Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2019: Terran situation

"Why didn't the human race of China Xianzhou come to attract?"

But after the golden immortals of the four great immortal states, it was the golden immortal envoys of various immortal races or immortal kingdoms that continued to screen the Tianjiao.

Because there are millions of warriors who have walked out of the gate of ascension this time, there are many arrogances.

However, Tianjiao has been selected one after another, most of them are foreign races, and the people who were attracted by the golden immortals of the human race have never seen them.

Therefore, Dugu Hanshan finally couldn't help it, and asked.

Its voice fell, but it made the golden immortals of various races on the platform who were still sifting geniuses startled.

Xuanyi Jinxian laughed and said: "Human race? China Xianzhou!?"

"Don’t you know that Huaxia Xianzhou has now fallen and has become a place controlled by the Dark Emperor’s Palace. Moreover, there are only a handful of human races that have come out of the road to ascend to the immortal. Rear!"

"Yes, if I remember correctly, the Human Race Jinxian who came here to choose this time seems to be still below, waiting for us to finish the selection, and then pick some fish that slipped through the net!"

"You guys, let's go and have a look below!"

The golden immortals sneered again and again.

Let Dugu Hanshan and others, their faces are extremely bad.

The Terran lost the Huaxia Xianzhou, and its status really plummeted, and even the qualifications to select geniuses were lost.

If things go on like this, even if the Tianjiao Race walks out of the road to ascend to the immortal, they will be selected by the major immortal states in advance. At that time, the human race will be left with the warriors, so naturally there is no need to say more.

If this goes on, how can the human race be revived?

"Let's go down!"

Ling Tian and the others looked at each other and took hundreds of thousands of warriors and flew off the Jintai.

Thousands of miles away from Jintai, everyone finally saw a group of human gold immortals on that mountain.

Seeing the arrival of hundreds of thousands of human race army, the human race Jinxian on that mountain was also obviously a little surprised.

But soon, they slowed down and greeted Dugu Hanshan.

"Are you waiting, but the Human Race warrior who came out of the Ascension Gate?"

Someone asked among those golden immortals.


Dugu Hanshan nodded.

"How come there are so many? What happened to the chaotic battlefield?"

Jin Xian asked again.

"Chaotic Battlefield and Shengxian Road, from now on, no longer exist."

"You are the golden immortal of Human Race? What is the situation of Human Race now?"

Dugu Hanshan frowned, but he didn't have the heart to greet these golden immortals.

"This... go and call Lord Xianjun to come over, the human race is here, they should be selected first by Wei Wei."

"Yes, yes, there are other three dynasties Jinxian adults, come together, we wait for the next round!"

The expressions of those golden immortals changed and they looked a little lonely. Some golden immortals turned around and returned to the peak. Among the peaks, there was a community of immortal palaces.

Everyone glanced at each other, why, it's just like the human race, and still engage in these classes?

"This fellow, can you take a step to speak."

Ling Tian stepped forward and pulled out a kind-looking old golden immortal.

"Hehe, although we are all human golden immortals, there are many rules here. Originally, we couldn't communicate with you when the four dynasties and immortal kingdoms were not screened out, but...this time is special, what do you think? If you ask, just ask."

The Jinxian shook his head and sighed, but did not refuse.

Ling Tian and Dugu Hanshan looked at each other, and then frowned: "How is the situation of the human race now? Has China Xianzhou recovered?"

"Yes, what happened to the four great dynasties and immortal kingdoms?" Dugu Hanshan also asked urgently.

If it were not for unknown circumstances, they would have left.

Li Wuyou, Zuo Xiao and others also gathered around.

Until now, they don't know where the land under their feet is.

"Hehe, talk about the restoration of China Xianzhou? If it is restored, can our human race intercept the human Tianjiao thousands of miles away from Jintai?"

The Golden Immortal smiled bitterly, "Now Huaxia Xianzhou is still under the control of the Dark Emperor Palace, but the human race has not been extinct."

"Now the land under our feet is the place where the Chinese Xianzhou and the Heavenly Clan's Jiuli Xianzhou meet, called Lingyun Mountain."

"Because of the protection of the Heavenly Clan and the powerful immortal states, Xiaoxiao of the Dark Imperial Palace dare not come here to presumptuously. Only then can we stay proudly and safely, and at the same time screen the talented descendants of the Human Race."

The old man gave a wry smile and saw that it felt uncomfortable to be sheltered by other Xianzhou powerhouses.

"As for the four immortal dynasties we are talking about, they are a tribute to the four largest immortal kingdoms in the human race today."

The old man Jinxian glanced at the palace on the mountain in the distance through the crowd. He saw that no one had come, and then continued: "Although the Human Race has lost the Huaxia Xianzhou, it is now under the help of the Heaven Clan. The border between Li and Huaxia, the two great immortal states, temporarily multiplied."

"Not only that, the Human Race is still at war with the Dark Emperor Palace, constantly regaining the lost land and mountains."

"And our human races, under the leadership of the great immortal kings, have established immortal kingdoms, large and small, and now there are dozens of them. Among them, there are four of the most powerful ones. The generals are like clouds and the army is tyrannical. Da Wei, the highest level of martial arts, and Da Song, with many romantic celebrities, is entrenched in the depths of many natural dangers, and has repeatedly resisted the impact of the dark army. Da Jin has been located in the northernmost realm, and the dark army has been hated by guerrillas. Big Yan."

"Each of these four immortal kingdoms has tens of millions of warriors and countless golden immortals, and we are all small states of golden immortals distributed around the four immortal kingdoms. Naturally, we cannot compare with them."

"Over the years, the Tianjiao who walked out of the Ascension Road must be screened by the Celestial Clan, the Dragon Clan, the Phoenix Clan, and the Demon Clan before they can turn to our Human Race. Among the Human Race, the four immortal dynasties must also choose first. , We can pull it back, but it has been a hundred years since there have been few human races here."

"Either the Human Race simply can't walk the way to rise to immortality, even if it walks out, it will not be our turn."

"That's why we were surprised to see so many human races coming out of Shengxian Road today, it's really hard to believe!"

The Jinxian sighed, and finally raised his brows, "But this time you came out of the chaotic battlefield with nearly a million human races. It is a fairly powerful force."

"Oh, but you won't choose me to wait for these little fairy kingdoms."

At the end, the Jinxian sighed again.

"Haha, it's not necessarily true." Ling Tian shook his head. If it were him, he wouldn't have joined that powerful immortal dynasty.

"Master Xianjun is here."

"The four great immortals will select talents first!"

"Get out! Didn't you see Lord Xianjun arriving? Tianjiao is the Great Wei Xian Dynasty!"

Suddenly, a noisy voice rang in the distance.

Everyone in Ling Tian followed the prestige, all frowning.

Sure enough, the existence of the immortal monarch level of the human race has arrived.

"◎{First Release"

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