Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2013: If you lose, give up all places

"It's okay."

Ling Tian waved his hand and was about to step forward.

"Wait, it's not up to the rules, you can't be on stage yet!"

Xianjun of Hou Mansion stopped Ling Tian.

"Then how do I get on stage?"

Ling Tian frowned.

The fairy monarch of Nahou Mansion thought for a while and said: "The test is jointly organized by the West Junhou Mansion and the Four Great Immortal Gates. This requires the consent of Lord Hou and the heads of the Four Great Immortal Gates."


Immediately, Ling Tian turned around and looked at the Guantian Tower in the distance.

"Golden Immortal Lingtian, please Hou Ye agree, let me, instead of Qinghong team, play the Fairy King Realm Trial!"

The sound was rolling and spreading.

All the hundreds of thousands of warriors on the square took a breath.

This golden immortal is the number one, yet he dares to challenge the powerhouse of the immortal monarch realm! ?

Does he really feel that he is so tyrannical that he can contend with the Tianjiao of the Fairy Monarch Realm?

Besides, how can he be alone? ’

This scene also surprised all the powerhouses in Guantian Tower.

West County has tried for so many years, and it has never happened before, such a situation.

They never thought about it.

"Father, since this person expects so, it's not as good as that, let him go!"

Surprisingly, Wang Chen spoke for Ling Tian.

But Liu Zhaoer sneered.

She knew what Wang Chen had made.

He was originally worried about the victory of Huai Qinghong team in the Golden Wonderland Fair.

If Ling Tian can come to power, he is destined to not escape the abolished ending.

By then, his goal can be achieved.

"This is okay, but the elders of the four immortals still need to agree."

"Everyone, wait, what do you think?"

West Jun Hou Ye looked in the direction of the four immortal gates.

The latter hesitated for a moment.

"The heads of the four immortals, if I defeat Ling Tian, ​​all the results of the Golden Fairyland Trial can be invalidated and given to the four immortals, how about?"

However, what caused the four great immortal masters to take a breath, Ling Tian spoke again.

And as soon as he exports it, that's what he says.

If you lose the battle, will you give up all the places for the Golden Wonderland Trial?

In this way, the Tianjiao of the three immortal gates, it is possible to enter the Dao Palace again!

No one will refuse this condition.

Xu Liang, Gu Zhan and others, who were eliminated by the Qinghong team, all looked surprised.

This guy is really stupid!

"Oh? Really what you said!"

The heads of the four immortal gates all leaned over to look.

"Without a word, it's hard to chase a horse!"

Ling Tian nodded.

"Master Hou, please testify for me."

The head of the four immortal gates looked at Hou Ye of Naxi County again.


West County Hou Ye nodded.

He also became curious about this Ling Tian's request.

"Well, in that case, I am waiting for agreement, you Ling Tian will play in place of Team Qinghong!"

The heads of the four immortals were suddenly overjoyed.

With permission, Ling Tian suddenly turned around.

Look at Xiangfeng Qixi, "You have worked very hard. Next, leave it to me."

"Apprentice, go down Qixi."

When Zuo Xianzhi and Feng Qixi retreated from the battlefield, Ling Tian flew up.

He stood alone on the position that originally belonged to the Qinghong team.

"I can't imagine how stupid you are, dare to challenge us alone."

"You are, really not afraid of death?"

Wei Leng narrowed his eyes slightly and said lightly.

Jinxian, even if it is the peak of Jinxian, even if it is invincible in Golden Fairyland, it cannot be their opponent.


"Never thought about it."

"Now, I'm coming up, you go up."

Ling Tian held his hand, and a hundred thousand sword shadows began to spread.

"Hehe, although the mid-level god-level sword intent is powerful, do you know the gap between Jinxian and Xianjun?"

Wei Leng stepped forward.

To deal with such golden immortals, he alone would be enough.

There are too many people, but it is too bullying.

"and many more!"

However, Ling Tian suddenly shook his head.

There was a chuckle in the entire square.

"Haha, this guy is so funny, he came up boldly, and now he's scared?"

Looking upstairs in Guantian, Wang Zi said with a smile.

"No, there is no fear on his face. I said that this test will be very exciting. Now, it looks like it's about to begin."

Liu Zhaoer shook his head again.

"Princess, you just don't believe my team so much?"

Wang Chen frowned, anger already in his heart.

This Liu Zhaoer, when can he look at himself once?

Liu Zhaoer looked over, "It's not that I don't believe your team, but that I see people very accurately."

"Remember, in this world, there are people outside the world, and there are heaven outside the sky."

"Don't think that within West County, you can cover the sky with one hand!"

Sure enough, after Liu Zhaoer's voice fell, Ling Tian suddenly smiled on the battle stage.

"Let's go together!"

Jinxian first, do you want to challenge the entire team?

Everyone was in an uproar.

This guy seems to be more arrogant than the Qixi Festival!

Who are the members of Team Qinghong?

"Since this guy is uncomfortable, then fulfill him!"

Liu Tong and others coldly hummed forward together.

"Everyone joins forces, regardless of life or death, this guy is looking for death, we can't control our supernatural powers."

Cai Yun, the fairy monarch picking flowers, also said.

"No, no, I'm talking about all of you."

Unexpectedly, Ling Tian shook his head again, his eyes swept, but it was the four immortal gates and twenty immortal monarchs that fell behind.

"Me, we? Go up too?"

The immortal monarchs of the four immortal gates looked at each other. Unexpectedly, Ling Tian would dare to make such brazen requests.

This is, how do you look down on them?

"You guy, you can't be crazy!?"

Gu Li, Lu Gan and the others frowned.

Ling Tian clearly looked down on them.

"Forget it, on this battlefield, there is no difference between being on and off."

Ling Tian shook his head.


However, in this moment, there was a buzzing sound, accompanied by a terrifying dragon chant, suddenly resounding above the West County Square.

Immediately, it was a mighty dragon, rising from the thunder, hanging high in the sky.

At this time, everyone looked at the dazzling Thunder Dragon, and a figure was suspended in the air.

That is Ling Tian.

It's just that Ling Tian now carries a seven-color fairy sword in his hand. The sword is slender and full of bright thunder.

Endless edge, even far surpassing the Qi of the best immortal monarch, breaking through the sky.

At this moment, this Zai had just used the sword to suppress Lu Wuxian, and became the descendant of the first person in the Jinxian realm of Jixi County, and finally drew the sword.

And the rank of this sword weapon is so high that it even tops the audience.

"This weapon is so powerful!"

"Dragon Soul and Sword Spirit! Moreover, this dragon has a sacred aura permeating. I want to come, because Ben grew up along with this son."

"The blood refining tool, this one is still a great refining master! Interesting!"

Upstairs in Guantian, in the midst of the discussion, Lord Hou of Xijun gave a final word.

The warriors who had just finished the weapon and Dao meeting could not help but feel ashamed.

These top-quality Xianjun tools were actually refined by Ling Tian himself. What a terrifying refinement accomplishment is this?

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