Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2048: Qinglong

"Brother Zhang, this is the cave house of the black ape in front, and there are some treasures, you can go and get them."

Ling Tian urged the black ape to fly forward, and found the cave mansion of the black ape fairy under a giant peak.

There was a formation before the cave, but it was not strong, and Qiu Xian and Wu didn't need a moment before they broke into the formation.

When seeing the dense collection of top-grade immortal stones and various genius treasures in the cave, Zhang Miao and the four were overjoyed.

Having been in the mountains for so long, I finally saw the harvest today.

As a beast, this Wu Yuan Xianjun usually kills the warriors of the human race, and his wealth is pretty good, and the treasures can be worth millions of high-grade immortal stones.

Treasure was divided equally by Zhang Miao and others, but it was not divided among Shen Ge and Fatty who came from behind.

"Hmph, look at you so poor, haven't you seen a baby?"

The fat man was unhappy in his heart, and in his words, he was mostly contemptuous.

Zhang Miao and the others were able to deal with Immortal Wu Yuan so easily, which made him a little unacceptable, not to mention that now, he has gained so many geniuses.

Naturally, Zhang Miao and others did not take the jealousy of the fat man in charge.

"Ling Tian, ​​I found out, what do you think this is!?"

But Zhao Min, who was organizing the treasure in the cave, suddenly walked out with a piece of dragon scale.

"It's a dragon scale!"

Ling Tian took the dragon scale. This dragon scale was different from the three pieces that Zhang Miao had obtained before. At this time, the color of this card was cyan, and there was still a thin dragon blood in it.

In contrast, the value of the dragon scales in front of them far surpassed those three.

"give me!"

Shen Ge saw dragon scales appearing from a distance, his face suddenly changed, and he ordered Ling Tian.

But how could Ling Tian obey Shen Ge's mercy, and did not move.

"Ling Tian, ​​didn't you hear what the third shopkeeper of my firm said? Hand over the dragon scales!"

Fatty also scolded in charge.

Seeing that Ling Tian was still indifferent, the pan manager became angry, and immediately flew up, raised his big hand, and was about to pat Ling Tian.


However, the black ape at Ling Tian's feet directly roared, setting off a terrifying wind, and shook the fat man back.


"You can't think the other way around!?"

Fatty was embarrassed and angry, but he was not the opponent of Wu Yuan Xianjun.

"Zhang Miao, is that how you manage your Azure Rainbow Gang martial artist?"

Zhang Miao sneered after hearing the words, "Zhu Jing, what **** are you talking about, I just promised to take you to find the Dragon Clan, but I didn't say anything, I will listen to you, besides, Ling Tian is not a warrior of my Qinghong gang, I can't control him! "

"You! Well, you have a seed!"

The fat man's face flushed, and he immediately looked at Shen Ge, "How about the third shopkeeper?"

"No hurry, everything, wait until you find the dragon lair!"

Shen Ge gritted his teeth.

If it weren't because the dragon clan's lair was so important to him, Shen Ge could not wait to take a shot and kill these people on the spot.

"Brother Ling Tian, ​​have you found anything!?"

Zhang Miao flew to the same height as Ling Tian and asked.

"This is the scales of the blue dragon, so you can be sure that the dragon you see should be the five-color dragon on top of the wind dragon, and it's still a blue dragon."

"The combat power may be more than you and my imagination."

Ling Tian put away the dragon scales, pursing his lips.

In fact, Ling Tian himself was a little surprised to meet Qinglong here.

Such dragons, if they are in the Dragon Realm, they must be in the realm of the fairy king, and their combat power must be unmatched.

He now encountered the living blue dragon before the blood and bones of the Canglong dragon, and he didn't know whether his luck was good or bad.

"What!? Really is Qinglong?"

Zhang Miao was also surprised.

Originally, he thought that even if it was Beaulieu, then the gains from this trip would be enough.

But if it is the Azure Dragon, it would be easier said than done to slay the dragon. If you can't get it, your own life can be taken care of!

"Well, that's right, and the last time you took three dragon scales from his dragon's lair, you have already alarmed him, and now around the dragon's lair, there are powerful demon monsters he recruited everywhere, just to protect him. One of them is the security of Wu Yuan Xianjun. Going further in, you will encounter a more powerful existence."

"You guys, do you want to continue?"

After that, Ling Tian turned around and looked at that Shen Pavilion.

This is also to him.

In fact, Ling Tian, ​​by searching for the soul of the fairy, already knew that the strong blue dragon, entrenched in this deep mountain, was actually guarding a treasure.

With the abilities of Wu Yuan Xianjun, I don't know what the Qinglong guards are, but it must be extraordinary for a Qinglong to attach such importance.

Therefore, this trip made Ling Tian more curious in his heart.

Even he is determined in his heart, no matter what, he will get the Azure Dragon blood bone and its guardian, even if it has the power of the fairy king.

"Qinglong!? Very good!"

"If you are scared, I can let you leave when you get to the dragon's lair, but now, you have to lead the way!"

Shen Ge was secretly happy.

"Ling Tian, ​​no matter what, I have to take a look."

Zhang Miao didn't want to give up either.

"Well, then go ahead!"

Ling Tian nodded, but this time, it was replaced by Ling Tian's foot on Wu Yuan Xianjun, opening the way ahead.

Wu Yuan Xianjun is a hundred feet tall, flying on the top of the mountain, stepping on thunder, shaking in the mountains, extremely pulling the wind.

I have to say that although the speed of the black ape is not extremely fast, it is very imposing.

Along the way, those monsters with poor strength did not dare to stop them, and they evaded one after another, which made them advance much faster.


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However, three days later, the black ape at Ling Tian's feet suddenly stopped.

On the other side of the shoulder, Zhang Miao and others opened their eyes from cross-legged, a little puzzled.

Behind them, Shen Ge and Fatty Manager also flew up.

"what's happenin?"

Shen Ge spoke.

Ling Tian looked at the gloomy mist surging in front of him, and said, "There is a formation here, so I can't see the road ahead."

At this time, everyone did not know when, black mist rose up, as if covering the sky.

And this big scene is actually a formation.

Such a large formation is already comparable to a secret enchantment.

Although it's not extremely strong, it's not a small one.

"Formation!? I really haven't seen it yet."

Wu Yong and Qiu Xian looked at each other.

The two of them still knew a lot about the formation, but they hadn't found anything until this big scene.

"Hehe, it's really ridiculous, you said this is a formation, it is it? Is it possible, you guys want to partner, what tricks!?"

Behind him, the fat man sneered.

"It is indeed a formation, but it is not difficult to break through the formation."

Unexpectedly, Shen Ge, beside him, also saw the great formation in front of him.

When his voice fell, he flew to the front of the curtain. He seemed to look at the mist in front of him, then sneered, his shoulders shook, and a general trend burst out from his body!

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