Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2049: Met an acquaintance?


With the accompanying roar, under the startled gaze of Zhang Miao and others, a big tripod suddenly appeared on top of Shen Ge's head.

The big tripod is floating, the color is scarlet, and it is rising against the storm, which is a thousand feet.

Waiting for the Hunyuan, there is a totem of evil beasts on it, shining with rays of power and spirit.

The aura of immortal treasure swept away one after another, making Wu Yuan Xianjun look horrified.

"Xianjun Gubao?"

"It's a blood ancient golden tripod! A hundred times that of Tianlan City Jubao Commercial Bank, a powerful immortal treasure under the Tongtian Lingbao!"

Zhang Miao and others whispered.

In the treasures of the golden immortal, the immortal treasures accompanied the emergence of the immortal king, and separated a batch of the best existence of the golden immortal treasure. Monarch.

Above the treasure of the fairy king, it is the Tongtian Lingbao that only the fairy king can use.

However, even the treasure of the fairy king belongs to the level of the golden fairy, but it is more powerful than the golden fairy treasure. Each of them has special abilities, and they are all owned by the ancient fairy.

But in short, even the most common fairy king treasure is extremely rare.

Otherwise, Zhang Miao and others would not be so surprised.

Moreover, the blood ancient golden tripod that Shen Pavilion took out today was a famous treasure of the Jubao Firm. Although it was only a low-grade ancient treasure of the immortal monarch, there were not many people who could own it.

Therefore, now that Shen Pavilion holds the ancient treasure of Xianjun, his combat power is enough to defeat the intermediate Xianjun.

This is definitely one of his hole cards.

No wonder, he is not afraid of Zhang Miao and Ling Tian Qiren.

"Ha ha."

Shen Ge enjoyed the surprise on the faces of Zhang Miao and others.

He just wanted Ling Tian and others to know that he was powerful.

The laughter fell, and Shen Ge's hands were knotted, and the blood-red giant cauldron on top of his head buzzed and rammed directly into the big curtain.


With a blast, Xianjun Gubao was indeed tyrannical, and with a single blow, the curtain opened a gap.

"You are in front!"

Shen Ge turned around.

Ling Tian didn't hesitate, and urged the black ape, and carried the seven people into the crack.

The crack was dozens of miles long, and after crossing, the seven finally stepped into the core of this area.

"Yes, this is it!"

Zhang Miao murmured, when they came last time, there was no enchantment scene.

Now, he once again entered the core area, and his heart was overjoyed.

"How far is it?"

Shen Ge and Fatty Guanshi also passed through the gap at this time, but looked far away, but found nothing.

Now this area is extremely dim, the light of the seven stars above the head is very weak, and the line of sight can't see much.

"There is still the last 100,000 miles, which is almost two days away. Of course, the premise is that we don't encounter more powerful monsters."

"Otherwise, I don't know when we can reach that dragon lair."

Zhang Miao stood on the shoulders of the black ape.

However, before his voice fell, in the dark mountains in the distance, a heavy roar suddenly sounded, and a silver-white beam of light flashed above the sky, and then fell silent.

"what happened!?"

Zhang Miao and the others looked at each other, their faces all golden.

"Brother Miao, have you opened your mouth before? Just after speaking, a powerful fairy beast appeared?" Qiu Xian spread his hands.

"Human breath, there are other people here!"

However, Ling Tian frowned.

He didn't expect that on this trip to hunt for dragons, there were people who arrived one step earlier than them.

"What, other human races!?" The fat man glared at Miao, "You fooled us and revealed the location of this place to others?"

"Fart, I didn't say anything!"

Zhang Miao said angrily.

"Then what's going on with this human race?"

The fat man was unhappy.

"You ask me, where do I know? It's just that the person's direction is wrong, the dragon lair is not there, follow me!"

Zhang Miao gave a spit, then got up and left.

"Wait, I'm going to check it out."

However, Ling Tian suddenly said at this moment.

"What!? Brother Lingtian, now that the Dragon Clan's lair is close in front of us, we still don't want to grow out of it."

Zhang Miao frowned.

"That's right, when is it, are you going to provoke right and wrong?" Shen Ge also said coldly.

"We can go alone, and you continue to search for the Super Dragon Lair."

Ling Tian ignored Shen Ge and said lightly.


Shen Ge clenched his teeth tightly, "Ling Tian, ​​I advise you not to try to irritate me again and again!"

"You are of no use to me, I can completely kill you here!"

"Try it?" Ling Tian turned around abruptly, locking Shen Ge tightly with a pair of sharp eyes.

"Three shopkeepers, kill him!"

The fat man arrogantly booed in the sidelines.

"Zhang Miao, you take us away!"

"This guy, let him go wherever he wants to go!"

However, in the end, Shen Ge still did not make a move.

Now, it was very close to the dragon clan's lair.

He didn't want to work **** Ling Tian.

After all, the other party has Wu Yuan Xianjun and those two women.

Moreover, this place is not far from the dragon clan's lair, he is not worried, Ling Tian will leak everything here again.

"This... Brother Ling Tian, ​​you should come with us!"

Zhang Miao hesitated.

He is a person who keeps his promises. Since he promised Shen Ge before, he will not go back.

However, he didn't want to throw Ling Tian aside.

"It's okay, Brother Zhang Miao, you go first, and I'll be there later."

Ling Tian shook his head, no one can change his decision.

"Then, let's do it, you as soon as possible!"

Zhang Miao had no choice but to use the three of them with Wu, flew down the shoulders of Wu Yuan, and galloped away in the other direction.

In a moment, it disappeared into the night.

"Found an acquaintance?"

After Zhang Miao and others left, Zhao Min spoke.

The dragon lair is also important to Ling Tian. Under normal circumstances, he will not give up. Therefore, something must have happened. It is very likely that it is related to the sudden appearance of the human race.

"Smart, but not an acquaintance, let's go, go and see!"

Ling Tian mysteriously fell, and his feet shook, Immortal Wu Yuan, stepping on the dark clouds, flew away in the direction where the abnormal noise had just been made.

That area is still thousands of miles away from here.

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After a while, Ling Tian arrived.

Ling Tian's divine mind, comparable to intermediate immortal monarchs, spread, and his eyes lit up, "Over there!"

He pointed in a direction and disappeared on the shoulder of the black monkey.

When he reappeared, he was already in the dense forest of a basin dozens of miles away.

There are traces of being ravaged by magical powers everywhere here.

"Ling Tian, ​​there is a dead fairy-level monster here!"

In the distance, Zhao Min has found a corpse.

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