Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2030: Yamanaka Daiyo

How ferocious was Ling Tian's shot.

Especially when he got this Wentian Qilin Halberd, of course, he wanted to try the horror of this fairy king weapon.

Heavier than Qianshan Xianyue, how amazing its power is.

"Get out of the way, step back!"

The Immortal King powerhouse of the Promise Immortal Gate saw this, and even with an exclamation, the big sleeves dance tired the surrounding Immortal Gate disciples out, and then he took out a Immortal King's long spear and held it horizontally in front of him.

At this time, Ling Tian's Wentian Qilin Halberd had arrived.

The speed is quite terrifying.

Moreover, the terrifying power carried by the Wentian Qilin Halberd this time was more violent than when it landed just now. The Immortal King's eyes widened and he could not hesitate at all, so he could only raise his spear and try to block it.

But, how can anyone can afford the weight of the Qilin Halberd?


With a blast, the fairy king artifact in the hands of the fairy king was broken and smashed in the moment of shaking.

The huge shock wave directly flew the fairy king out.

No matter how the Immortal King urged the immortal Yuan resistance in his body, it was useless.

The big halberd grinned, against the fairy king, and fell directly on the mountain guard formation of the Promise Immortal Gate.


Sure enough, even the mountain guard of the Promise Immortal Gate could not stop the Euphorbia.

When the big halberd stabbed the mountain guard formation of the Wuji Immortal Gate and disappeared from everyone's sight, all the warriors of the Wuji Immortal Gate swallowed fiercely.

At this moment, starting from under Ling Tian's feet, into the Promise Immortal Gate, a terrifying crack was torn open.

This is a gully, hundreds of miles long!

The immortal king of their immortal gate, unexpectedly, could not stop the blow of Wentian Qilin's halberd!

Moreover, this halberd was in Ling Tian's hands, and it was just like being stabbed out at will.

So, is it terrible?


Ling Tian let out a cold cry, and slowly flew down from above the sky.

As far as the eyes could be, no one dared to come up and stop the Promise Immortal Gate.

Tens of thousands of warriors are like dumb chickens.

No way, today's Ling Tian is really terrifying, even the fairy king in the fairy gate is under Ling Tian's hand, and he can only hold on for a few breaths.

They are also a death when they go up!

At this time, the princess's Huoyun car also arrived.

Just hover outside the Promise Immortal Gate.

This is supporting Ling Tian's every move.

This is a robbery under an order!

Today Ling Tian has passed through the gap of the mountain protection formation and stepped into the Promise Immortal Gate.

"Do you still want to block me?"

Ling Tian stretched out his hand and retracted the Wentian Qilin Halberd.

At this time, although the Immortal King of the Promise Immortal Gate was not dead under the halberd, he was still covered in blood, lying in the huge pit, and there was no more power to fight back.

Ling Tian didn't take his life, he was already merciful.

"Cough cough cough..."

"Don't dare!"

The fairy king was spitting blood.

The younger generation in front of him is really terrifying.

"Take me to Qingxi Mountain."

Ling Tian raised his eyebrows.

There is the last place in the inheritance of Wentianxianzong,

As for what's inside, there is nothing in Liu Zhaoer's intelligence.

"How do you know Qingxi Mountain?"

The immortal king was startled, his face changed slightly.

This inheritance is absolutely top secret in Wuji Immortal Gate.

"You talk too much. If you don't take me, you will die now."

Ling Tian's halberd fell and pointed directly at the fairy king.

"Okay, I'll take you there!"

The fairy king quickly got up and galloped towards the depths of the fairy gate.

When Ling Tian stood in front of the so-called Green Rhinoceros Mountain, he couldn't help frowning.

Originally, he thought that the so-called Green Rhinoceros Mountain was named because of the shape of the mountain.

But the mountain peaks in front of me are nothing surprising. Among the mountains on the face, they are very common.

"You didn't lie to me?"

Ling Tian narrowed his eyes and looked at the fairy king.

"No, no! How could it be!"

The Immortal King quickly explained: "Now, even I don't know that I am guarding the Promise Immortal Gate, asking what kind of inheritance of the Celestial Immortal Sect."

"I just know that that thing was placed here by our first head."

"This mountain is called Green Rhinoceros Mountain because every three hundred years, a light blue cloud of smoke rises on this mountain. On the peak, a figure resembling a giant rhinoceros is condensed, holy Incomparable."

"Have you never been in for thousands of years?" Ling Tian asked again.

"No, the aura in this mountain is so powerful that we can't get in at all."

The immortal king shook his head quickly, "Over the years, all previous leaders have gone in and tried, but in the end, they were all thrown out by a mysterious force, with light and serious injuries, and even a few, all died in it. Afterwards, no one went in."

"Master, I sensed the breath of a monster race. If I guess correctly, there should be a mysterious monster race hidden in this mountain, and its bloodline is extremely terrifying!"

At this time, in Taoyuan, the black ape in the peach grove suddenly spoke to Ling Tian.

"Oh? Demon!?"

"Is it an inherited guardian beast?"

Ling Tian raised his eyebrows, there was a demon in the mountain.

This is what he hadn't thought about before.

"Fine, just look at it."

Ling Tian mentioned Wentian Qilin War Halberd and flew towards the Green Rhinoceros Mountain.

"Hmph, the stuff inside is powerful enough for you to drink a pot!"

When Ling Tian's figure disappeared, the Immortal King snorted, his eyes full of spitefulness.

Green Rhinoceros Mountain.

Ling Tian spared a few laps around the mountain peak, before not finding any abnormalities, he cut it off with a halberd, and opened a gap in the middle of the mountain.

And through the cracks, Ling Tian actually discovered that the mountain was hollow, and there was a hole in it.

"Huh, the hidden ones are quite deep!"

Ling Tian will be wrapped in the power of the blue dragon, carrying a unicorn halberd, and then falling into the mountain wall.

There are dozens of li in the crevice of the Hou Mansion. No wonder it's hard to sense the breath inside.

However, as Ling Tian gradually deepened, that terrifying demon clan aura became more and more turbulent.

Sure enough, as the Wu Yuan Xianjun said, here, there is really a big demon entrenched.

Even Ling Tian had only seen the breath of such a great demon in his life.

I don’t know what it is, but it’s absolutely terrifying.


Above the unicorn halberd, the power of the green lotus fairy fire and the blue dragon permeated.

Ling Tian had already made preparations. If this demon dared to move, he would directly kill it.


Finally, after half a cup of tea, Ling Tian finally landed in the belly of the mountain.

Here, there is an extremely wide mountainside space, with a vast radius and pitch-black surroundings.

But under the light of Lingtian Wentian Qilin War Halberd and Immortal Fire, the belly of the mountain was still illuminated.


However, when Ling Tian's gaze fell on a huge figure in the belly of the mountain, he still frowned.

Here, there really is a big demon!

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