Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2102: Ling Tian invites a fight

"Hey, do you know what it's like to be sanctioned by the wind and thunder? How about the domineering three months ago?"

On the other side, Feng Qixi also breathed heavily.

Sacrificing Feng Qi Lei, the consumption of Feng Qixi Festival is also huge.

Fortunately, there is Zuo Xianzhi's piano sound, which can continuously restore Xianyuan for the Qixi Festival of the wind.

"Liu Tong, you are defeated!"

Behind Liu Tong, the other three of the Xiaohouye team looked at Liu Tong on the ground indifferently.

Although they are all teammates, they did not lose to Liu Tong, and they were much moved.

Except for Liu Mubai, they didn't care.

"Damn, I can still fight!"

Liu Tong climbed up from the ground, and still had the power.

"No need, Little Hou Ye said, you want a quick fight, don't you think you have lost the face of Xiao Hou Ye enough?"

The stalwart fairy with the spear lightly said: "Let's go on together, and directly defeat these two women, so that you can deal with Master Xiaohou."


The voice fell, and the extremely powerful aura rose up into the sky.

Suddenly, it was comparable to the aura of an immortal king, suddenly on the square, stirring the situation.

Even the wind and thunder pressure of Feng Qixi began to retreat, and he could only revolve around the Qixi Qixi.

"Little Houye's team is beginning to be serious."

"Except for Fenglei Immortal Liu Tong, the three of them are not small. The blood slaughter immortal Wei Leng, the flower-picking immortal Cai Yun, and the cold scholar Chong Ling, the three of them are not inferior to Liu Tong in combat power! "

"Yes, among them, Xuetu Wei Leng has even heard that he once fought alone to fight the Immortal King and left undefeated. It is the existence of the team second only to the sword fairy Liu Mubai.

"With these people working together, even if the Qixi Festival has the power to reach the sky, it won't work."

Everyone shook their heads,

Although the Qixi Festival of the Wind is amazing enough, but there are still too many strong opponents.

The ending is still crushed.

"Hey, it's just a pity for such two beautiful little girls, if they are outside of West County, I will have a good time to enjoy them!"

Cai Yun sneered.

He has always been an adulterer, and he was hunted down by various forces before he came to West County.

"Hmph, great, if you don't accept it, then come together!"

In the face of a powerful enemy, Feng Qixi is still a fearless temperament, and the thunderstorm that has not dissipated once again swept through, directly killing the four Liu Tong.

"Hehe, although supernatural powers are strong, but unfortunately, you are still too weak!"

Na Wei Leng shook his head, and immediately raised the spear in his hand. Under the tyrannical cultivation base of the Intermediate Immortal Monarch, in an instant, he condensed into a blood-red spear light, like a blood tiger roaring, descending from the mountain.

Not only that, Liu Tong, Cai Yun, Chong Ling, all have magical powers to take action, and there is no need to sacrifice the celestial magic. The four people work together to suppress the ordinary immortal king. ,


Sure enough, Na Wei Leng's spear and spear light were in front of him, directly blasting the three wind and seven thunders sacrificed by Feng Qixi, and the storm swept across them. Feng Qixi can no longer bear the impact this time. Together with that Zuo Xianzhi, they are all Juan flew out, almost fell out of the range of the battle platform, and was eliminated.


Although struggling for such a long time, the two women still can't change any ending.

The four of Wei Leng slowly rewarded them from the sky, and sneered at the two women on the ground who had been stained with blood on their clothes, and their faces were as pale as paper.

"Now, are you satisfied?"

"If you don't admit defeat, we will send you a ride now."

Wei Leng was condescending and said lightly.

"It's impossible for me to give up on Qixi Festival!"

"Xianzhi, you go out!"

Qixi Qixi staggered to stand up from the ground.

"Chinese Valentine's Day, how can I let you be here alone!?"

Zuo Xianzhi shook her head. She held Guqin tightly and stood up.

Everyone frowned when I saw this scene.

What kind of fighting spirit are these two women, at such a juncture, they still don't give up?

Even many male warriors don't have this kind of spirit, right?

"It's not bad, I can't think of it, among the princes of the West County generation, and these women of women, if my men of the human race are like these two girls, how can I be swallowed by the dark army? ?"

Looking upstairs in Guantian, Hou Ye Xijun spoke for the first time.

Other strong people are also in line, and even many people blushed.

In some cases, they were indeed inferior to Qixi Qixi and Zuo Xianzhi.

"I don't know whether I live or die, even if I can't kill you, it's still enough for you to wait for the two and cut off the martial arts!"

Wei Leng frowned.

"Wei Leng, what are you doing nonsense with them? Abolish it on the spot, and the end will try!"

Liu Tong said impatiently.

"Thanksgiving, surrender, we don't want the quota of Xianjun Realm!"

Under the battle platform, Ran Qinghong said anxiously.

She believed that Wei Leng and others did what they said.

If their martial arts qualifications are abolished, then she will be guilty for a lifetime.

"No, don't admit defeat."

"Even if you die, don't admit defeat!"

Feng Qixi shook his head and raised his long whip, still going to sacrifice Feng Qilei.


However, under the battle platform at this time, there was a sudden shout.

The two women trembled all over, and when they turned around, they found that Ling Tian's face looked like a ferocious and hideous face.

They had never seen such a fierce Ling Tian.

"have you had enough?"

Ling Tian looked towards the Qixi Festival of the wind.

"What do you want me to do?"

Feng Qixi was suddenly crying fiercely.

"You know, how hard I did for this test?"

"You know, how much I want to go to the Taoist palace to practice?"

Feng Qixi slowly knelt on the ground, "From the day I was born, I have never been taken seriously by my family. Under my brother's aura, they never cared about my thoughts."

"I don't want to spend my whole life in the business house. I want to be strong. I want to go to the Taoist palace. I want to go to the holy land. I want to become the fairy king!"

"I want the Feng family to know that I am not worse than my brother on Qixi Festival!"

Feng Qixi was hysterical, and blood was oozing out of the long whip that he held tightly.

"Chinese Valentine's Day!"

Mo Yu clenched his fists, his body was covered with dark red aura, and he was about to run away.

Ling Tian didn't speak, but looked straight at the Qixi Festival.

He also didn't expect that there was such a big secret hidden in Xiao Feng Qixi's body.

Her unyielding shook Ling Tian as well.

"Hehe, are you acting?"

"Pretend to be like this, who do you show it to? If you don't admit defeat, you will be abandoned, Xianzhou, don't believe in tears."

Liu Tong sneered.

"Fuck you, I will fight you!"

Mo Yu cursed and was about to take the stage.

But Ling Tian's big hand was pressed on Mo Yu's shoulder, and the dark red aura from his body was blown away.

"Let me do it!"

He looked at the referee of Houfu Xianjun on the edge of the battle platform, "I, Ling Tian, ​​Golden Fairyland will try first, please Zhan Xianjun will try!"


"You are just a golden fairy!"

Fairy Monarch of Hou Mansion frowned.

Is this guy crazy?

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