Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2071: Two princes?

When the two came to the middle hall of the house, they found that Ran Qinghong, Zhang Miao and others were already receiving the so-called City Lord Tianlan.


However, when Ling Tian saw the instant of City Lord Lan that day, he was secretly surprised.

There are two things that surprised him.

One is the appearance and temperament of this person.

It was very similar to Ouyang Zheng, the lord of the Heavenly Sacred City in the Chaos Battlefield.

Second, it is the cultivation base of this city lord.

What he knew before was the cultivation base of this city lord, he was a top immortal monarch, and his combat power was not far from the immortal king, because it was strong enough to be able to secure Tianlan City, such a strategic location.

But now, Ling Tian felt the faint aura of the fairy king from the city lord's body.

This is definitely not comparable to the fairy king, but the fairy king!

Is it possible that this city lord has broken through?

"Junior Ling Tian, ​​I have seen City Lord Tianlan!"

Ling Tian and the two walked into the middle hall and held the ceremony of the younger generation.

"Hehe, little brother Ling Tian, ​​you don't need to be polite. I already know what about you. At a young age, he already has amazing combat power, and he is a rare talent with special skills!"

On that day, City Lord Lan was in the middle of the central hall, and seeing Ling Tian entering, he did not get up, but he still stretched out his hand to let Ling Tian take a seat at the lower end.

"The city lord is over-famous. Ling Tian is just an ordinary warrior. He has no background and no power. Today, he is still facing all kinds of pursuits!"

Ling Tian took a seat.

"It's okay, as long as you are in Tianlan City, I can protect you from worry."

City Master Tianlan waved his hand, and immediately said: "By the way, my Lord, City Master Ouyang Zhao, you can call me Uncle Ouyang."

Ling Tian's face changed slightly, and the Lord of Tianlan was really surnamed Ouyang?

"The junior dare not."

Ling Tian declined.

On this day, City Lord Tianlan had nothing to do without going to the Three Treasures Hall, and he was so intimacy with himself, among them, there must be some tricks.

"Ha ha……"

City Lord Tianlan pondered for a moment, and then suddenly said: "I heard before that the little brother was in the Jubao Firm and used three grains of the Longevity Valley for a fairy fire?"

Everyone present suddenly shook their hearts.

Sure enough, the city lord of Tianlan, who has always been mysterious and low-key, came here for the longevity valley.


Ling Tian nodded, it was no secret in Tianlan City.

"Then I don't know, is there any extra Eternal Spirit Valley in the hands of little brother? Skylan City Lord groaned and asked suddenly.

Ran Qinghong also looked at Ling Tian.

Now, the Lord of Tianlan City has come to ask Ling Tian.

"No, just three pills."

Ling Tian shook his head.

The Valley of Eternal Life is of great importance.

Being exposed at the auction made Ling Tian quite passive.

It is impossible for him to let others know that he still has the Valley of Eternal Life.

"Haha, don't be surprised, little brother, I really want one. I heard that you are collecting fairy fire, I don't know, can you see this flower in my hand?"

With that, City Master Lan stretched out his hand that day and opened it.


In an instant, the power of ice and cold swept the middle hall.

An icy blue fairy fire slowly burned in the hands of City Master Tianlan.

The number of floors is as high as one hundred and eighty-five floors!

It was five stories higher than the Qinglian Immortal Flame that Ling Tian had just obtained.

"Well, my flames are what I collected many years ago. Now, I just want to get a grain of longevity from the hands of my little brother."

After City Lord Tianlan said, Ran Qinghong and the others took a deep breath.

This superb fairy fire, Tianlan City Lord, only wants to return a grain of longevity spirit valley? This is much cheaper than that Qinglian Xianyan!

"City Lord, the younger generation is really powerless, but Immortal Fire is extremely important, but there is really no Longevity Valley in his hands, otherwise, I am absolutely willing to exchange with the city lord."

Ling Tian got up and arched his hands heavily.

The fairy fire in the hands of City Master Tianlan was indeed attractive, but it was only five stories higher than the Qinglian fairy fire, which was already very tasteless.

Moreover, he also suddenly discovered that the aura of the Tianlan City Lord seemed to be a bit unstable. Did he use some secret method to break through to the realm of the Immortal King?


Seeing Ling Tian's refusal again, City Lord Tianlan's expression gradually became as cold as the fairy fire.

For a moment, there was silence in the middle hall.

No one spoke anymore.

In the end, it was City Lord Lan that day, and said leisurely: "It's okay, it seems that the little brother has no longevity valley in his hands."

"However, I still need to remind, little brother, your enemies are really many."

"A month ago, I seemed to have received a news report that you and the person from the dye gang leader, the wind girl from Tianyi Auction House, and the Shen Pavilion of the Shen Family of Jubao Firm, went into the deep mountains together!"

"But after that, you all returned safely, but Shen Ge is nowhere to be seen."

Speaking of this, City Lord Tianlan sneered, "If I didn't guess wrong, Shen Ge, should he be dead?"

"This is inseparable from you!"

"Do you know, what kind of power is the Shen family? If this matter is known, I am afraid that it is your enemy, and there will be one more."

Ling Tian changed his expression when he heard the words, and said coldly: "City Lord, is this threatening me?"

Although the City Lord Tianlan was powerful, he came to threaten him if he couldn't win it by coincidence. Ling Tian didn't take this set.

"No, no, this is a reminder!"

"Moreover, this is nothing, if the little brother is willing to join our camp, I will help you settle all this, how?"

City Lord Tianlan suddenly got up.

"Your camp? What do you mean?"

Ling Tian frowned, a little puzzled.

"We... are all from the second prince!"

"If you are willing to use it for the second prince, I guarantee that you can grow faster, and with your potential, you can enter the Taoist Palace in the future without any problem."

City Lord Tianlan sneered.

It seemed that Ling Tian had no reason to refuse.

"Second prince! Haha, it's no wonder that I heard that in the imperial court, some people often meet with your majesty to praise City Lord Tianlan! Unexpectedly, you really belong to the second prince!" Ran Qinghong smiled.

"Yes!" City Lord Tianlan nodded, as if he hadn't thought of concealing it, "Moreover, the gang master, I also know something about the matter between you and the third prince. Maybe others will be jealous of you, but it doesn't include me, the second prince. Strength, you don’t know."

"So, you guys, it's better not to grab someone from me"

"Hehe, the city lord is joking, how can Ran Qinghong have the guts to grab someone from the city lord? However, I have never pulled Ling Tian from standing in line, everything depends on his own choice."

Yan Qinghong's face blushed, not just shame, or something.

"Thank you, City Lord Tianlan, for your love with the second prince. Ling Tian is so quiet now that he doesn't want to join any forces, thank you!"

However, Ling Tian bowed his hands deeply again.

City Lord Tianlan refused. ,

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