Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2084: Only eat the most expensive

"People’s Guantian does not mean that. Guantian means Guantianjiao, because all previous conferences have been held in this square. On this Guantian tower, you can witness the rise of Xijun Tianjiao. That’s why The name of Guantian! As for the background of the Guantian Tower, of course it belongs to the Hou Mansion, so even if people speak a little bit louder, that’s fine."

Feng Qixi took Zhao Min and Zuo Xianzhi to the Guantian Tower.

Ling Tian and Mo Yu shook their heads, helpless, they had no choice but to quickly follow.

Fortunately, there are not many guests in Guantianlou today.

The five found a place facing the street and sat down, and there was a second person from the restaurant, waiting for him with the menu.

"I order!"

Feng Qixi went to pick up the menu, but was stopped by Ling Tian, ​​"You treat, we are guests, we can order this dish."

"Huh, you definitely want to cheat me, dwarf, you can do something!"

Feng Qixi couldn't believe Ling Tian, ​​and handed the menu to Mo Yu on the opposite side.

"I won't, and I'm not interested." Mo Yu was impatient.

"Come on," Ling Tian said.


Mo Yu didn't dare to violate Ling Tian's order and had to open the menu, but the next moment, his pupils shrank, "Damn, it's so expensive, grab money!"

This roar attracted the eyes of many warriors around.

However, when they looked at Ling Tian and others, they all shook their heads and laughed.

"It's really interesting, don't you know where this Guantianlou is? It's too expensive?"

"Hey, looking at their curious eyes, you know that they came from a small place and were scared."


Hearing the ridicule of the people around him, Mo Yu's expression got worse and worse.

Ling Tian also stretched his head and took a look. On the menu, there were more than a hundred dishes. The most expensive one, even one million yuan, was a top-grade immortal stone. It was absolutely no different from grabbing money.

No wonder Feng Qixi is so nervous, just watching the Tianlou, I am afraid it is Feng Qixi, and I dare not eat it presumptuously.

"Huh, this, this, and this!"

Mo Yu snorted coldly, pointing at the dishes on the menu, "Green white fairy jade mushroom, cold melon, and this spicy fried red Yunjin egg..."

Hearing the dishes Moyu was lighting, the martial artists around suddenly laughed again.

Because these dishes, without exception, are Guantianlou, the cheapest.

"Cut, I'm not afraid of being laughed at when I have no money to watch the sky tower!"

"It's embarrassing enough!"

However, Feng Qixi couldn't help clapping his hands when he heard Mo Yu chant the names of the dishes, "Dwarf, I didn't expect you to be good at doing things, you will really save me money!"

However, Mo Yu didn't seem to stop, and ordered fifty or sixty dishes in one go.

These made the surrounding diners and warriors also surprised.

Can these juniors eat so many dishes?

Moreover, the dishes are not cheap anymore.

"Okay, remember all of these I ordered, don't want to, the rest of the dishes, come one of each!"

Mo Yu put down the menu and exhaled, "Ordering is too tired."

However, the smile on Feng Qixi's face has frozen.

Slowly, the smile turned into anger, "Dead dwarf, you shame me!"

These dishes add up to almost tens of millions of top-grade immortal stones. It's just a meal. How can a family eat it like this?

"Why are you so picky, as the eldest lady of Tianyi Auction House, this little money is nothing in your eyes!" Mo Yu spread his hands.

"Money comes from a strong wind? Besides, the money I carry with me is made by me working for my father, so it's not much!"


Feng Qixi said with enthusiasm.

"Okay, the immortal stone is really not enough, then take your baby out and touch it." Ling Tian comforted.

"Fart, let me die directly, the treasures are all my treasures, I can't buy immortal stones!" Feng Qixi muttered.

"Then what should we do, or else, let's not eat it?" Ling Tian and the others looked at each other and smiled immediately.

"Hmph, this lady's face is more valuable. Forget it, I will ask for this meal, but if you owe me, I have no money, I will ask you! Hmph, Xiao Er, let's serve!"

Feng Qixi held his head and said with tears.


Everyone at the table looked at the appearance of the Qixi Festival, and couldn't help laughing.

Although Feng Qixi is the eldest lady of Tianyi Auction House, she is really stingy.

Letting Feng Qixi bleed is now Ling Tian's greatest pleasure.

However, although Heguantianlou's dishes are expensive, the taste is not to say.

At the entrance of the dishes, Ling Tian is not allowed to give a secret compliment. The dishes in Guantianlou are really good.

It is definitely the most delicious thing Ling Tian has ever eaten since he stepped into these Seven Great Immortals.

Even Zhao Min and Zuo Xianzhi, and even Mo Yu, who has always been indifferent, did not make a sound of feasting on them.

"Haha, I'm right, this Guantianlou is definitely not in vain!"

Feng Qixi said proudly.

The color of the previous pain is gone.

It’s good to be young, and forget everything quickly.

As for the warriors who had just mocked them, they were silent at this time. After all, Ling Tian's table dishes, even the disciples of the four immortals, were not casual and could afford to eat.

"Several brothers and sisters, let's do it, and reward you with some fairy stones!"

At this moment, a girl in ragged clothes walked weakly to Ling Tian's table, holding a broken bowl and begging.

Ling Tian frowned. This little girl looked like she was only eleven or twelve years old. She had only been begging at other tables and now she was here.

But what he thought was that this Guantianlou was not an ordinary place, how could such a beggar come up to beg?

It's really weird.

Therefore, for the first time, Ling Tian did not say anything.

But Mo Yu looked at it, put down his chopsticks and touched the ring, and then felt a little embarrassed, "I came out in a hurry, without the immortal stone."

"Brothers and sisters, Bi'er's father is seriously injured now. If there are not enough immortal stones to buy medicine for father, then father will die."

"I beg you, do it, Bier is willing to set up a longevity ranking for you, day and night to worship!"

The little girl said, she was about to kneel down.

"Guest officials, don't worry, this little girl is the daughter of a general in the Hou Mansion. The general was injured because he offended the nobles and was kicked out by the Hou Mansion. The treasurer of my family saw her pitifully and asked her to beg here. ."

"I will let him go now."

Xiao Er came up and was about to drag the little girl away.

Offended the powerful?

Ling Tian frowned. Although he was still skeptical, the shopkeeper of this restaurant didn't directly help the little girl because he was afraid of the Hou Mansion and the powerful.


However, Feng Qixi stopped that Xiao Er, and immediately took out a thousand high-grade immortal stones, "is enough."

"Enough is enough, I am left, Bier go and ask elsewhere!"

The little girl took the Lingshi, thank you very much.

"Well, go!"

Feng Qixi sighed.

"Hehe, I didn't see it, you iron rooster, will give alms." Mo Yu smiled.

Ling Tian was also a little surprised, the previous Qixi Festival, but he would never care about the inferior people.

Could it be that it was resuscitated?

"Huh, to be born with compassion!"

Feng Qixi glanced across Mo Yu.

Boom boom boom boom!

However, it didn't take long before everyone heard a messy sound downstairs, and immediately a young man in colorful clothes, holding a folding fan, came upstairs surrounded by a group of brightly dressed and extraordinary demeanors.

The little girl who hadn't had time to go downstairs was also directly pushed to the ground because of the collision with these people.

"Where is the cat and dog, dare to run into the Lord Hou Mansion and look for death!"

Someone yelled.

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