Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2091: Yulong Jinxian shocks the world [four more]

Obviously alone.

However, the hundreds of thousands of foreign races were not in sight at all.

"The human race is arrogant, the whole army pressed on and gave me life and death for this thief!"

Lei Lie was furious, regardless of whether he was Human Lingtian, today, even Jinxian will die in front of the formation.

Amid the roar of the army, hundreds of thousands of forwards charged up.

The magnificent momentum, the magical powers of the mountains and the tsunami, the arrows and talisman are blasted and killed, and they want to engulf Ling Tian.

"Very good!"

Ling Tian hung in the air, calmly.

However, the ten fingers on the piano are violently struck.

On the Xianqin, the Xianyuan oscillated, connecting the heaven and the earth, Ling Tian directly poured the primordial will of the Immortal Venerable level into the sound of the piano, causing the Qianzhang Thunder Dragon in front of him to suddenly rise to a huge five thousand zhang.

Its shape is more solid.

Its momentum has become more powerful.

As the dragon wanders its tail, the dragon's breath is gushing like a fairy fire, and it plunges into the army, as if there is no one.

Ling Tian is now using the piano to condense the dragon, and there is dragon blood in his body, making it look like a dragon descended from the world, unmatched.

Xiaoqing also roared out, and at the feet of Ling Tian, ​​all the alien warriors who rushed up were shot down.

"Kill, kill, I don't believe it, I can't take him a Royal Dragon Golden Immortal!"

Lei Lie was furious.

This Jinxian turned out to be a Qin Yin warrior, so the Qin Yin technique, it seems that even if it is compared to the master of the heavy building, it is no different.

But the lord of the heavy building is clearly still in the heavenly city!

More and more alien warriors are coming to the sky. After all, the Qin Yin Hualong is not a real dragon. Under the consumption of hundreds of thousands of warriors, it is gradually becoming illusory.

On the verge of collapse!

But during this time, Youlong has swept tens of thousands of alien warriors.

The combat power can be called horror.

However, just when the alien army thought that the Thunder Dragon was about to collapse and could kill Ling Tian, ​​the Xianqin in Ling Tian's hands suddenly shook. The Thunder Dragon broke apart in the chaotic army, and countless sound waves swept across all directions like swords. .

All of a sudden, blood was raining.

The densely packed alien races were beheaded.

There are more than one hundred thousand.

For a moment, Ling Tianqin's tone stopped suddenly, but no other race dared to step forward in the thousands of miles ahead.

On the ground, there is a thick layer of corpses.

Terrible, terrible.

This imperial dragon and golden immortal's might, even alone blocked hundreds of thousands of troops to attack and kill.

This is definitely a golden fairy!

"court death!"

In the army, witnessing the tragic death of hundreds of thousands of foreign races under Ling Tian's piano sound, Lei Lie's eyes were wide open, carrying a war halberd, and carrying a thousand feet of war soul, and then trembling thousands of miles, and rushed.

Euphorbia cracked blue.

The Lei Xi family of the Golden Fairy Realm has the bloodline of the heavenly beasts, with infinite power, and the Euphorbia can make them use their divine power to the fullest.

The shadow of the great halberd burst out, trying to nail Ling Tian directly on the sky.


However, Ling Tian's hands pressing on the strings suddenly shook, and the will of the Immortal Venerable directly manifested. In the void, the sound waves mixed with the thunder and the burning flames to form a huge shield of thousands of meters.


With a blast, the light of the halberd stabbed heavily on the huge shield.

But no matter how Lei Lie urged, in the end, Euphorbia still failed to break through the huge shield and broke apart.

"How can it be!?"

At this time, Lei Lie was completely shocked.

In any case, the power of his halberd can't be broken like this, right?

However, before that Lei Lie was furious, the huge shield in front of Ling Tian suddenly condensed into a sword shadow of ten thousand feet.

Above the sword shadow, there seemed to be a hundred thousand sword lights moving.

The long sword cracked the sky, and it shook his debut.

The sword intent is soaring to the sky, motivating thousands of miles around.

In the shadow of the sword, a thunder dragon faintly appeared.

Ling Tian's piano sound also suddenly became desolate.

He was thinking, thinking of Xiao Lei.


The Thunder Dragon struggling in the sword shadow, after a roar, with sword light, carrying the ultimate sword intent, suddenly cut down.

Do not!

Lei Lie exclaimed, the halberd was raised, and there was thunder formation on it, trying to lie down with this sword!


The sword light was so fast that it fell down in the blink of an eye.

With a blast of gold and stone, the Thunder Sword that was condensed in Ling Tianqin's voice collapsed, but its sword still shook the halberd in Lei Lie's hand.

And just between the electric light and flint, the sound of the piano did not know when to stop, Lei Lie's pupils shrank, and he could clearly see that Ling Tian's figure had already appeared in front of him.

The green armor is like a dragon, and the white hair is like a waterfall.

Immediately, amidst the evil smile at the corners of his mouth, Ling Tian raised the unicorn arm, and the supreme dragon power rushed down with the help of the burning cinder fairy flame and the hurricane holy sound fist!


Ling Tian squeezed a word from the corner of his mouth.

Immediately in the sky among the army, there was an explosion.

There was a terrifying boxer, the ashes fell from the sky and shook on Lei Lie's chest.

The latter didn't even make a scream, and the battle spirit behind his back suddenly collapsed.

The armor was turned into powder, and the tough flesh was about to shatter.

Ling Tian's fist pierced his chest and back, and then there was a sudden shock, and a blood mist exploded.

"The leader of the Lei Xi clan, Golden Immortal Lei Lie, died in my human race, by the hand of Ling Tian!"

"Human Lingtian, please fight!"

Ling Tian held the piano in one hand and dripped blood with one arm.

Looking at the holy city, the silver hair is like a demon, and the sound is trembling across the sky.

In Lei Lie's camp, none of the remaining hundreds of thousands of troops dared to step forward and retreated.

Thousands of miles around Ling Tian's body, there was no more life.

Oh oh oh~

The dull sound of the horn resounded through all the alien camps outside the Heavenly Holy City.

The millions of alien troops that were besieged on the side of the Heavenly Sacred City evacuated one after another.

This stunned a group of powerful human races who were already on the verge of despair in Tiansheng City.

What do you mean?

Obviously the barrier of the Great Array is about to be broken.

How come this alien has retired! ?

The Lord of the Heavenly City, the Lord of the Heavy Building, and the Lord of the Ascension Alliance were called to the southern gate of the Heavenly City.

"What's the matter? Why did the foreign race withdraw its troops!?"

Ouyang Zheng, the lord of Tiansheng City, came down and asked.

But when he looked out of the city, his pupils shrank.

The alien army did not retreat, but gathered to the south of the city, and the direction of its soldiers was not the holy city, but south.

"what happened?"

Zhuge Ming, the lord of the heavy building, and Shen Baiyu, the lord of the Feishen Alliance, also flew over.

"Initiate the three golden immortals. The front line reported that it was the human dragon and golden immortal who came behind the enemy. With one person, he slaughtered 150,000 soldiers from the Lei Xi camp and Jin Xian Lei Lie also died in battle."

"Human Jinxian holds the piano to invite the battle, and face a million coalition troops alone!"

But as soon as he finished speaking, the three golden immortals of Ouyang Zheng exclaimed at the same time.

"What!? Yulong Jinxian!?"

"Kill the enemy 150,000, kill Leilie!?"


"What's the name of this person?" Zhuge Ming, the master of the heavy building, suddenly asked with a flash of shock in his eyes.

"The man claimed to be..." The man hesitated.

"Say!" Ouyang Zheng urged.

"The person claims to be Terran Ling Tian!"

When the sound fell, the three golden immortals were astonished as a wooden chicken.

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