Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2081: West County Front

Everyone heard Mo Yu calling Master Lingtian. Although they were surprised, they did not ask anything.

Now, the black robe fairy king has already left.

But Ling Tian's identity became more and more mysterious.

Even Ran Qinghong and Feng Qixi were wondering that Ling Tian might really be the royal family of Da Chu.

"Oh? Starcatcher? Let me see!?"

Ling Tian stretched out his hand and took the black crossbow.

He found that this hidden weapon was more exquisite, material, and more exquisite than the one previously obtained in the firm. It was made from a whole piece of star chasing gold sand.

The crossbow arrows inside have also changed from three to five.

Under the five-star burst, the power increased by 50% again, far surpassing the top-grade Xianjun's weapon.

However, Ling Tian played for a while, but shook his head.

He is a refining master, and this hidden weapon is, how to say, it is also a refining weapon.

He might not understand the mechanism on the star chaser crossbow, but Ling Tian knew the formation used to penetrate the energy.

"Why, is there a problem with this subordinate star chaser?"

Mo Yu frowned.

He is the first genius of the Mo family, and has the inheritance of the hidden weapons of the Mo family.

Therefore, he is extremely conceited about every hidden weapon of his own.

Always proud.

But now Ling Tian shook his head.

What do you mean?

"There is no problem with the star chaser, but it can be stronger!"

Ling Tian smiled.

"Strong? This is impossible!"

Mo Yu didn't believe it.

"Hehe, there is a problem with the arrangement of your formations, and there are too few five formations, it should be seven."

Ling Tian smiled, and immediately there was a green fairy fire in his hand, which rose suddenly.

Everyone was surprised when they saw it.

This immortal fire has a total of 180 layers, and it is the Qinglian Immortal Flame that Ling Tian had auctioned off before!

I saw Ling Tian condensed the immortal fire into a large pen, and carved the formation totem on the star chasing crossbow, but in half of the time, the depiction was completed.

The flame went out, and the star chaser crossbow appeared in Ling Tian's hands again.

Compared with before, there is no change in appearance, but everyone feels vaguely that this hidden weapon is more powerful.

"Your star chaser is a five-star chain of pearls, but the current one is a series of seven arrows. By then, its power will be enough for the existence of top immortal monarchs and cannot be parried!"

Ling Tiandao.

"What? Seven arrows shot in a row?"

Mo Yu was shocked, but Ling Tian only took half of the incense time to evolve the star chasing crossbow?

"Well, if you don't believe it, try it!?"

Ling Tian nodded,

"I will try!"

Feng Qixi grabbed the star chaser crossbow, took the crossbow arrow in Mo Yu's hand, and filled it up.

Standing at the forefront of the flying boat, aiming at a barren mountain under the sky, he pulled the trigger. In an instant, on the crossbow, the seven arrays flickered and the energy burst, causing the seven arrows to burst down one after another.

Bang bang bang!

The arrow tears through the void, although it is not grand, but it is silent and almost to its extreme!

And the barren mountain that was targeted was also razed to the ground by seven arrows in an instant, and everything was swept away within a hundred miles.

Seeing this scene, everyone present was stunned.

Just as Ling Tian said, now this star chaser crossbow with seven arrows fired continuously is powerful enough to hurt the top fairy!

Ling Tian also nodded secretly, having to say that this hidden weapon was really abnormal.

To talk about the rank, that is, the material of this star chaser crossbow is a little bit worse, otherwise it can be compared with the Seven Star Dragon Abyss Sword.

But in any case, the seven arrows fired by this star chaser is definitely a killer feature.

"Thank you for the master's advice!"

Holding the star chaser crossbow, that Mo Yu was overjoyed.

I also admire Ling Tian more and more.

The master of the Mohist school must have the posture of the sky and the peerless talent.

"Master, please, give this crossbow arrow a new name!"

Mo Yu respectfully said.

"Uh, give a name?"

Ling Tian thought for a while, then said: "Just call, Qixing chasing the moon crossbow."

"Seven stars chasing the moon? A good name, so nice!"

Feng Qixi clap your hands.

"Does it sound good, then build a few more, one for each!"

Ling Tian nodded his chin towards Feng Qixi.

"Then what do you think of me?"

Feng Qixi's eyes rolled around and he was about to run.

But Ling Tian was dragged back with one hand.

"Star chasing gold sand is a good thing. You should have stock in your hand, right?"

Feng Qixi murmured: "You fellow, how do you know that my father will leave me a lot of treasures?"

"Hehe, I guess, what? You hand in the materials and I let Mo Yu build it, even if you are in the group!"

Ling Tian smiled.

"Huh, okay, okay, can't I get the materials?"

Feng Qixi is helpless.

"It's not bad."

Ling Tian let go of the Qixi Festival and looked at Mo Yu, "You two, go get ready!"

"Ling Tian, ​​I have something to discuss with you."

Mo Yu and Feng Qixi left, Ran Qinghong thought for a while, and suddenly spoke.

"The dye gang master, please here."

Ling Tian nodded and reached the back of Feizhou.

Now, West County is about to arrive.

He also wanted to talk to Ran Qinghong.

"The dye gang master, you want to tell me something that you can try, right?"

Ling Tian first spoke.

"Hehe, you are smart, and you know what you say to you."

Ran Qinghong nodded and sighed, "That's right!"

"Now West County is right in front of you. I have to tell you something I will try."

"Today, in the fairy kingdom of my human race, we still follow the ultimate selection of a kind of talent, and that is Xianju!"

"And Xianju, there are a total of four procedures, namely the test, the Taoist scriptures, the holy ratio, and the palace battle!"

Ling Tian frowned: "So many programs?"

This kind of system is really unfamiliar to him.

"Well, it sounds complicated, but it's actually very simple. The test is the Tianjiao test within the four counties of Chu. Those with excellent results can be qualified to enter the Third Avenue Palace."

"The Dao Dian is a contest between the geniuses of the Three Great Dao Palaces. Those with excellent grades can enter the Holy Land to practice."

"And Shengbi, you can also guess that those who belong to the battle before the Holy Land Tianjiao, outstanding people can enter the Immortal King Hall of the Chu State Palace and accept the assessment by the Lord of Chu."

"If it passes, it will be reused for the country's owner, and the future is boundless."

"Now, the Tianjiao who passed the master's pass, but four people, these four people now have the realm of immortal kings, and each guards the four counties of Chu, which is equivalent to a separatist prince!"

Ran Qinghong smiled and said, "However, Saint Bi and Diandou are still far away for you and me."

"Now, we are ready to try."

"There are many things to be assessed in the meeting, with martial arts competitions being the main one, followed by alchemy, weaponry, and formations."

"The martial arts competition is the top priority, and the rules of the competition are changeable. Therefore, Tianjiao has always formed their own teams to deal with them."

"And the team leader who organizes the team can get rewards from the Imperial Court of the Immortal Kingdom when the team achieves results. This is also one of the reasons why I organize the team."

Ran Qinghong looked at Ling Tian, ​​"But these are not important. I know that even if there is no team, no one will be your opponent in this West County Trial."

Ling Tian is too powerful.

Perhaps, only Dao Palace can make Ling Tian feel a little threatened, right?

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