Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2082: Will try the first reward

"Perhaps, I never underestimated the heroes of the world, St. Bi and Dian Dou. It sounds pretty good. It seems that this trial is really necessary to participate."

Ling Tian touched his nose, "Oh yes, if you can try first, is there a reward?"

"Uh, with your net worth, do you still care about this?"

Dyeing Qinghong frowned, Ling Tian wanted to be generous, but he didn't seem to be someone who cares about rewards.

"To tell you the truth, I am cleaner than my face in my ring now, and I don't have a single celestial stone."

Ling Tian spread his hands.

Colored green rainbow: "..."

"Okay, the reward for the test is of course generous. The top ten Tianjiao will be the first pick and will be selected by the Third Avenue Palace."

"If it is the first place in the test, let alone, it is equivalent to the No. 1 Tianjiao of West County. The Hou Ye of West County has always been generous."

Ran Qinghong thought for a while and said: "When I left Xijun to go to Tianlan City, Xijun Houfu seemed to have issued the top ten rewards for the trial. I didn't remember anything else. The first place is said to get one. Kind of dragon blood bones."

"Dragon Bloodbone?"

Ling Tian heard that, Dang even raised his eyebrows.

Isn't this a coincidence?

At Qinglong's place before, Ling Tian had found nothing. His body was stuck in the Horned Dragon Transformation, unable to advance.

Now, it's in West County and got another chance?

"What bloodbone?"

Ling Tian asked.

"I don't know what the specific dragon clan is, but it shouldn't be the extremely precious blood bones like the Panlong Qinglong. It is very likely that it will be the Canglong clan. This, when you get to the West County, look again, you will know. "

"Why, do you need dragon blood bones?"

Ran Qinghong asked.


"If the Blue Dragon Blood Bones are really rewarded, then this will be the first to try and it must be mine."

Ling Tian's pupils shrank.

"Haha, if you have confidence, that's right. If you are really short of immortal stones, you can go to the West County Arena to score points in the name of the team. The points can be exchanged in the West County Hou Mansion for a lot of immortal stones. The number is based on you. As long as the team is good, you can empty the treasury of West County and no one will take care of it!"

Ran Qinghong said again.

"Haha, listening to what the gang master said, I am more and more interested in this West County."

Ling Tian laughed, the team arena?

The seven immortal states are really different from the lower realms.

"That's, it's a pity that my human race is no longer the glory of the year, otherwise, the prosperity of the world will definitely make you linger."

Ran Qinghong, looking at the flowing clouds under her feet, suddenly said, "West County is here."

Ling Tian also turned around and looked around.

Above the immortal boat, Zhao Min and others also looked at the distant sky below the clouds, the magnificent giant city, and the densely packed palaces and pavilions, all shrouded in the fairy cloud, like a god.

The magnificent weather of West County was really not a barren land on the border of Lancheng that day. It was comparable, bad, and simply too much.

"In the West County, apart from the West County Houfu, it is considered to be the strongest of the four immortal gates. As for the four immortal gates, you should also know."

Ran Qinghong pointed to the strange peaks, big lakes, abyss, and canyons in the four directions around Naxi County.

"These four places where the spiritual veins gather are the four immortal gates in West County. Within the fairy gate, there are legends that there are strong people in the realm of the fairy king sitting in the town. Their heritage comes from Hua-Xia Xianzhou and has a long history, even in West County. The Hou Mansion has also taken good care of them."

"And all the previous examinations in West County came from the Four Great Immortals, so..."

Ran Qinghong shrugged.

"It's okay, I'll see you at the trial."

Ling Tian smiled and didn't care.

Ling Tian and the others, the immortal boat, descended in front of the gate of Xijun.

Here, hundreds of thousands of people will be used up every day, so the immortal boat of everyone is like a drop in the ocean before the crowds.

Simply inconspicuous.

This time, there was no turmoil as usual.

The journey was very quiet, Ling Tian and the others followed Dyed Qinghong to the gang stronghold of the Qinghong gang leader.

A large house covering dozens of miles, perhaps a house of this size in other places, can only be said to be shabby, but in a place like West County, where the land and the money are really small, it is really a mansion.

"Dear friends, you are resting in the house of my gang now. There are still three months before the test in West County. You can practice with peace of mind, or go to the arena to practice."

Ran Qinghong looked at Ling Tian again, "My team, there are a few others, I will call them all in a while later, you meet and get familiar with them."


Ling Tian naturally had no opinion.

Everyone searched for the room. Mo Yu had Ling Tian's guidance. After arriving in the house, he hid in the room and began to refine.

Since Zhang Miao and others have not returned to West County for a long time, they are now looking for relatives and friends.

Ling Tian, ​​Zhao Min, and Zuo Xianzhi were in the yard. They had nothing to do, so they played the piano and flute, and by the way showed Zuo Xianzhi's piano skills.

Nowadays, Ling Tian's technique of piano music is becoming more and more refined.

Has reached the realm of ecstasy.

The sound of the piano is so dim that it can even penetrate the Qinghong gang's mansion formation, floating in the middle of the street.

At this time, on the street outside the Qinghong house, a luxurious white jade car was driven by the fire cloud leopard of the seven gods, and walked on the cloud.

Behind him, there are two rows of guards covering the body with golden armor, the weakest of which is the Golden Immortal Peak, and there are dozens of immortal monarchs.


But just as the car was passing by the house of the Qinghong Gang, a clear and pleasant fairy sound suddenly fell on the white jade carriage.

The seven-headed fire clouded leopard stopped.

And those hundreds of golden armored guards immediately stepped forward, surrounded the cars and drove them round and round, scanning their eyes as if they were facing an enemy.

"Sister Princess, what's the matter, but I feel that my car is uncomfortable?"

Another delicate voice sounded inside the car.

"No, Princess Wang, can you hear, here, there is the sound of the piano?"

"Qin Yin?"

"It is true, but I am not proficient in the sound of the piano. I just feel that the sound of the piano is really good. What's wrong, is there a problem with the sound of the piano?"

"Well, this piano sound is very good. If it wasn't for this person's guqin to be too bad, then this song would be comparable to the imperial piano master! I don't know, which one of the piano master disciples in the palace is here West County!"

"What? The princess sister said that the sound of the piano is from the palace? No, if there are such characters in West County, it is impossible for my father to know it."

The voice fell, and a girl in colorful clothes poked her head out of the car and glanced at the house of the Qinghong gang, and then a clear color flashed across her face.

"I know this house is owned by the Qinghong Gang."

From the gap in the car, one could faintly see an extravagant woman in a golden phoenix pattern sitting in the middle of the car. Hearing this, she asked: "Qinghong Gang? What kind of power is that?"

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