Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2073: Tianlan Army [Five Watches]

People are not here yet.

A voice sounded like a thunderstorm.

It is the great treasurer of the Jubao Firm, Chen Chen!

In the blink of an eye, this top immortal monarch descended with thousands of feet of immortal light.

With a cold gaze, he looked at Ling Tian above the flying boat.

It is far from the kind face of the previous auction.

In fact, when he learned that Shen Ge had died at the hands of Ling Tian, ​​he didn't have much hatred.

Shen Ge is just the son of the Shen family, and he can only be said to be incompetent when he is dead.

However, Shen Ge died in the hands of Ling Tian, ​​and the latter once had the longevity spirit valley. Although he has already stated that he has no extra spirit valley, who would believe it?

Now, for this reason to capture Ling Tian and bring it back to the Shen family, no one can say a word.

By then, it would be easy if Ling Tian still had the Valley of Eternal Life in his hands.

Therefore, today he must capture Ling Tian.

"Treasurer Shen, what do you mean?"

Ling Tian held his hand and raised his eyes to look at Shen Chen.

Unexpectedly, this guy turned out to be one step earlier than City Master Tianlan.

"Hehe, it seems that my nephew of Shen Ge really died in your hands. If so, then you can catch it with your hands. My Shen Jia Tianjiao was beheaded by you, unforgivable."

Behind Shen Chen, a group of immortals flew up, there were dozens of them.

In the distance, Ran Qinghong was shocked to see this scene.

In the face of such forces as Jubao Firm, she also lacked skills.

"Hehe, I'll catch it with my hands, Shen shopkeeper, I'm afraid I'm thinking too much."

"Although Ling Tian is a junior, he doesn't let you wait to be bullied. Come on, let me see, the combat power of the top immortal monarch!"

The hands in the big sleeves behind Ling Tian were already brewing Xian Yuan.

From the perspective of combat power, this Chen Chen should be more tyrannical than the Azure Dragon in the canyon.

For Ling Tianlao, the threat is not big.

It's just that the dozens of fairy monarchs behind him are a bit more troublesome.

To solve it, there are a lot of hole cards that need to be used.

Moreover, today's Ling Tian can't perform the horned dragon transformation, otherwise, everything will be completely exposed.

"Hehe, I didn't expect you, a junior, to have a good temper, but I want to see, where is your confidence!"

The size of Chen Chen's eyes suddenly puckered, and the boundless immortal yuan was still horrified, like a mountain, pouring over.

For Ling Tian, ​​he only needs to use his momentum to suppress it.

"Haha, treasurer Shen, you, an old thing who has lived for hundreds of years, are so shameless to deal with a younger generation like this!"

However, at this moment, within the mountains not far from Ling Tian, ​​suddenly there was an array of rays of light, accompanied by a sound of ridicule, dozens of figures walked out of the array, rushed into the sky, suspended in Before Ling Tian's flying boat.

The person who spoke seemed to be a middle-aged warrior, but behind his cultivation level, he was not under Shen Chen. Although Ling Tian did not know him, Feng Qixi behind him made Ling Tian raise his eyebrows.

People at Tianyi Auction House?


"What are you going to do?"

The three shining fairy lights above Shen Chen's head, controlling the mountain-like breath, looked at the old man at the auction house that day with cold eyes.

"What are you doing? Of course, to protect Ling Tian!"

The middle-aged fairy has a black beard floating under his jaw.

"Bao Lingtian? Why do you? Tell you, this Lingtian killed my Shen family's concubine, Shen Ge!"

Shen Chen was furious.

"Hahaha, of course I know, and my girl was also on the spot at the time, why, or else, you arrested my girl as well?"

The size of the wind, Qixi Feng behind him pinched Xiaoman's waist, and said arrogantly: "Yes, if you have the courage, you come!"


"Fengxing, I advise you not to get confused! This Lingtian has nothing to do with you, why do you have to take this muddy water?"

Shen Chen furiously said.

"Nothing to do? Haha!"

Unexpectedly, Fengxing laughed loudly, "You may not know that Ling Tian is a soaring warrior!"

"You said he has anything to do with me?"

"What!? This Ling Tian is still a soaring warrior?" Sure enough, Shen Chen was shocked when he heard the words.

If Ling Tian was an Ascended Warrior, then theoretically, he could be sheltered by the Ascended Alliance.

"In that case, you and I are really going to fight, I remember, the last time you and I played against each other was a hundred years ago!"

Shen Chen's face was gloomy, although this popular person with Tianyi suddenly appeared, but Ling Tian still wanted to take it.

"Yes, this time, let me see how much you have grown!"

After that Fengxing said, the laughter on his face suddenly disappeared. In an instant, the breath of the top immortal monarch agitated and rushed towards that Chen Chen

For a time, the night sky was bright as day under the shining of magical powers.

Seeing the two parties fighting together, Ling Tian and Zhang Miao and the others were equally surprised.

He never thought that the Ascension Alliance would suddenly intervene.

Moreover, how does this popular know that he is a member of the Ascension Alliance?

He didn't tell Feng Qixi.

"Haha, Brother Lingtian, you are really a man of great fortune. There are people from the Ascension Alliance. There is nothing you can do with this treasure-gathering firm!"

"Yes, it's safe!"

Zhang Miao and others laughed.

"No, he hasn't come yet!"

However, Ling Tian shook his head.


Everyone is puzzled.

But then, one after another roared like a tsunami.

Even the night sky and the mountains of the earth were shaking wildly.

Zhang Miao and the others looked back in amazement, only to find that a series of black waves were rushing.

The waves moved forward more and more, and one stream of light began to light up one by one.

Only then did they discover that this was actually the Heavenly Cloud City army on the Monster Beast mounts in unison!

There are tens of thousands!

In order to catch Ling Tian, ​​the City Lord of Tianlan City did not hesitate to use the army of Tianlan City! ?

"Ling Tian, ​​you go now, let's break it!"

Zhang Miao and the others are about to rush out of the flying boat.

"You don't have to, this storm has started because of me, and it will eventually end because of me."

Ling Tian stopped Zhang Miao and others.

Now, the City Lord of Tianlan came with a large army, and it was useless whether it was dyed Qinghong or Tianyi Auction House.

Under the army, dozens of fairy monarchs could not resist.

Besides, before the army, Ouyang Zhao, the lord of Tianlan City, was already comparable to the Immortal King!

In the shock of everyone's eyes, Ling Tian added a voice, Qing Yi grinned, and his white hair was flying.

Jun Yi Wushuang's face was full of coolness and coolness.

With a shock at his feet, he flew out of the immortal boat and went straight to the army of Tianlan City.

Walking in the air, the momentum of the sky is rising steadily during the period.

Although unable to use the Horned Dragon Transformation, Ling Tian would be greatly reduced.

But if City Master Tianlan really wanted to do something, Ling Tian wouldn't care about that much.

No matter how bad it is, they will kill it. Anyway, the phantom sting bee in Taoyuan has long been unable to help it.

"City Lord Tianlan, do you want to take me back too?"

Finally, Ling Tian's figure hovered in front of the army of Tianlan City.

Ling Tian, ​​dressed in white, with his hands on his back, seemed to be floating before the mighty Tianlan army.

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