Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2088: The princess is driving to Tanabata brother?

"Haha, the people who said Liu Tong was ugly are dead!"

"Today, defeating you is a female stream, and the same is true, I don't mind, destroying flowers!"

"Remember that my knife today will be the last knife you will endure in martial arts!"

Liu Tong slowly stepped forward, before the blade, the giant crocodile thunder loomed.

He only needs to do Thunder and Wind Slash again, and Qixi is absolutely impossible to stop it.

Three strokes are the limit of this Qixi Festival.

"Taste the despair, Xiaohou of West County, you can't afford to offend, this is the end!"

Liu Tong sneered, and immediately raised the thunder knife in his hand, as if to execute Feng Qixi.

"Feng Qixi, give me up!"

Mo Yu stood under the ring, roaring towards Feng Qixi.

"I don't admit defeat on Qixi Festival!"

Feng Qixi also roared.

Although her Xianzun will is her biggest trump card, this time, she just wants to use it.

It doesn't matter whether she is secret or not.

"Haha, roar, I am very happy to see you so nervous!"

"When I abolish this girl, if any of you refuses to accept, you can come up and challenge me!"

Liu Tong sneered.

"If you dare to catch another cold on Chinese Valentine's Day, I promise that you will die than life!"

Mo Yu's pair of dark red eyes suddenly became extremely scarlet, and the light inside was like a frightening whirlpool. Liu Tong was shocked when he saw it.

This dwarf is only at the Golden Immortal Peak cultivation base, how does it feel to him, but it is so terrible, as if he is being caught by a poisonous snake!

However, Liu Tong's murder is like hemp, and it will not be affected by Mo Yu.

The long sword in his hand slowly fell, not in a hurry, as if to look at the nervous and resentful expressions of Mo Yu and others.

This is his pleasure.

Seeing, Liu Tong's long knife was about to fall, and the Qixi Festival that was stunning the audience was about to be abolished.

The warriors on the square also sighed.

Who is not good if you offend, you must provoke Master Xiaohou?

The big hands in Ling Tian's sleeves shook. If Feng Qixi didn't understand, he was ready to forcibly smash the formation barrier of the ring.

He would never watch Feng Qixi being abolished.


And just when Feng Qixi was about to completely explode the will of the Immortal Venerable in his body, and Ling Tian and the others were also preparing to shoot directly, a noble and extremely cold peace suddenly sounded from a distance.

This voice was crisp and noble, even with an inherent aura of a superior, making everyone present stunned.

Even Liu Tong was shocked and stopped.

"Little princess!?"

On the Guantian Tower, Xiaohouye of Naxi County suddenly stood up and looked at the edge of the square in the distance.

There, there appeared a luxurious white jade car with hundreds of golden warriors

The car was pulled by seven fire clouded leopards, each with a realm of fairy monarch.

The breath is so strong that as soon as it appears on the square, it attracts everyone's attention.

Ling Tian and the others also looked over, wondering who was sitting in this luxurious car.

The shelf is so big.

Can attack and use so many immortal monarchs as guards, even if it is Xiaohouye from West County, can't it?

And the sound fell, the car was floating, and two figures walked out of it.

One, dressed in colorful clothes, looks about the same age as the Qixi Festival.

It is also extremely beautiful and has an extraordinary temperament.

Similar, not only the age and beauty, but also the superb martial arts qualifications, and the cultivation of the fairy monarch.

Even better than Qixi.

God body, immortal monarch cultivation base, car driving, don't need to think about the identity of this woman, either rich or noble.

"It's the little princess!"

"The princess is here!"

And at the moment that the woman just appeared, there were many warriors kneeling on the ground above the square, and the guards also saluted extremely respectfully.

Ling Tian raised his eyebrows. It turned out that this woman was actually the little princess, and the one upstairs was a brother and sister?

However, it was not this so-called little princess that surprised Ling Tian.

In front of this woman, there was this woman in a golden phoenix robe.

The golden phoenix robe, this is in Chu country, not everyone dares to wear it.

Moreover, the woman's face was hidden by the golden armor with phoenix patterns, and she couldn't see her real face.

However, the breath radiating from his body is particularly powerful.

Even, to be far above the little princess, who was supported by the little princess, revealing boundless aristocracy.

The identity of this woman is almost ready to make the little princess of West County serve in this way.

The royal family of Chu!

Ling Tian took a breath.

Before he was in Tianlan City, he was considered to be the Da Chu royal family because he took out the Longevity Spirit Valley. Now he did not expect that he would meet the real Da Chu royal family on the first day of his arrival in West County.

I just don't know what the royal family is going to do now.

"On the ring, but Tianlan City, the lady of Tianyi Auction House, Feng Qixi?"

The woman hovered above the square, her eyes down, like a fairy.

But this time, she spoke to Feng Qixi.

It seems, afraid that others will know.

The immortal Venerable in Feng Qixi's body remained silent, turning around and looking at the sudden appearance of the Da Chu royal family, her face was also surprised.

"Yes, I am Feng Qixi!"

"Hehe, it's so good. Fortunately, you haven't been seriously injured, otherwise I really can't help it. I will explain to your brother Feng Jixing."

The corners of the woman's mouth under the visor raised slightly and smiled.

"My brother? Do you know my brother?"

Feng Qixi was startled, obviously also very surprised.

"Naturally, the Holy Land Windrunner Sword Master Feng continues, who doesn’t know him, but he is now in retreat in the Holy Land, preparing for the future king of the palace, so he can’t see you anymore. He asked me to go to Tianlan when I came to West County The city will find you and take care of you, but I didn't expect to meet you here."

The woman flew down and waved her hand to break the formation barrier on the ring.

Immediately he looked at Liu Tong, "Get down."

There are only two words, but Liu Tong can't resist.

He looked at the little Hou Ye above the tall building behind him.

The latter naturally can only pursed his mouth and waved his hand, "Since the little princess is here, then everything, listen to the princess's arrangements, Liu Tong, you can withdraw."


Liu Tong's face flushed, he said before that he would not show mercy under the knife, and he would waste the Qixi Festival, but now, he has broken his promise.

This made him feel ashamed, but Master Xiaohou's power was too strong, and the royal princess of Da Chu spoke in front of him. He could only smash his teeth and swallow in his stomach.

"Hmph, today, you are lucky, but you lost, fifty million, give me!"

Liu Tong looked towards the Qixi Festival of the wind.

"Who said I lost?"

How can Feng Qixi agree.

"On Qixi Festival, give him 50 million! I promise you that I will get ten times the money and let you win back!

Under the ring, Ling Tian said coldly.

"Well, this is what you said!"

After hearing Ling Tian's words, Feng Qixi reluctantly threw the 50 million immortal stone ring to Liu Tong.

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