Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2072: Ran away overnight and was surrounded


With a loud explosion, City Lord Lan suddenly got up that day.

Ling Tian refused him several times, but he didn't know how to praise him!

He is the border immortal monarch of the second prince, and in Tianlan City, thousands of people admire him, and this mere junior of the golden fairy in Ling Tian is so shameless! ?

"Ling Tian, ​​do you know who the second prince I am talking about is?"

Ling Tian straightened his back, neither overbearing nor overbearing. "The younger generation doesn't know, and doesn't want to know, no matter how powerful the second prince is, he is the same. He can't influence the younger generation's decision."

"Haha, good, very good."

"Remember what you said today. One day, you will regret it. When that happens, don't say I didn't give you a chance!"

City Lord Tianlan walked to the front of the middle hall.

But suddenly stopped.

"By the way, I also heard that you came out of the chaotic battlefield. It's a coincidence. Me too. I want to come to you and my clan Sun Ouyang Zheng. He will arrive in Tianlan City in five days. We are reminiscing about the past."

"Ha ha, ha ha ha ha..."

After all, that day City Lord Lan turned into a cloud of smoke and disappeared.

"This guy, he really wasn't kind enough to come this time!"

Zhao Min looked towards the door and frowned: "Ling Tian, ​​what shall we do now, this guy, absolutely not, let it go!"

"Ling Tian, ​​Ouyang Zhao is a celebrity in front of the second prince, he wants the longevity valley, also for the second prince, now you offend him, I am afraid that we will not get better, my ability is limited, I can stop Lu There is no problem with Sanshan, but I don’t have the slightest chance of winning against the Lord Tianlan."

Ran Qinghong also frowned.

This time, she had no bottom in her heart.

If the second prince watched them, the future path would not be easy.

Moreover, although there are rumors that she has a relationship with the third prince, in fact, he can't mobilize the power of the third prince at all, and he can't even talk to the third prince.

City Lord Tianlan knew all these secrets, so he had no scruples.

"So, we are leaving."

Ling Tian nodded.

Now that he has so many enemies, he already feels that he has reached the point of difficulty.

Just now, City Master Tianlan also understood the relationship between himself and Ouyang Zheng. The latter was the Holy Master of Tiansheng City in Chaos Battlefield, and Ling Tian personally killed his son.

It can be predicted that if Ouyang Zheng arrives at Sky Blue City, he will never give up.

A City Lord of Tianlan, Ling Tian was not afraid yet.

However, the city lord of Tianlan gave up a million soldiers, and there were many immortal monarchs. If he told the Jubao Firm about Shen Pavilion's affairs, then he would never be able to deal with him in the city, even if he was powerful.

It's time to escape.

"When will you leave?"

Zhao Min frowned.


Ling Tian raised his eyes and looked at the seven stars that were gradually covered by dark clouds. The dim sky looked like a vast ocean brewing a tsunami.

Without further ado, they must leave quickly.

Otherwise, when the news that the Everlasting Spirit Valley had appeared in his hand was spread to the major forces, then, those who wanted to trouble him would not be the only ones.

The turmoil brought about by the Longevity Spirit Valley far exceeded Ling Tian's expectations.

"Leave now!?"

Zhang Miao and others frowned, this was really anxious.

"Don't talk nonsense, I also think that if you want to go, just go now, so as not to have long nights and dreams."

Dyeing Qinghong frowned, "I'll give you a quarter of an hour to prepare for the world, and then, at the West City Gate, we will meet and go!"


West Gate of Tianlan City.

Ling Tian and Ran Qinghong, a group of seven people, went out of the city smoothly.

This is much smoother than expected.

However, when they were in addition to Tianlan City, they found that there were far fewer people outside the city than before.

Quiet, a little bit frightening.


The faces of Zhang Miao and others were tense.

"Ouyang Zhao shouldn't attack me near Tianlan City. Let's go first. If we try our best, we will also kill!"


Ran Qinghong drew the long sword from his waist and summoned a flying boat. When everyone entered it, it turned into a cyan streamer and galloped out toward the east.

However, it was only nine hundred miles away from the steps of Tianlan City.

Feizhou was stopped.

And the person blocking the way is Nalu Sanshan!

This lingering fellow had long been outside Tianlan City, waiting for Ling Tian.

Now, he also learned that Ling Tian had used the Everlasting Spirit Valley to photograph a fairy fire at the previous auction.

If Ling Tian still had Linggu in his hands, he would surely have a great reward to take Dawei back.

Therefore, in any case, Ling Tian must die today!

"Ran Qinghong, this is my grievance with Ling Tian, ​​I advise you not to interfere!"

Lu Sanshan brought hundreds of gangs to come up, among them, there were more than a dozen immortal monarchs.

"Hmph, Lu Sanshan, you really want to die, well, today I dye the blue rainbow, and you will be fulfilled, the Sanshan Gang, from then on, I will be removed!"

On the flying boat, dyed the blue rainbow to the sound of you, be careful, even if it soars into the sky.

Holding the sword of the cyan fairy king in his hand, the top fairy king in his body will bless the sea of ​​coercion and bloom, and the god-level sword intent is condensed into a heavenly sword, suspended above the sky.

Let it look like an ancient sword sovereign for a while, invincible.

Seeing this, Ling Tian also nodded secretly. Although the cultivation base of Stained Green Rainbow looked a little worse than Lu Sanshan, his combat power was absolutely fierce. ‘

Perhaps one of them will be able to take over all the members of the Sanshan Gang.

"Hehe, I didn't expect that you are much better than a year ago, but it's useless!"

"Brothers, take this lady down now!"


Lu Sanshan's face was incredibly hideous, and the veteran Xianjun's combat power exploded. He carried Xianjun's long sword and brought a group of Xianjun to kill Qinghong. ,

They felt that as long as dyeing Qinghong was killed, Ling Tian would not be able to escape!

However, when the sword in Ran Qinghong's hand swept down and shattered everyone's supernatural powers, Lu Sanshan's heart sank suddenly.

This dyed green rainbow's current combat power turned out to be so fierce.

Even letting them join forces is not low.

"Haha, how can the gang master come from a Taoist palace like Lu Sanshan's arrogant?" The faces of Zhang Miao and others were proud.

"Brother Ling Tian, ​​don't worry, these wastes will be resolved by the helper soon."

Ling Tian nodded, but there was no slack look on his face. He had never worried about Lu Sanshan's rubbish, but counting the time, City Master Tianlan should be almost there, right?

Sure enough, Ling Tian's thoughts fell, and behind them, there was a whistling sound!

When everyone looked at it, their pupils shrank.

Then, it turned out to be a series of bright streamers, like shooting stars, flying across the night sky.

Among them was a figure whose aura was very familiar and powerful, but it was not City Master Tianlan.

"Ling Tian! Why are you leaving Tianlan City in such a hurry? The Tianjiao of my Shen family is dead in your hands!?"

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