Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2029: Stop me and die [Three Thousand Da

Liu Zhaoer told him that the materials used in this halberd were extremely rare, weighing more than a thousand mountains.

If the physical strength is not enough, even if you see it, you don't want to pick it up, let alone use it.

"Haha, is it heavy?"

Ling Tian sneered, and immediately the big hand directly condensed into a fist front and landed on the mountain peak.


With a shocking explosion, the entire Yanyang Immortal Gate trembled.

But when the storm cleared, Ling Tian discovered that this mountain hadn't broken yet.

Unexpectedly, so tough.

No wonder, Yanyang Immortal Gate, there is no way to take this thing.

The Immortal King of Yanyang Immortal Gate looked at how Ling Tian treated their inheritance rudely, even more embarrassed.

But he could not resist.

"I'll see when the time comes, how long can you hold on!"

Ling Tianfei approached the mountain, his eyes squinted slightly, and the blood of the Canglong in his body instantly boiled.


With a shocking dragon chant, Ling Tian did not initiate the Canglong Transformation, but with the help of a little bit of Canglong's power, then he blasted out again with a punch.


The huge boxing front shook heavily on the mountain peak. This time, the mountain peak reached the limit that it could bear, and it began to crack apart.

Ling Tian raised his sleeves and flew the rocks away, and then in the ruins, he saw the blue halberd appearing there.

The halberd stood on the ground, and it has not changed for thousands of years.

Ling Tian fell, and directly stretched out his hand to hold onto the Euphorbia.

Sure enough, as soon as he started, Ling Tian felt the frantic roar of his inner tool soul.

That seemed to be a unicorn soul with a wounded head, a crazy energy riot, if Ling Tian was not strong enough, just touch it, it would definitely be seriously injured.

Now this unicorn war halberd has definitely reached the level of the fairy king weapon.

Moreover, it is really heavy.

With the power of the blue dragon that Ling Tian sacrificed now, he had not even pulled the halberd from the ground.

Ling Tian had never seen this situation before.

However, Ling Tian looked at the halberd in front of him, his face full of appreciation.

The heavier this weapon means the stronger its power.

He knew that there were several artifacts in the records of the ancient music forging soldiers, which were extremely famous because of their weight.

For example, the Dragon Wing God Jin Boring, who is as heavy as Wan Yue.

The Wanjun Xuanming Sword comparable to Wanhe.

As well as the legend, the magical weapon Ruyi Moqiong Cudgel that can be used in the town of Xianhai.

However, these are all rumored artifacts, the weakest, at least at the realm of Xianzun, can be picked up.

Although the halberd in front of him was far from a divine weapon, it was definitely the heaviest weapon Ling Tian had ever seen.

It’s precious, it goes without saying,

Nowadays, Ling Tian has extremely few methods, even in the absence of Laohou, Ling Tian only has a Long Yuan sword to use.

Now that Long Yuanjian still needs to cultivate and advance because it has absorbed the soul of the sword, Ling Tian doesn't even have a weapon that can be used.

Therefore, the halberd in front of him seems to be able to solve the urgent need.

Thinking of this, Ling Tian did not hesitate for a while. Without turning on the blue dragon, he urged the power of the blue dragon to the extreme. On his arm, dense white dragon scales suddenly rose, and the endless dragon clan's coercion permeated. Come on, let the fairy king of the Yanyang Immortal Gate all kneel on the ground, not daring to get up.

"Surrender me, otherwise, die!"

Ling Tian's divine mind surrounded the halberd, roaring at the unicorn soul.

"If it weren't for my injury, the power of the blue dragon would be worthy to make my descendants of the unicorn surrender!?"

The soul of the weapon was in the halberd, full of disdain.

"Hehe, isn't it?"

Ling Tian sneered, and divine light gradually bloomed in his eyes, and the figure above Daoji in the sea of ​​Qi also slowly opened his eyes.

"This kind of will..."

"I am willing to surrender!"

At the moment when he felt the terrifying will in Ling Tian's body awakened, the silver-white Qilin Soul almost instantly wilted its aura and gave up all resistance.


And Ling Tian also directly pulled out the halberd and held it in his hand.

The halberd pointed directly at the sky, making Ling Tian now look like a **** commanding the army.

Liu Zhaoer's pupils shrank while watching all this from a distance, and his face became more solemn.

The inheritance of the three immortal gates had already arrived, and Ling Tian carried the Qilin war halberd and slew towards the last Promise Immortal gate.

I don't know if it was because of Liu Zhao'er. Along the way, Ling Tian didn't see the West Junhou Mansion and had any reaction or interception.

In this way, let Ling Tian "rob".

Promise fairy gate, no trace mountain.

Under the immortal gate, Zhong Bufan, who had recovered from his injuries, and the Tianjiao Bu Liuyun and others, were all standing there.

Now, the Promise Immortal Gate has come out all over the place.

Including the elder Taishang in the door, a first-order fairy king.

"Master, does Ling Tian really have the courage to rob our four immortals?"

Zhong Bufan frowned.

He didn't participate in the test, but he was jealous in his heart when he heard about Ling Tian's many terrifying deeds.

Now that Ling Tian had robbed Feibai and Zixia fairy gates one after another, and might even come to the Wuji fairy gate, he was a little unbelieving in his heart.

"Yes, three hours ago, he should have reached the Yanyang Immortal Gate. I don't know how long the Yanyang Immortal Gate can last, but I think in the end they still can't stop Ling Tian."

"After all, that guy, with the princess backing him, is lawless!"

The head of Promise said coldly.

"No way, even Lord Hou doesn't take action now. If we want to protect the dignity of our fairy gate, we can only rely on ourselves."

The immortal king of the Promise Immortal Gate looked cold, with long white hair and eyes under his beard, looking at the gradually darkening skyline.

"Calculate the time, in two hours, Ling Tian will kill under our fairy gate!"

"At that time, let him taste the power of my immortal blood refining the trapped **** array!"

The fairy king sneered.

Ling Tian chose the last one to come to the Wuji Immortal Gate, which was enough for them to prepare.

As the strongest among the four immortal gates, they would never succumb to Ling Tian.

Even if there is a princess, it won't work!


However, just as its voice fell, above the dim sky, a buzzing sounded abruptly tearing the space apart.

Everyone looked in amazement, and suddenly found a ray of light, like a dazzling meteor, accompanied by a thunderous roar, shooting towards the direction where they were.

"what is that!?"

"What a terrifying breath!"

As the light of the meteor drew closer, everyone saw that the space before the light had been shattered, and the place underneath it had even set off today's violent winds, the mountains crumbled and the rivers flowed backwards!

In the blink of an eye, the meteor exploded under the Wuji Immortal Gate, and with a bang, it blasted into the forest in front of the Immortal Gate.

The storm swept across all directions, and the terrifying coercion spread, directly overturning the tens of thousands of warriors in the Promise Immortal Gate.

When the storm cleared, they looked over in horror, only to find that the mountain forest had been leveled by the storm, and in the clearing, a blue silver halberd was diagonally inserted!

"This is...Wen Tian Qilin Halberd!?"

No one knew it, but the Immortal King of the Promise Immortal Gate exclaimed.

His face was full of incredible shock.

This halberd is definitely not unfamiliar to the descendants of Wentianxianzong.

This weapon was a refining weapon used when I asked the first person of the Heavenly Immortal Sect, the lord of the Immortal King Realm.

If it weren't for the Qilin's bloodline, which was not for the spirit of the Qilin, this Immortal King's artifact might even become a national artifact.

But in spite of this, this Wentian Qilin Halberd is still a very powerful weapon for the fairy king but the low-level fairy king.

At least, in the current Wuji Immortal Gate, there is no weapon that can match it.

However, this war halberd should be guarded by the Yanyang Immortal Sect, and heavier than Qianshan, even if it is an ordinary Immortal King, he would never want to pick it up when his physical strength is not enough!

Now, appearing here, is it...

The Immortal King took a breath, and suddenly saw that in the sky above the Earth-Splitting Halberd, the space suddenly tore.

The voice sounded before the person arrived.

"Haha, two hours!? Your Excellency underestimated my Lingtian?"

"How could I make you wait two more hours!?"

Immediately, Ling Tian's figure stepped into the space rift and hovered in the sky.

"Ling Tian!"

Seeing that figure appeared, all the warriors of the Promise Immortal Gate exclaimed.

This Ling Tian, ​​really dare to come to the Promise Immortal Gate!

"Great formation, great formation!"

"Take this guy to death in the big formation!"

The head of the Promise Immortal Gate roars!

Zhong Bufan also cursed: "Yes, let him taste the power of my Promise Immortal Gate!"

However, no matter how they scolded, Ling Tian on the sky was still intact.

And the space around it and the earth are nothing unusual.

"what happened!?"

"Why didn't the big array open!"

The head of the Promise Immortal Clan looked at Ling Tian's mouth raised, and suddenly panicked.

"The Great Array... was broken."

Unexpectedly, the immortal king gritted his teeth and said word by word.

"Then Wentian Qilin Halberd is just piercing the blood-refining trapped God array, the eye!"

"Ling Tian, ​​what are you going to do!"

The fairy king suddenly raised his head.

Look at Ling Tian.

At this time, he finally understood how terrifying this junior in front of him was.

Before the talent arrived, he saw that there was a formation here, and a shot pierced the formation's eye!


Ling Tian's smile was put away, and his face suddenly became cold.

"I need to."

"Broken the fairy gate."

"Grab the inheritance!"

"Those who stand in my way, die!"

The voice fell, Ling Tian turned his hand, and the Wentian Qilin Halberd on the ground rose from the ground.

Directly under the fairy gate.

The fairy king!

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