Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2151: Don't recognize people in clothes [Three Thousand Da

"Hmph, I don't care if you lie to me, I can save her or ruin her."

Ling Tian squatted in front of Luo Yan, stretched out his hand and pulled out the storage ring between his fingers.

"What are you going to do!?"

The woman was in a hurry.

"Hehe, nothing, of course I saved her."

Ling Tian's spiritual thoughts penetrated into the ring.

As the beautiful girl of the Luo family, there are countless treasures in this Luo Yan's storage ring.

The treasures of heaven and earth obtained along the way almost dazzled Ling Tian's dog's eyes, not to mention the dense collection of immortal stones.

But Ling Tian didn't get to the point of looting the other party. After a while, Ling Tian's spiritual thoughts withdrew from the ring, but there was an extra plate in his hand.

Well, it was very similar to Luo Family's Scarlet Cloak Immortal Monarch, remembering Luo Youxuesha's disc.

But it seems that it is much more refined than that in the hands of the fairy.

Yes, this thing is a real treasure of the fairy king!

Within it, the powerful and sharp Luo Youxue Shao can be sacrificed, and its lethality is extremely terrifying.

"This thing is in my hands."

Ling Tian put the plate into his body.

"Do you have any way to save my lady!?"

The strange bird woman frowned.

"Otherwise, do you have another choice!?"

Ling Tian sneered, and immediately grabbed Luo Yan's arm, and a thousand sword shadows entered his body.

"Your lady is too self-confident, thinking that her physique can absorb this energy. As everyone knows, cold poison enters the body, life is hanging by a thread, the fairy light and the will of the fairy are actually out of the body, when you Miss Jia’s longevity has completely disappeared, and these things don’t belong to her anymore."

Ling Tian said, "Here, no one can save him except me."

"It's so good, then dare to ask the son's last name and name!? In the future, my Luo family, I should thank you again!"

The woman asked again.

"Thanks a lot!? I'm afraid it is chasing and killing, right?"

Ling Tian shook his head.

Make the woman startled.

"The only thing I care about is that Emperor Qingxiao's suspicious grave. I really look down on other rewards."

"As for who I am, when you should know, you will know."

Ling Tian grasped Luo Yan's arm, almost visible to the naked eye, the faint frost on Luo Yan's body began to melt.

The cold poison was wiped out by Ling Tian, ​​relying on Luo Yan's own abilities, it should be able to deal with it.

This cold poison is actually not strong, at least for Jian Ying, it is like this.

It's just that there are too few Thousand Dao Sword Shadows, and the anti-virus time is a bit long.

After a full half an hour, the cold poison in Luo Yan's body and the erysipelas and hidden diseases accumulated throughout the year in his bloodline were eliminated seven or eighty-eight.

Ling Tianchang took a breath, preparing to withdraw Jian Ying.

But at this time, Luo Yan, who was sitting cross-legged in the water, suddenly opened his eyes.

His eyes met Ling Tian in an instant.


Ling Tian was also stunned. He didn't expect that Luo Yan would wake up so soon.

Luo Yan's eyes were also shocked, his pupils slowly condensed, then he leaned over, looked at his body, and immediately looked at Ling Tian's eyes.

"That, Miss Luo Yan, Emperor Qingxiao's suspicious grave is..."


Before Ling Tian finished speaking, Luo Yan slapped Ling Tian's face with a slap.

"Miss Luo, are you crazy? I ask you, Qing Xiao..."


Before Ling Tian could finish speaking, Luo Yan's slap slapped Ling Tian's face again.

"Hey, who the **** are you hitting!?"

Ling Tian raised his eyebrows, and immediately slapped Luo Yan in the pool. He fanned Luo Yan into the pool. His hair was scattered, and his long blood-red hair floated on the water, like a **** magic flower in full bloom.

And this slap slapped Luo Yan and the strange bird woman as if to slap them.

Who is Luo Yan! ?

She is the beautiful girl of the Luo family, since she was a child, no one dared to touch her a finger!

Even the immediate royal family.

Don't think about it, Shan Luo Nightmare's slap in the face.

But now, he was knocked over by Ling Tian's slap! ?

Moreover, Luo Yan is still naked now!

Luo Yan was lying in the water, completely stupid.

All this was completely beyond her expectation.

This man he had never seen before, unexpectedly appeared in front of him like this.

Moreover, I beat myself! ?

Luo Yan touched his face. Although it was hot, it didn't seem to hurt much.

It seems that a certain shackle in my heart has begun to loosen under this slap.

My body!

However, in an instant, Luo Yan was relieved.

With a move of his palm, the red armor instantly covered his body.

Immortal light and will surging, she suddenly turned around, full of killing intent on a pretty face.

"Damn, you play to change your face, you change when you say it changes!?’

Ling Tian backed away again and again.

If you don't run now, can you wait to die? ?

Sure enough, I can't believe this Luo family, put on clothes, they don't know each other! ?

"I'm going to kill you!"

Luo Yan's silver teeth and shell teeth seemed to be crushed again, and with a frantic anger, he killed Ling Tian.

"Miss, he..."

Behind him, the strange bird looked at the two people who rushed out and shouted, but it was useless at all.

The current Luo Yan couldn't hear any explanation at all.


Ling Tian rushed out of the sea of ​​blood, and Zhang Chuan and others gathered around.

"How's it going, can I get the inheritance!?"

"Then Liu Mubai and Wang Chen seem to be crazy, they want to come in and kill us!"

Zhang Chuan and Zhang Ni Ji said.

"Inheritance!? Shit inheritance, Luo Yan was drawn out by me. Let's play with her!"

Ling Tian yelled, pulled Han Jingshuang up and ran away.

"What!? Luo Yan!?"

Zhang Chuan and others looked at each other.

Immediately, in the sea of ​​blood below, a pillar of blood rose into the sky.

A figure suddenly manifested

That's not Luo Yan, who is it! ?


Zhang Chuan and others were shocked and ran with Ling Tian.


At this time, the formation on the wall was finally blasted back, and Wang Chen and Liu Mubai broke in.

"Look at where you still want to escape!"

Liu Mubai said angrily.

"Whoever doesn't run away is the grandson!"

Ling Tian pulled Han Jingshuang, already in front of the wall.

Liu Mubai took a closer look, only to discover that Luo Yan was behind him.

That Luo Yan was covered with blood and light, killing like a devil, with an invincible aura that made the entire blood sea space boil.


Liu Mubai and Wang Chen were shocked immediately, turned around and fled back to the space of the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion.

Ling Tian and Han Jingshuang slid in behind them, and then flew in the direction of the Dandian without looking back.

Run desperately, anyway, that Luo Yan is crazy.

"what's the situation!?"

"A few cats and dogs, you still can't handle it!?"

Qu Shenxuan, who was about to break the formation and take it to the collection of the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion, turned around, his expression unhappy.

"You are a dog, and your whole family is a dog!"

Ling Tian on the road yelled angrily, and immediately took out the blood plate of the Immortal King he got from Luo Yan's ring. Under the urging of Xian Yuan, a blood line, madly beheaded to Qu Shenxuan.


That Qu Shen was shocked, and he also felt the horror of the bloodline, and immediately could only be distracted, urging the broken halberd on his head to resist.

Clang clang clang!

The dense explosions continued, and although the blood line was all blocked by the broken halberd, the huge impact force still shook the goddess out.

The blood line fell on the blood-colored platform, directly smashing the formation above.

Ling Tian flew over and took all the jade slips floating in the formation barrier in his hands.

"Let go of my things!"

In the distance, Qu Shenzhen was frightened.

He was already sure to obtain that technique, and now, how could it be taken away by Ling Tian! ?

At this time, Luo Yan also rushed in from the sea of ​​blood.

"Haha, play by yourself!"

Ling Tian held up the blood-colored disc, another dozen blood lines, and slashed towards Qu Shenxuan and Luo Yan.

After everyone smashed the blood line, they could no longer see Ling Tian and Luo Yan.

"Run! Who is this guy!"

Qu Shenyi roared.

"You guys!"

On the other hand, Wang Chen made a big move and grabbed the four Zhang Chuan who had never escaped.

"Say, who is that guy just now! If you don't say it, you will die!"

"He, he, he said his name is Tianling, he is a Xijun warrior, and the others, we really don't know anything!"

Zhang Chuan was scared to pee.

"Tian Ling!? Why haven't I heard of this name!?" Wang Chen frowned, and immediately looked at Qu Shenxuan, "Second Young Master, I know that woman. It is my disciple Han Jingshuang from Zixia Fairy Clan in West County. , I want to come, the guy who snatched your things can't escape our palm. "

"Chasing! Dare to move my awkward things, he has eaten the gall of a leopard!"

Qu Shenyu gasped for this rough breath, but there was blood lying down on the big hands in his sleeves.

Just now, he has been cut by the blood line!

Outside the Scarlet Giant Hall, Ling Tian and Han Jingshuang rushed out.

"Brother, I really have a ten thousand li magic talisman in my hand!"

Han Jingshuang said anxiously.

"That's great, quickly start the formation!"

Ling Tian controlled the blood plate and said anxiously.


Han Jingshuang took out the talisman seal and started to start.

But it takes ten breaths to activate the Ten Thousand Miles Magic Talisman.


The Blood Palace trembled, and Luo Yan's figure suspended from it.

Luo Yan now seems to be mad.

With a sound of blood armor, a long blood-red hair danced wildly behind her, making her pretty face look particularly white.

But his face was full of murderous intent, and it looked terrifying.

"You just flee to the end of the world, and you don't want to survive!"

Luo Yan said in a low voice.

"Hehe, you woman, why are so unreasonable, I saved you, otherwise, you would have died long ago!"

Ling Tian said impatiently.

If he knew it, he wouldn't touch this Luo Yan, what is it!

"I don't need you to save!"

Luo Yan leaned over and disappeared suddenly.

"Hey, didn't you just look at your body? Don't do that! Anyway, someone will want to see it sooner or later, right?"

Ling Tian scratched his head.

"Shut up and die to me!"

There was a roar in the air.

"Damn, crazy!"

Ling Tian urged the weapon of the fairy king to sacrifice the blood line again.


But this time, the blood disc suddenly shook, he broke free from Ling Tian and flew out.

And the next moment, Luo Yan's figure descended in front of Ling Tian.

"You can move my things too!?"

Na Luo Yan's face was cold, and he directly raised his palm, with blood tangled up on it.

It is conceivable that when these supernatural powers fall, they will definitely die.


"Really I'm afraid you won't make it!?"

Ling Tian cursed secretly, and then his spiritual thoughts moved, "Sword Shadow!"

The Thousand Dao Sword Shadows that remained in Luo Yanyan's body suddenly buzzed and trembled, running wildly in Luo Yanyan's body.

And the latter, also in an instant, the breath was chaotic, and all the magical powers died.

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