Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2092: Provocative

"You, you say it again, what is the name of the golden fairy?"

Tiansheng City Lord felt that he had heard it wrong.

"Report from the front, that person is Ling Tian..." The warrior still whispered.

"Could it be the same name, made a mistake?"

Shen Baiyu, the city lord of the Ascension Alliance, frowned: "He just said that it is an imperial dragon golden immortal who can transform a dragon with the sound of the piano and destroy more than tens of thousands of enemies. I would like to ask these piano sound accomplishments, except for the master of the building, Mr. Zhuge, who can do it. To?"

"Yes, that's right, if you want to kill so many foreign races with the sound of the piano, you must not only cultivate a strong base, but also have a superb piano skill. The guqin is also indispensable. This kind of power can only be done by the three-character famous piano. Here!"

"That person, who is it!?"

In the end, everyone looked at Zhuge Ming, the lord of the heavy building.

If it was really a hidden human piano sound golden fairy, then Zhuge Ming would definitely not know him.

But Zhuge Ming, who looked like a real man in a plain white gown, shook his head.

"I am not sure as well."

However, he looked behind him, "City Lord Gusu, I have heard that Ling Tian, ​​a descendant of the human race, had visited your Gusu City before entering Shengxian Road, and it seemed that he was shocked with a floating song. Everyone, Wushuang Qin has no match for Huangfu girl, right?"

Everyone's eyes turned to Huangfu Yang Feng, the lord of Gusu City.

Today, City Lord Wushuang, City Lord Yue Sheng and Huangfu Yang Feng are all in Tiansheng City.

Huangfu Yangfeng stepped forward when he heard the words, "Yes, when Ling Tianchu came to Taihu Lake in Gusu City, he once demonstrated his unparalleled piano skills. At that time, he could already use the piano sound to imply dragons."

"However, what he later took was the two-character piano, nostalgic for the past, not the three-character piano."

When everyone fell into suspicion again, Huangfu Yangfeng smiled again, "However, I think this Yulong Jinxian is the Ling Tian."

"Do you still remember that the Dragon and Phoenix List stone tablet was broken in front of Tianfei?"

"Ling Tian is the last person to enter Tianfei."

Tiansheng City Lord and others shrank when they heard this.

If Ling Tian really returns, how amazing this guy is! ?

Of course, yes or no, there will be results soon.


In the south of Tiansheng City, the army of millions of foreign races has assembled, stretching for thousands of miles, endlessly.

Above the army camp, more than a dozen sacred figures are suspended, shining brightly.

That is the existence of the golden fairy of the alien coalition forces.

Behind that Jinxian Foreign Race, the brilliance was radiant, like a morning star.

Those are the top combat power among the gods.

Alien's Million Allied Forces this time is not a mob, but an elite.

Otherwise, it wouldn't be so powerful, and it took less than half a year to almost wipe out the human race.

However, at this time, before the magnificent alien coalition army, there was only one figure suspended.

That figure was on a giant beast with a thousand feet, even though the fairy light oscillated behind it, the sound of the piano was sad and cool, and the rhythm of the roaming dragon was nearly ten thousand feet, but facing the allied forces of the hundred tribes, it was still like an ant.

too small.

"You are Ling Tian!? That, Ling Tian who once destroyed all the arrogant talents in the city of Chiji!?"

Suddenly, above the alien coalition army, the army was silent, and a voice sounded like a god.

"You Jicheng!? Who are you?"

Ling Tian kept his fingers, the sound of the piano was still the same, and the dragon in front of him roared before the army, turning into a voice like a dragon god.

"Ha ha!"

Among the dozens of thousands of rays of light, one flew forward.

"Old Man Chiji City Lord, Patriarch of Hidden Demon, Yin Yue!"

You Long roared again, "Hidden Demon Patriarch? What does Yin Chong and Yin Qitian have to do with you?"

"Yin Chong is my son, Yin Qitian, a descendant of my Yin family!"

"What are you asking about? Have you seen my son Yin Chong!?"

The voice of the lord of Jiji City suddenly rose.

This person knew Yin Chong, did he really come back from Shengxian Road?

However, it shouldn't be, his son Yin Chong had already entered Shengxian Road, and now he has passed.

"Hahaha, it's okay, but your son Yin Chong has much higher combat power than yours!"

"On the way to Shengxian, I almost killed him and let him escape!"

"Impossible!" Yin Yue stopped drinking.

Yin Chong is better than him, he can accept it, but Ling Tian is not ashamed, it is obviously nonsense.

But, don't wait for him to be ashamed.

Youlong tumbling, then roared and asked, "Where is the patriarch of the Yushan Golden Ape clan?"

"calls me?"

At this time, another tens of thousands of feet figure flew forward.

His voice is extremely loud, and his fighting spirit behind him is thousands of feet. It is also a golden ape, like a mountain.

"Fan Jingang, what does it have to do with you!?"

"What's wrong with my son King Kong?" said the golden fairy urn.

"Hehe, Fan Jingang also died in my hands, but his brother Fan Jinshan did not die under my protection. You have to thank me!"

The dragon roared.

"Fart your mother!"

The golden ape was furious and kept beating his chest.

But before he was furious, Ling Tian controlled You Long and asked, "Now, the blood spirit is the same, who speaks?"

"Old man Yinhuang! What can you say?"

A **** golden fairy flew out.

"Hehe, it's nothing, I just rang out suddenly. Before I came back, I forgot to kill the traitor of your human race in one line. I only blamed the gloomy, too weak!"

"However, you can rest assured when you wait. All the alien races that invaded my human race today, don't want to go out of the way to the immortal!"

"And you, don't want to take a half step out of my human territory today. Today, you are all going to die!"

You Long trembled all over, with scales up to the sky, with a ten-thousand-foot body, and the thunder and immortal fire boiled, and the sound was like a nine-day dragon's roar, and it was impossible to beat.

Its voice oscillated among the millions of aliens.

Even, let the martial artists of the Holy City after the army heard all of them.

At this time, Ouyang Zheng, Zhuge Ming and others on the wall of Tiansheng City were all dumbfounded.

This so-called Royal Dragon Golden Immortal is really that Ling Tian!

He really, returned from Shengxian Road.

Moreover, they killed many Human Race Tianjiao!

Nowadays, it is even bolder to annihilate the millions of allied forces in front of the holy city on this day.

Is this crazy?

"What a crazy word!"

The strong human race shook their heads again and again.

"Hehe, he has always been like this." Huangfu Yangfeng smiled with a beard.

Above the allied forces.

Ling Tianqin sounded the dragon, first mocking the golden immortals, and then threatening to annihilate all the alien coalition forces.

Do you really think he is a fairy king! ?

"Hahaha, it's ridiculous, you really think you can kill all my alien races by yourself!?"

"It's not crazy!"

Yin Yue laughed in anger, but Ling Tian stopped talking.

It seems to be fond of playing the piano, roaring and hovering around the dragon, as if teasing.

"I'm so angry, everyone go together, and work together to kill this son!"

Yin Yue was furious, raised the sword in his hand, and moved the army forward.

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