Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2093: Million Skull

In an instant, millions of troops roared, and more than ten golden immortals manifested their battle souls, but in an instant, a terrifying force exploded the sky and shattered the void.

This kind of momentum is really too terrifying.

All the martial artists in the heavenly city were trembling in fright.

They didn't have any confidence in Ling Tian, ​​even if Ling Tian really made the Golden Immortal, it was absolutely impossible to kill millions of allied forces of foreign races with their own power.

Unless Ling Tian becomes a fairy king, no matter how bad he is, he will also be a fairy king.

"Ha ha……"

Facing the alien army who wanted to cross thousands of miles to kill, Ling Tian chuckled lightly.

With the power of one person, he cannot destroy the alien race.

But how could he be alone! ?

Just listening, Ling Tian's piano sound suddenly became dull, like a horn from hell.

And Wanzhang Youlong suddenly roared and dived into the ground.

In an instant, thousands of miles of mountains and rivers underground began to tremble wildly.

The earth is shaking and the mountains are shaking.

"what happened?"

Not only were more than a dozen golden immortals of foreign races surprised, but even the three human golden immortals on the Heavenly Sacred City were also surprised.

"I can feel that there is a general trend coming from the underground of Tiansheng City, and it is approaching!"

"The number is huge!"

"There is a strong golden fairy!"

"who is it!?"

Zhuge Ming rose into the sky, suspended above the Holy City of Heaven.

Suddenly whispered.

"The ancient king, finally, woke up!"


Suddenly, before the alien army, Wanzhang Youlong drilled out and hovered over Ling Tian's head.

And in front of Ling Tian, ​​the ground swelled up piece by piece, and stalwart fighters with stubborn and sharp heads broke through the ground.

It's densely packed and countless, stretching thousands of miles, full of millions!

Although there is no golden fairy-level skeleton powerhouse among them.

But from behind Ling Tian, ​​at some point, a mountain had already risen.

The edge burst, and out of it, a peerless figure emerged.

Wearing a golden dragon armor and holding a king's fairy sword, the boundless momentum manifests behind him. Although he is not a fairy king, he is still not a dozen or so immortals of foreign races, which can be compared.

He stood there, like an ancient fairy king, king over the world.

"Millions of alien races, deceive my descendants of the human race!?"

"Dang Zhu!"

"Warriors, pay the blood debt with the blood of the enemy!"


Han Gushan leaped over Ling Tian, ​​shouting loudly, and the Million Skeleton Warlord slammed them up without fear of death.

These skeleton warriors were originally warriors of the ancient human race who died in the Hangu Mountain.

"Hey, who is this guy!!?"

Seeing the powerful figure that suddenly appeared, Jin Xian of the Golden Ape clan was furious.

"Damn it, it's King Hangu!"

"This Ling Tian actually awakened King Han Gu!"

City Lord Yin Yue was also surprised.

"However, we have no other way. If the two races are not killed today, it will be us!"

"Warriors of foreign races, fight to the death for your life and dignity!"

Yin Yue yelled, carrying the sword, and greeted him.

In an instant, millions of armies of the two clans erupted in front of the heavenly city.

And Ling Tian, ​​who had never spoken, still remained unchanged.

He still played Long Xiaoyue on his lap, controlled the thunder and fire dragon, tortured and killed a piece of alien warrior, and together with King Hangu, suppressed the alien golden immortal.

The silver hair is like a waterfall, bowing his head and playing the piano.

It seemed that the shocking battle before him could not touch his mind.

How chic.

How out of dust.

In Tiansheng City, a group of strong men looked from a distance, and couldn't help sighing again and again.

This son has the temperament of a fairy king!

Although the skeleton army is not as numerous as the alien coalition forces, it is powerful and fearless to death. In addition, the piano sounds of King Hangu and Ling Tian are too powerful, far beyond the ordinary Sanxian. This makes a dozen golden immortals of the foreign race, only It is only a matter of time before the power to parry and defeat.

Until the golden immortal of the foreign race, there were only nine left.

On the Heavenly Sacred City, Gusu City Lord Huangfu Yang Feng said: "What are the three Golden Immortals waiting for? Now the alien race has been defeated. As long as the city gates are opened at this time, the millions of human races in the city will come out, and the alien race will suffer from the enemy. , It can be completely wiped out!"

Everyone looked at the Tiansheng City Lord.

Today, he is the leader of the human race.

Of course Ouyang Zheng knew that it was best to send troops at this time.

But the combat power of his Heavenly Holy City will inevitably be compromised.

And Ling Tian is now back, if the skeleton army can't be damaged any more, then the war will be won, and his human leadership position will not be guaranteed.

"Wait, the warriors in my Heavenly Sacred City are weak. At this time, if they send troops, the loss is too great!"

"Those skeletons outside are just undead, no, it doesn't matter!"

Pursing his lips, Ouyang Zheng said.

"Tiansheng City Lord, you!"

Huangfu Yangfeng pointed a finger at Ouyang, and immediately furiously took a long sword around his waist, "Gusu City warriors will send troops with me and kill!"

The hundreds of thousands of warriors in Gusu City were the first to leave the city.

Afterwards, Zhuge Ming also said: "Ling Tian is the master of my pavilion, I should take action."

The first Jinxian flew into the battlefield, followed by Shen Baiyu, the leader of the Ascension Alliance, and the army of the Ascension Alliance.

In the end, only Ouyang Zheng, who lived in Tiansheng City, looked at everything in front of him with shame and anger.

Tiansheng City can already be saved.

But there was no trace of comfort in his heart.

"Ling Tian!"

"Why are you!"

The war lasted for half a month.

In the end, Tiansheng City has been surrounded by a sea of ​​blood, like an isolated island.

Thousands of miles around the city are full of alien corpses suspended in a sea of ​​blood.

In this battle, millions of allied forces of alien races, none of them escaped, and all were killed.

Nearly half of the Han Gu Mountain skeleton army was damaged. Ascension Alliance, Gusu City warriors were only half left. Zhuge Ming, the lord of the heavy building, Shen Baiyu, the lord, and Huangfu Yangfeng, the lord of the Gusu city, were injured.

Knowing that seven days before the end of the war, Tiansheng City Lord Ouyang Zheng led a large army out of the city to strangle the remnants of the alien race.


Above the sea of ​​blood, black clouds cover the sky, like the end of the day.

Under the scarlet light, there was a dragon's roar resounding throughout the world.

Soon, the desolate piano sound ceased.

A huge fierce beast, with a blue armor and silver hair on its back, descended in front of the Heavenly Holy City.

Ouyang Zheng, the lord of the heavenly city, took hundreds of thousands of warriors, hovering above the heavenly city, watching the giant beast slowly as the general.

"You, it's Ouyang Zheng!?"

Ling Tian put Guqin Long Xiaoyue on his back and leaned forward to ask.


I don't know why, Ouyang Zheng knows that Ling Tian is a junior, but his aura is still difficult to oppress Ouyang Zheng.

"Just now, why not send troops!?"

Ling Tian's voice suddenly became cold.

"I, I'm afraid that the warriors of the holy city will be damaged."

Ouyang Zheng's throat moved.

"Defeat? Do you think that our human race has not lost enough in this battle?"

"Or do you think that war is undead?"

Ling Tian asked again.

But Ouyang Zheng muttered for a while, and finally gritted his teeth, raised his hand and said: "The root cause of this battle is also because of you!"

"They are here to avenge Chi Jicheng."

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