Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2087: Feng Qixi was abused

Ling Tian shook his head, this Qixi Festival, for the sake of money, don't even want his life?

On the ring, Feng Qixi had already taken out the fairy king's long whip again, and the will of the top fairy king was sacrificed. Under the pressure of the fairy king, it seemed that it was even more faint and tyrannical than before.

Under the arena, many warriors exclaimed, it turned out that this girl was defeated by Zhong Bufan, but she still hid her combat power. This seems to be a bit more powerful!

"Haha, ignorance."

However, on the opposite side of Feng Qixi, the Fenglei Immortal Liu Tong, who was not caught by the breath of Feng Qixi at all, sneered and drew out the big knife behind him.


The big sword came out of its sheath, as Ling Tian said, this big sword is extremely powerful, pale, and on it, there is pale wind and thunder light, and the blade is dark red. I want to drink blood, but it is a heavy killing. Device.

The rank is even higher than the wind and thunder whip in the hands of Biefeng Qixi.

As the eldest lady of Tianyi Auction House, although Feng Qixi does not have a national weapon in his hand, the top Xianjun weapon is actually used.

I don't know where the big knife in Liu Tong's hand comes from, it's so extraordinary.

"Bah! Do you dare to say that I am ignorant?"

Feng Qixi was embarrassed and no nonsense, he whips up his whip like a thunder snake, and strangled Liu Tong.

She also suddenly discovered that the fairy monarch in front of her was also a martial artist of the Wind and Thunder System, which was unbearable.

Zi La Zi La!

The wind and thunder burst, causing the entire square to resound with the crackling sound of wind and thunder.

The whip of Feng Qixi Festival was very fierce. Everywhere it passed, the thunder in the void and the formation of the ring were trembling, and the warriors who watched the battle were all surprised.

The Qixi Festival is so young, but the combat power is so fierce. In the future, it will have a boundless future!

"Haha, you are not enough to watch your wind and thunder supernatural powers!"

But Liu Tong was unmoved, even sneered, his sword was in his hand, and the blade intent was surging. In an instant, on the blade, he condensed into an extremely ferocious thunder crocodile.

God-level sword intent!

Ling Tian’s pupils shrunk slightly, a figure close to the middle-level fairy like Circulation, possessing god-level weapon attainments, it’s no longer what l\'

Moreover, his god-level sword intent has been able to transform into the form of a giant crocodile.

Is strong enough.


Not only that, Liu Tong's shoulders shook, the immortal light gathered on top of his back, the fairy king's will came out, the blade was cut down awe-inspiringly, and he took the long whip thunder snake in Qixi Festival.



Thunder Snake Beiming, even if Xuan was cut off by Liu Tong's blade, his head was directly beheaded.

Feng Qixi's martial arts supernatural power was broken, and it was shocked to see the blade that came down.

Unexpectedly, the whip, which she was quite confident, would be broken like this.


Although Feng Qixi's reaction was extremely fast, he immediately rolled up his whip and formed a shield of wind and thunder in front of him.

But the blade was heavily regretted on the pale wind and thunder shield, the thunder shield burst, and the Qixi Festival of the wind was also shaken out.

A mouthful of blood spurted out, but the first move, Feng Qixi, was injured.

"Chinese Valentine's Day!"

Zhao Min was a little anxious, but Feng Qixi did not admit defeat, so he had to be in the ring by himself.

"This crazy girl knows she can do it!"

Mo Yu looked at Liu Tong, his eyes were already full of murderous intent.

"Ahem! It hurts!"

Feng Qixi rubbed her chest, "This lady's chest is already small, but now it's even flatter!"

She got up from the ground, although her clothes were stained with blood, her aura was still there.

"Come again!"

The Qixi Festival is stupid, and the character is even more reluctant to admit defeat.

Now, in front of so many people, she has to fight for the 100 million immortal stones.

"You really aren't afraid of death. I want to remind you that I will take the knife and be merciless. If you miss, don't blame me!"

Liu Tong's pupils shrank, but he didn't expect this boy to be so resilient.

"Haha, is this lady really scared? Come on!"

Feng Qixi this time, still shot first.

Above the long whip, the wind and thunder rolled, and the shattered thunder snake condensed again, but this time, the pale thunder snake had a blue glow, and on the tongue, it began to grow long horns!

Snake into a dragon!

At this moment, Feng Qixi's long whip attainments have reached the level of God!

The breath is even more soaring than before!

Ling Tian squinted his eyes slightly. The Qixi Festival had never been tuned, but he did not expect that the upper limit would be so high when it broke out.

The long whip stirred, causing the space within the ring to be full of thunder light in an instant, and the water snake surged in it. As the wind and Qixi long whip fell, the thunder water snake roared and bit Liu Tong.

This time, Liu Tong's face didn't have the same sneer as before.

Although Feng Qixi could not threaten him, but now, the combat power is definitely not weak.


"Thunder and Wind Slash!"


In the thunder, the thunder mansions on Liu Tong opened up, and all overturned the wind and Qixi's thunder. Soon, on the long knife, the giant crocodile gathered again to kill the snakes on the Qixi Festival.


Above the ring, it has become the world of thunder, the whip and the blade shook each other, and countless thunder fragments fell, splashing sparks.

This time, Feng Qixi persisted for five full breaths, but in the end, the snake was still bitten and killed by the giant crocodile, and Feng Qixi was still flying above the ring formation barrier, a mouthful of blood poured out, and his face instantly changed. It was extremely pale, and his aura fell even worse.

Two tricks, perhaps, this is the limit of Fengqixi Festival.

"Qingxi Festival, enough, give up!"

Under the ring, Ling Tian's expression finally turned cold.

This Liu Tong's start was really vicious enough. If it were not for Feng Qixi's last long whip to protect himself, perhaps with this knife, Feng Qixi could be abolished.

"I do not!"

"I don't admit defeat on Qixi Festival!"

"Also, I can't give him my fifty million immortal stones!"

Feng Qixi struggled, trying to get up from the ring.

"You fellow, fifty million immortal stones are a fart!"

Ling Tian shook his head, Feng Qixi was too stubborn.

"Fart? You give it to me?"

Feng Qixi snorted coldly, and stood up from the ring, the long whip was already cracked.

However, she still looked at Liu Tong who was opposite.

"Come again!"

Liu Tong's pupils shrank, "Could it be that you are really not afraid that I will abolish you, or kill you!"

"Haha, kill me and kill me? You don't have that strength yet!"

"Just you and other ugly fairy princes, I have never placed my eyes on Qixi Festival!"

The long whip in Feng Qixi's hand shook, and thunder light appeared faintly on it.

And within the sea of ​​qi, the floating pale storm has gradually dissipated, and the figure of the Immortal Venerable within it has become more and more clear.

Feng Qixi knows that if you want to defeat Liu Tong, you can only sacrifice the will of Xianzun!

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