Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 3152: Doppelganger will return to the deceased

"Luo Yan, I can't save you in vain. You have my things and secrets that I want to know. You have nothing to do except beg me."

"Wait, we will see you again!"!


Ling Tianqing asked the sky Qilin Halberd, watching Luo Yan sneer.

Immediately, he and Han Jingshuang turned into a ray of light and soared into the sky.

"Ahem, damn!"

Luo Yan's face was full of pain.

She only realized now that there really seemed to be something in her body that was stinging her blood crazily, and even no matter what she did, she couldn't force that thing out.

In short, in a short period of time, her combat power was reduced by nearly half.

It is absolutely impossible to chase.

"Miss, how are you!?"

At this time, the strange bird chased it out.

"Who is he!?"

Luo Yan panted, "Why would you let him in!?"

"Miss, he came in by himself, and the restrictions imposed by the ancestors of the Luo family have no effect on him!"

"Furthermore, the young lady has indeed had her life hanging by a thread just now, even the fairy light and the will are out of the body, he saved you.

"It's just that the young lady's body was also affected by him..."

"Shut up!" Luo Yan scolded coldly, "From now on, I don't want to hear about this again! I will definitely find this guy and smash him into pieces!"


At this time, in the Blood Palace, the three people of Qu Shenzhen also chased them out.

Seeing Luo Yan who was surrounded by Luo Family Immortal Monarch, the expressions of the three of Qu Shenxuan changed slightly, but they didn't speak.

Today, their faces are completely lost.

Not qualified to laugh at others.

"Second son, that Han Jingshuang is my Xijun warrior, with the breath of my Xijun, I can find them!"

Wang Chen took out a bronze mirror from his arms.

"They have reached a hundred thousand li away, and they are using the Ten Thousand Li Magic Run Talisman."

"Then chase, and swear not to give up!"

Qu Shen said coldly.


Wang Chen also took out a Ten Thousand Miles Magic Talisman, several people stepped into it, and after a dozen breaths, they disappeared before everyone in the Luo family.

"Miss, what shall we do now!?"

The strange bird frowned.

"The introductory ceremony for freshmen is coming to an end. Let's go to Tao Palace first."

"Anyway, that guy is also a freshman, I don't believe it, he won't return to the end!"

Luo Yan panted heavily, temporarily suppressing the sword shadow that ran around in his body.


Seven days later, under the Third Avenue Gongxian Island, there was a huge golden platform rising from the ground.

The platform is located within a million miles of this place, sitting on a high mountain, like a lighthouse, especially eye-catching.

Here, by the disciples of the Dao Palace, called the Golden Summit, it is the place where every new student initiation ceremony is held for a hundred years, and it is also the place where new students are the first to be born.

Now, it is not far from the end of the Trial of the Introductory Ceremony of the Three Avenue Palace.

Many Tianjiao scattered in this area also gathered towards the end one after another.

Among them, Qu Shenyou, the favorite of the heavens, who is the number one on the Wolong list, and Jiang Liu'er, the golden devil who shook the Chu Kingdom, and the others.

Along the way, no one can stop them, killing countless beasts, and obtaining countless treasures.

Now, it has reached the golden dome, waiting for the final battle of the rebirth ceremony to begin.

And in a mountain forest 100,000 miles away from the Golden Summit, a green ox, lying under an old locust tree, sits cross-legged by its side, with silver hair dancing in the wind, so uncomfortable.

This person is Ling Tian.

Now, the Golden Summit, where he was sitting at the end, was already within easy reach. Ling Tian didn't choose to go directly, but was waiting for his clone to return.

"Master! Jinding is getting more and more lively. Among the top ten on the Wolong list, except for Luo Yan, Qu Shenxuan, and Wang Chen, all seven have arrived. I heard that Jiang Liu'er will be with people before the decisive battle has started. After the fight, Cui Daoyuan, ranked fourth, was beaten up by Jiang Liu'er, haha, that golden fairy kid, a bit powerful!"

At this time, Mo Yu and Feng Qixi returned and fell into the forest.

"Is the mistress not out yet!?"

Ling Tian shook his head, "Almost."

"Ling Tian, ​​when will we go to Jinding? I can't wait. I want to fight!"

Feng Qixi pouted.

"Have you practiced your supernatural powers, you just want to fight!?"

Ling Tian gave her a sideways look.

"Of course! Tell you, this young lady's Feng Qi Lei has been able to offer four sacrifices! Before letting me meet those Luo family cloak fairy monarchs, I can torture them to death by myself!"

Feng Qixi proudly said, "Besides, even if we lose, don't you still have you? Now, who can be your opponent, isn't it!?"

Ling Tian curled his lips, "The second sentence, it's still like that."

"But, before we go to Jinding, we have to solve some problems first."

Ling Tian got up.

"What trouble!? No one dares to provoke us along the way!"

Mo Yu and Feng Qixi looked at each other.

"It's an old friend."

Ling Tian held his hand and looked at the sky beyond that mountain forest.

The three of them followed Ling Tian's gaze, and suddenly discovered that a silver light pierced the sky and shot towards them.


The three of them were shocked, and the speed of the light was almost to the extreme.

Behind him, Ling Tian had already stretched out his big hand, muttering something in his mouth.

After that, the silver light directly penetrated the void and concealed into Ling Tian's body.

A purple light fell from the sky.


The purple light dissipated, but a figure was lying on the ground and panting.

"Han Jingshuang!?"

Feng Qixi raised eyebrows.

What's the situation? Could it be that this guy is the trouble Ling Tian said! ?

"Tian Ling... Son Ling Tian!?"

That Han Jingshuang was also frightened, just this distance, the speed of the day's spirit was almost to the extreme.

However, when she raised her head, she disappeared from the silver armor Ling Tian, ​​but instead, it was the white-haired Ling Tian in Qingyi.

Ling Tian seemed to be both familiar and unfamiliar, and even made her elder brother unspeakable.

"Well, girl Han takes a break and waits for us to fix the tail behind."

Ling Tian nodded, and immediately sat on the blue bull, "Everyone, let's go, we will meet the deceased."

The crowd flew up from the mountains and forests and hovered above the sky.

But after more than a dozen breaths, there really were two rays of light chasing after him.

However, the two lights and shadows seemed to have seen the existence of Ling Tian and others, and suddenly stopped flying and hovered in the distance.

When the light dissipated, Wang Chen and Liu Mubai walked out of it.

However, looking at the several figures in front of them, both of them frowned.

"This is impossible!"

After a while, Wang Chen whispered.

It’s no wonder that they were shocked, because what hovered in front of them at this time was Ling Tian sitting on the back of the green bull, Feng Qixi, standing on the dragon beast seven koi, and Moyu on the shoulders of the black ape. And Zuo Xianzhi.

Four people and three beasts, the aura is so powerful that it is far from the time when you were in West County.

"Hehe, Master Xiaohou, Sword Fairy Liu Mubai, we, meet again!"

On Qing Niu's back, Ling Tian sneered.

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