has already launched an attack on your human race.

"Perhaps now, the ten holy cities of the human race have all been reduced to scorched earth!"

"The thousands of creatures of your human race will eventually be erased. From now on, this gate of ascending immortality will not be crossed by a human race!"

Yin Chong sneered.


Ling Tian was frightened when he heard the words.

Sure enough, the alien race had already planned to attack the human race city before.

If what Yin Chong said is true, then the human race in the chaotic battlefield is in danger.

Could it be that this is Yu Xuanji, telling me the reason for the abyss?

Ling Tian's expression changed a few times, and he rushed towards the Long Yuan sword near the gate of ascending immortality.

"Stop him!"

Yin Chong let out a cold snort, and a dozen or so golden immortals rushed forward. Although the combat power of these golden immortal insects and beasts was not as good as Yin Chong's, they belonged to golden immortals after all.

Ling Tian could only resist without the Long Yuanjian.

Not to mention, to grab the Dragon Abyss Sword.


The extremely powerful Jun Lei slapped a golden fairy-level insect beast to death.

But then, Ling Tian was swallowed by several powerful supernatural powers.

A mouthful of blood spurted out, and Ling Tian was directly shaken out.

At this time, there were no ordinary insects and beasts around Ling Tian except for Jinxian's combat power.

A battle of this scale is no longer an existence below the Jinxian, who can intervene.

A hundred thousand miles away, on the Imperial City, Zhao Min Huangfu and the others who had returned safely could only watch the sky like a firefly shaking in the deep air.

He is under siege.

Besieged by more than a dozen golden immortals!

"It's useless to be a disciple."

Zuo Xianzhi slumped to the ground, desperate.

"I'm useless."

"And I."

Zuo Xiao, Li Wuyou, Canglanshan and others knelt down one after another.

If they are strong enough, they won't watch Ling Tian fight alone at this time.

"Ling Tian will not die."

"The gate of rising immortals will not open either. Don't be discouraged. If you have anger in your heart, let yourself become stronger!"

Zhao Min's face was cold, always calm.

She knew that Ling Tian had Taoyuan on her body, as long as there were no accidents, she could still escape.

Huangfu's hands are connected with the seal, and the compass above his head rotates.

The light of stars suddenly descended on Yutian City, extremely mysterious.

"You figured it out!?"

Li Wuyou saw this scene and suddenly raised his eyebrows.

Huangfu wiped the blood from the corners of his mouth, "Perhaps the Shengxianmen appeared and the road was unstable, allowing me to get a glimpse of the secret!"

"What do you say about the hexagram?"

Li Wuyou smiled with joy.

"Life and death are impermanent, the abyss is unknown."

"Blessings and misfortunes depend on each other, return to the golden fairy body!"

Huangfu smiled faintly: "Although it is not very clear, but on the hexagrams, it is not a big evil omen!"

When everyone heard this, they all looked at the deep space battlefield again.

But there, Ling Tian seemed to have reached the end of the crossbow.

Although he killed two Golden Fairy Insect Beasts one after another, Ling Tian's physical strength was also being madly consumed.


Above the sky, Yin Chong's battle axe descended from the sky, and Ling Tian, ​​who could not dodge, was swallowed again.

At this moment, Ling Tian, ​​the body of the horned dragon, was about to break apart.

Although his current combat power is extremely strong, he is still somewhat reluctant to face a dozen golden immortals.

In Taoyuan, the ash turned into a big day of gray, looking at the embarrassed Ling Tian outside, he couldn't help shaking his head again and again.

"This guy is really stupid!"

"Since the monk has released the man, why did Long Yuanjian send it out?"

"Now, as long as he hides in Taoyuan, how can these golden immortals help him?"

"You don't understand." However, Tao Yaoyao under the peach tree at this time was holding his chin, "He has always been like this, and it is precisely because of this that he can grow so fast."

"What if, like you said, I won't be by his side someday, what should I do?"

"Until the last moment, Ling Tian won't seek refuge in Taoyuan."

"This is Ling Tian."

Liu Yao also nodded, "The person we chose is not a mundane person. Just wait and see, Ling Tian will be fine with this kind of scene."

In the dark and deep air, surging the sky and fighting and retreating.

He has been at the gate of ascending immortality in the courtyard, and behind him is the abyss of corruption.

He wanted to draw Yin Chong and others farther away.

"Ling Tian, ​​give up resistance!"

Yin Chong slashed down again, blasting Ling Tian out of a hundred miles.

Ling Tian is now covered in blood, and the dragon energy trembles all over his body.

It seemed that there was no more power to fight back.

There was a roar of the Golden Immortal Insect Beast, spread its wings, and killed Ling Tian.

Ling Tian suddenly raised his eyes, his **** arms turned into dragon claws, and clamped the golden immortal beast to death. The unicorn arm surging with divine light, roared, tearing the golden immortal beast alive!

He also beheaded a golden immortal-level insect beast.

Yin Chong was furious. He didn't expect that at such a juncture, Ling Tian could still burst out such a tyrannical combat power.

"Everyone shot it together and killed it directly!"

"I don't believe it, he can stop us all!"

Yin Chong yelled angrily, and the hidden demon war body raised the big axe, and then cut it down again.

In the distance, having reached the Yutian City 200,000 miles away, Su Jiu'er suddenly frowned: "En Gong is getting farther and farther away from us. He is approaching the abyss of corruption!"

"That's a forbidden place, doesn't he know?"

Huangfu looked at the gate of ascending immortals, "The gate of ascending immortals has not been opened yet, what is Ling Tian doing with this move?"

"He, may have to return to the chaotic battlefield."

Suddenly, Zhao Min muttered in the crowd.

"What? Back to the chaotic battlefield!?" Everyone was shocked when they heard the words.

"What are you going to do?"

Huangfu was also puzzled.

"I don't know, but there must be a reason why he had to go back."

Zhao Min pursed his lips, "However, no matter how long I will wait for him, even if he leaves, he will eventually come back."

"I left Shengxian Road, can I come back?" Everyone looked at each other, very disappointed.


Suddenly, in the depths of the void, bright sparks exploded, like stars bursting.

That was caused by all the golden immortals killing Xiang Ling Tian together.

In front of Ling Tian, ​​a huge five-finger manifestation, with a cauldron on his finger, the attacks of a dozen golden immortals were all received by the large cauldron and the five fingers.

But amidst the explosion, Ling Tian's figure changed like a falling leaf and was shaken back thousands of miles.

And there, there is a purple-red light, faintly flickering.

Below, there is a dark crack, as if the space in this area is permanently cracked.

However, this rift is bottomless, like hell.

"Long Yuan!"


Ling Tian glanced at the gate of ascending immortality and the imperial city in the far distance, although he felt very reluctant, but in the end he jumped down.

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