Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2020: The grudge between Dugu and Dawei

It was a figure surrounded by a group of golden immortals, dressed in dark red and gold court clothes. It looked like a middle-aged man in his forties, but he walked vigorously through Kong Wu, and shook the void between the steps.

And around it, there are also three tyrannical Jinxian figures. Although the cultivation base is not at the level of the immortal monarch, they are also extremely strong among the golden immortals.

Jinxian peak, under the immortal king, can be ranked the immortal monarch.

Even the human race in front of him seemed to be more powerful than the Jinxian from the four great immortals above the golden platform.

That Xianjun flashed a few times, before he arrived at the human race army, looking at so many human races, his face also appeared a little excited.

I have been stationed at this Human Race take-off platform for more than ten years, but I have never seen so many Human Races coming out of Shengxian Road.

Especially in this army, there are also Jinxians, and even more powerful younger generations.

"Haha, these arrogances are all my Dawei!"

That Xianjun suddenly laughed, and suddenly he held a fan-sized jade tablet in his hand, and there was light surging on it.

"This monument can test your martial arts physique and strength of will!"

"As long as those who meet my Dawei standard, immediately join me, return to Dawei, enter the immortal dynasty, accept top-level training inheritance and resources, and wait for you to wait and soar into the sky!"

Xianjun's voice fell, and there was a warrior secretly happy in the human army.

After all, Dawei is the most powerful immortal dynasty in the human race today, which means that the martial arts inheritance in the immortal dynasty can be said to be the top of the human race, and it is absolutely chaotic battlefield, incomparable.

In an instant, the light of the jade stele swept across the Human Race army, and the selected figures burst forth with fairy light above their heads.

These human talents and martial arts qualifications are all above the Taoist body, such as Huangfu Changle, Zuo Xiao, Li Wuyou and others, and they are shining brightly into the sky. The immortal monarch looks overjoyed.

This time, the talents of the descendants of the Human Race Tianjiao were far beyond his imagination.

Among these arrogances, some have even achieved golden immortals. Even if they are not golden immortals, they are also the cultivation bases of top celestial immortals. They are about to become golden immortals. Such arrogances are placed in the immortal dynasty, although they are not super geniuses, but It is also quite rare.

In addition, in this army, there are some powerful, golden immortal powerhouses who seem to have a lot of background, if they are drawn into the immortal dynasty, they will definitely not be underestimated!

"Haha, yes, very good, very good, you, you, and you, in the future, will all be the warriors of my Great Wei Xian Country!"

Na Xianjun pointed at Huangfu Changle's Tianjiao, and Zhuge Ming's other golden immortals.

But Huangfu, Zhugeming and others looked at each other, and there was no answer.

Needless to say, Huangfu Changle and other Tianjiaoes must obey Ling Tian's permission.

Zhuge Ming and Shen Baiyu, one is the Chonglou Jinxian, and the other is the leader of the Ascension Alliance. Their current power still exists in the Seven Great Immortals, and they don't need to be attached to Dawei.

The faces of the envoys from other immortal kingdoms were not very good, and Wei's appetite was too great.

But this immortal monarch is now the strongest combat power of the human race here, and they dare not say anything.

The immortal monarch flew with eyebrows, and the jade stele in his hand turned towards Lingtian Zhao Min and Dugu Hanshan.

In an instant, Zhao Min was unable to impulse the will within his will, and a tyrannical celestial light broke out, behind the celestial light, a phantom was condensed.

That will faintly surpassed the fairy king!

The golden immortals of those immortal kingdoms were all moved when they saw this.

Zhao Min's fairy light is dazzling, his martial arts physique has reached the top dao body, and the fighting will in his body is so tyrannical.

His martial arts aptitude has already surpassed all previous Tianjiao of all races.

At the same time, on top of the Qi Hai Dao in Ling Tian's body, that mysterious figure was also spurred by the light of the jade tablet, and was about to break out.

But Ling Tian's pupils shrank, and he let out a cold snort, cutting off this breath directly.

On Ling Tian's side, Dugu Hanshan shot directly, raising his hand, and inadvertently shattered the jade tablet in his hand.


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The jade stele collapsed and turned into a ray of light.

All the golden immortals around were stunned.

His eyes all looked at the Dugu Hanshan that shot.

what's the situation! ?

This human race is mad, and dare to attack Dawei's fairy king! ?

Don't want to live anymore?

That Xianjun was also shocked, but he quickly eased his mind and looked at Dugu Hanshan with an angry look, "Audacious, chaotic battlefield Jinxian, dare to blaspheme my dignity?"

Xianjun was furious, and Dawei's dignity must not be humiliated.

Especially today, other fairy kingdoms are all present.

But Dugu Hanshan didn't pay attention to the cold scolding of the immortal monarch at all. Instead, he looked back sharply, "You are a child of the Wei family? Do you know Wei Zheng?"

The voice fell, even Ling Tian frowned. What do you mean?

Listening to Dugu Hanshan's words, did he still know this immortal monarch of Wei?

That Xianjun frowned, his gaze fell on Dugu Hanshan's body.

"What kind of thing do you dare to call me the name of the nobleman of the Wei imperial court?!"

"Hehe, I didn't expect that your Wei family really established the Immortal Country. Then do you know the Dugu family thousands of years ago? Know, my Dugu Hanshan!?"

Dugu Hanshan suddenly sneered.

Both hands were also held on the hilt.

That Xianjun suddenly shrank his pupils, his face was full of incredible expressions.

"No, it's impossible, you, you are the fairy king of that Dugu family, you are not dead!?"

Xianjun seemed to have seen something terrifying, and his lips were trembling.

"Haha, the family feud has not been reported, how can I die in Dugu Hanshan!?"

"It's just that I didn't expect that when I just returned to the Seven Great Immortals in Dugu Hanshan, I would meet you, descendants of the Wei family!"

"I didn't even think that your Wei family even established the Immortal Dynasty, so do you deserve it too!?"

Dugu Hanshan sneered, drew out the King's Immortal Sword at his waist, and was about to step forward.

That appearance, since I didn't think about giving up, it seemed that I still had to deal with this fairy! ?

"Huh, Dugu Hanshan, what can you do now when you come back, in the mere Jinxian late stage, you are also worthy to do with me, Wei Wuya!? Looking for death!"

The fairy sneered, the panic on his face disappeared.

Today, Dugu Hanshan's cultivation base is no longer a fairy king.

And he was already a fairy king, so naturally he was not afraid.

Having said that, the immortal monarch Wei Wuya shot directly, grabbing towards Dugu Hanshan with a big hand.

How tyrannical Xianjun shot.

His big hand stretched out, just before the human army, it condensed into a big hand covering the sky, the immortal yuan was rolling, there were people like mountains, and it hit the Dugu Han Mountain.

In his opinion, even though Dugu Hanshan used to be the fairy king, but now, he definitely can’t take a palm of his own.

Dugu Hanshan's eyes are cold, the family's immortal country is annihilated, and he doesn't share the sky, even if the opponent is a fairy monarch, he will take action.

Without hesitation.

Under the door of just ascending to immortality, he failed to fight with that Fanjing, so that he was suffocated in his heart.

Now, in a rage, the long sword in his hand was raised and turned into a sky-reaching long sword and cut down.

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