Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2083: Guantianlou

"It's a small force, but you may have heard of the gang leader. It was Ran Qinghong. She used to be in Dao Palace and used to serve His Royal Highness the Three Princes..."

The girl went back to the car and talked halfway before she stopped talking.

"Hehe, she, but the rumors are exaggerated. My three emperor brothers have always been steady and capable, and will definitely not be good to such a watery woman. It has nothing to do with it."

"Of course I also believe in the character of the third prince, but this coloring of the blue rainbow is everywhere in the West County under the name of the third prince, and other unknowing warriors and forces do not dare to offend." The girl said.

"However, you said that the sound of the piano is from the palace, is it true that His Royal Highness the Third Prince has something to do with this dyed blue rainbow?"

"It's hard to say, I just said that this piano tone may be a disciple of the imperial piano master in the palace, but it cannot be said that it is a person in the palace."

"I will let someone investigate."

"Now my three emperors have been punished by my father for the reason of building the pilgrimage building. At this time, it is best not to have extra branches."

The voice fell, and the car left in a mighty manner.

Of course, Ling Tian in the house did not know all of this.

After a song was finished, Feng Qixi rushed in.

"Wow, Ling Tian, ​​I didn't expect you to play the song very nicely, let's have another one!"

"If you ask me to come here, just come? Don't I lose face. I am tired today, so I will come here." Ling Tian handed Guqin to Zuo Xianzhi.

"Hehe, Master, your piano skills have improved again. I think this Long Xiaoyue is not worthy of you." Zuo Xianzhi said.

Feng Qixi pouted his lips, "You are so stingy to death! The three-character guqin is not enough for your master, do you want four-character?"

"I haven't seen a four-character piano. I'm afraid that only the Da Chu Palace has a collection!"

Ling Tian was noncommittal and stood up and said, "Four-character piano? It's not that you haven't played it before."

"You will brag! By the way, Ling Tian, ​​shall we go for a stroll outside?"

Feng Qixi pulled Ling Tian's sleeve.

"If you don't go, you are not disabled. Go, go by yourself."

"It's so boring for me to go alone, if I'm bullied outside, no one will give me a head start!" Feng Qixi pinched his waist.

"I'm not your father, I won't wipe your ass."

"Bah, why are you so rude!" Feng Qixi didn't get angry, and rolled his eyes and said, "Well, Xijun is the largest city in the west of the Great Chu, and it is extremely prosperous. Wouldn't it be a pity if you didn't go to see it?"

"Don't worry, there is still a lot of time."

"I heard that there is a restaurant in West County. The dishes and drinks are very delicious. Many princes go there!"

"Not interested in."

Ling Tian refused repeatedly, leaving Feng Qixi at a loss. She turned to look at Zhao Min, "Sister Zhao Min, he is not going, let's go, I will treat you!"

"I heard that the restaurant has a wonderful view, let's go and play!"

Zhao Min smiled bitterly and looked at Ling Tian, ​​"Anyway, I just arrived in West County, so it's fine to go out and go around."

Ling Tian raised his eyebrows and looked towards Feng Qixi, "Are you a treat?"

"Uh, it's okay, but don't cheat me!"

Feng Qixi's face is bitter.

"That's fine, go and call Mo Yu out, have eaten, and refining hidden weapons." Ling Tian said.



On the central street of West County, there is a flow of people, and the fairy lights are way.

Here, it can really be said that one brick can hit ten golden immortals.

On the bustling streets, there are several figures strolling slowly.

There are five people in this line, two men and three women.

Sannv said that, except for the childish Qixi Festival, the eyebrows of Zhao Min and Zuo Xianzhi, even in West County, are enough to attract countless lights.

As for Ling Tianfeng, the **** Junyi, because he was practicing the eternal Burning Heaven Jue, there was a faint flaming fate, rippling beneath his feet, with white hair slowly trashing, which also attracted the attention of many aristocratic ladies.

However, when they found that Ling Tian's cultivation was only in the late Golden Immortal stage, they all sneered and ignored it.

They are completely different from Zuo Xianzhi and Feng Qixi. The two girls are younger generations. Not only are they born well, but they are still in the realm of the immortal monarch, and they know that they are from a good family at a glance.

Along the way, they have been touched up countless times.

"Master, do you care about these prodigal sons? If you don't bother to take action, I will teach them for you!"

Mo Yu, who was not taller than Feng Qixi's shoulders, had a gloomy expression.

His complexion was fair, his eyes were dark red, and his temperament was cold and gloomy, and it looked a little frightening.

But its height is really not lethal.

"It's okay, maybe they can really meet their destiny!" Ling Tian shook his head.

It's just to strike up a conversation, which can only prove that the charm of the two women is extraordinary.

"Master, the disciple will not have a true emperor!" Zuo Xianzhi blushed and hid behind Ling Tian, ​​no longer showing up.

"Haha, you dwarf, it's scary to be fierce, but in this West County, you shouldn't do it lightly, otherwise you will be caught in the West County Prison, and you won't have good fruit." Feng Qixi said with a belly laugh.

"Haha, move me? He Xijun, is it worthy?"

Mo Yu murmured.

He is the number one arrogant of the Mo Family. There are a lot of immortal kings. In terms of power alone, this Xijun lord is really not enough to see. Perhaps the Da Chu royal family can move.

"Hey, here it is, I said, this is it!"

At this time, everyone turned a corner on the central street, and their sight suddenly became much wider.

Everyone followed Feng Qixi's fingers and took a deep breath.

There is a huge square in front of you, and you can't even see the edge at a glance.

On one side of the edge of the square, there is a mansion gate. After that, there are a group of palaces and countless celestial mountains. In front of the mansion gate, there is a huge monument floating in front of the palace.

Ling Tian's pupils shrank, but he didn't expect that they would arrive at this West Junhou Mansion as they walked! ?

However, the atmosphere of the Hou Mansion is too luxurious. It is only the Hou Mansion, that's it. What kind of sight should the Da Chu Palace look like?

Ling Tian dropped his gaze into the middle of the square, and found that there was a ring in it, with a thousand seats, and on many of the arenas, there were warriors competing, and some were even competing against teams of multiple players.

On the edge of the ring, there are also huge monuments standing, with names constantly flashing on it.

"That's Guantianlou! The restaurant I'm talking about is here!"

Following the direction of Feng Qixi's fingers, Ling Tian was in the fairy cloud, and he could vaguely see a palace-shaped building. The wind blew over the pavilion and gradually became clear. Although the area was small, there were no shops around.

Being able to build on the opposite side of the Hou Mansion, Ling Tian also secretly guessed the background of this restaurant.

"Guantianlou? He has a big tone!"

Mo Yu sneered.

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