Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2074: Deceive too much

"Hehe, Ling Tian, ​​are you still here, pretending to be with me?"

Among the army of Tianlan City, Ouyang Zhao's voice sounded.

"Now. My Tianlan City army has arrived, you should go with us!"

Ling Tian sneered, "What's the reason?"

"Hehe, I, City Master Tianlan, take people in Tianlan City, and I don't need a reason!"

Sky Blue City Lord sneered.

"In that case, let's do it!!"

Ling Tian's face was indifferent, and now his side, who can do it, have already done it.

In the face of the most powerful City Lord Tianlan, he could only do his best.

"Ling Tian! I use a high-level ten thousand li magic rune! You hold him!"

At this time, on the flying boat, Feng Qixi took out a talisman seal and was opening it.

It takes time to go to great distances.

If it is interrupted, all previous efforts will be lost.

Ling Tian glanced sideways.

That is, Cui moved his whole body to the extreme.

"Hehe, the worm shakes the tree, and he doesn't know what he can do. How can you resist the strength of City Lord Tianlan? If you want to go, it's impossible!"

When the voice fell, the tens of thousands of warriors in Tianlan's army surrounded the flying boat, and the Tianlan City Lord himself suddenly took action. The vast energy tore through the sky, and fiercely bombarded the wind and Qixi's formation. This posture, If it is hit, the magical rune of the Qixi Festival of Wind, obviously must be immediately scrapped.

Must not let Wanli Shenxing be broken, this is Ling Tian and the others, the only way to leave quickly.

With a cold snort, Ling Tian also shot in an instant.


Under the Eternal Burning Heaven Judgment, Ling Tian merged the green lotus celestial flame into the vitality, covering a blue-red flame shield on the sky.

Although Ling Tian couldn't burst out with full combat power now, there shouldn't be a problem with being able to take a few breaths.

"Hehe, you are a bit strong, but that's only the case!"

Ouyang Zhao sneered.

Its voice fell, and the power of the big hand extended again.

In the face of several juniors, he didn't need to make an all-out effort.

Ling Tian hovered under the fire shield, staring fiercely at the terrifying offensive that broke through the air. That offensive had not yet arrived, and the terrifying pressure was already a sign that the space around Ling Tian was a little distorted. , City Lord Tianlan made the shot himself, this kind of offensive was enough to make the sky completely irresistible.

However, although Ling Tian also understood that the fire shield he sacrificed today was nothing more than a praying man’s arm to block a car, he still did not hesitate. It still takes time to activate the formation, so someone must show up to stop this offensive. Otherwise, they won't be able to leave.


Under everyone's gaze, the big hand of City Lord Tianlan pressed heavily on the fire shield above Ling Tian's head.

Without any accident, Ling Tian's Xianyuan defense, under the big hand of Lan City Lord today, was like a piece of paper, and it shattered in an instant of contact.

Ling Tian's pupils shrank, and without the blessing of the Horned Dragon Transformation, now he really has no way to compete with the real Immortal King's combat power.

However, even if the fire shield collapsed, Ling Tian was still around him again, condensing Xian Yuan.


City Lord Tianlan slapped his big hand off, and when he encountered an explosion, Ling Tian spouted out a mouthful of blood, his body was like a fallen leaf, he was directly pressed, his face was instantly pale.

No way, with Ling Tian's current combat power, he couldn't compete with City Lord Tianlan when he couldn't break out all his cards.

A mouthful of blood spurted out, and Ling Tianshang hadn't had time to retreat, he suddenly noticed the solidification of the surrounding space, and then, the terrible power penetrated from the space, wrapping it up.


Under the erosion of that terrible force, Ling Tian's body became distorted almost instantly, and blood madly infiltrated its pores, like that, it was almost crushed into a mass of flesh.


A huge pain filled Ling Tian's body madly, but Ling Tian's endurance was amazing. Like before, Ling Tian was able to survive the flames of the green lotus. Now, let alone the pressure.

However, Ling Tian's physical body, without the blessing of the horned dragon transformation, could not resist under such pressure.

Obviously, the Lord of Tianlan wanted to directly suppress Ling Tian and hold it in his hands.

In the sky in the distance, City Lord Tianlan and the army looked indifferently at the Ling Tian, ​​who was clenched by the big hands, calmly.

City Lord Tianlan fought a hundred battles, and there were countless strong men who died in his hands. The younger generation of the golden fairy like Ling Tian was just a small person who couldn't be smaller.

It has already given him a lot of face.

On the Xianzhou, Zhao Min and others saw Ling Tian being pinched in their big hands, and their eyes became scarlet.

However, under the coercion of City Lord Tianlan, they were helpless.


A series of pain crazily impacted Ling Tian's heart, and he could feel that even with his current tyranny, he felt the real smell of death at this moment.

This kind of attack is far beyond the limit his physical body can withstand, and he can hear the faint clicking sound of the bones all over his body.

The line of sight in front of him was eroded and blurred by the bloodline, abnormal weakness and weakness, rippling in Ling Tian's heart.

"You old thing!"

A bitter voice sounded in Ling Tian's heart, and his mind began to blur...


Now, Ling Tian Xian Yuan and physical body have reached their limit.

Without revealing his hole cards, Ling Tian has only one dead end!

There is no way, the figure gradually opened his eyes on the base of Ling Tian's sea, and above the fairy light above Ling Tian's head, the blessing of the will is gradually rising.

Immortal king, top immortal king, to quasi immortal!

Under the blessing of the will of the primordial beginning, Ling Tianhai surged wildly, the galaxy trembled, and the eternal burning of the sky was urged to its limit, and the fire of green lotus merged into it.

Under this heavy blessing, behind Ling Tian, ​​the fairy light gradually turned into a phantom, standing proudly on the sky.

Ling Tian directly pulled out the Seven-Star Dragon Abyss Sword from his waist, the god-level sword intent burst forth, and one hundred thousand sword shadows merged, one sword opened the sky and slashed.


The unparalleled sharp sword energy slashed on the big hand of the Lord of Tianlan.

A harsh rubbing sound sounded, and among the exclaims of everyone, they unexpectedly discovered that the big hand of the Lord of Tianlan was torn apart a little bit.

The sword of the sky, like an unyielding dragon, shattered its big hand and broke free from the cage.

Although Ling Tian didn't sacrifice all his strength, the hundred thousand sword shadows had already been used, and it didn't count as much to split the palm of City Master Tianlan.

"This kid, the will in his body is actually comparable to the Immortal Venerable!"

"Even if it is not the will of the Immortal Venerable, it is far surpassing the top immortal king, and it is definitely a quasi immortal Venerable."

"And this kid's sword intent, such a **** level, is this kid really a golden immortal, not a top immortal?"

Looking at the big hand of the Lord of Tianlan, Ling Tian tore a sword.

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