Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2166: Thang Long Dan

Ling Tian landed on the first battle platform, and the warriors inside and outside the Golden Summit were relieved.

Looking at the figure standing on top of the golden platform and standing on top of Qu Shenyou Luo Yan, I was amazed.

From the beginning of this ceremony, until now, they had never thought that there would be someone who would dare to compete with Qu Shenyou Luo Yan for the first place in the new life! ?

Even Qu Shenxuan, even Bai Ju, and these two Tianjiao, there is an insurmountable gap.

But now, Ling Tian defeated Qu Shenxuan and Bai Ju so strongly one after another.

The former used physical strength to beat Qu Shenzhen into a dead dog.

Then, with such a terrifying kendo power, a sword smashed all of Baiju's pride.

Bai Ju, who was once considered the third person of Chu's descendants, was defeated by Ling Tian with a sword.

Now, this young man with an extremely powerful dragon body and a long sword is standing on the top of the Golden Summit.

Let's go together and fight for the first place! ?

Ling Tian, ​​up to now, it turned out that he didn't look down on Qu Shenxuan and Bai Ju, but that even Qu Shenyou and even Luo Yan hadn't taken it seriously.

One enemy two! ?

This is crazy.

Even if Ling Tian had the ability to defeat Bai Ju with a single sword, they would never believe that Ling Tian could defeat Qu Shenyou and Luo Yan at the same time.

"Oh!? Hehe, it seems that this time, I am a little late."

At this time, from the direction of the Three Avenue Palace, there was another magnificent voice, accompanied by the coercion of the tyrannical Immortal King.

"Instructor Qianlong!"

"Master Yuandan!"

"Tutor Zangfeng is here too!"

A group of instructors and Dao Gong disciples stood up one after another looking at the rays of light that flew over.

Because the three immortal kings headed by that are also the top mentors in the Three Great Avenues Palace.

Moreover, he is also an extremely strong one among the top mentors, second only to the master of the Taoist Palace.

"Hehe, Senior Brother Qianlong, didn't you say that you won't come this time?"

The instructor Jin Dou smiled.

"There is no way, the movement is too loud, and there is a wandering battle in this ceremony, I still have to come over and take a look."

That Qianlong tutor is a heroic figure, a purple-gold four-claw dragon robe, this attire can only be worn by the royal clan of Chu.

"Hehe, it seems that this peerless genius of the Qu family is destined to be accepted by you."

Another New Year's Day instructor of the Taoist Temple of Burning Incense said with a smile.

"Does this still need to be said!? Senior Brother Qianlong is the proud disciple of General Zhen Guo. It is only natural to be able to incorporate Qu Shenyou into the Imperial Palace!"

The Tsang Feng instructor smiled.

"Not at all, not at all, Shenyou has already inherited the master's inheritance. Even if I worship my door, there is nothing I can teach him except for the ancient inheritance in the Taoist palace. Everything is up to his will."

Qianlong waved his hand, but his face was smiling, but he couldn't hide it.

He has a very close relationship with the Qu family, and Qu Shenyou, except for the Royal Thunder Palace, it is impossible to go to other Dao Palaces.

"Well, we have no idea about Qu Shenyou, ha ha, but now it seems that there are quite a few Tianjiao who suddenly appeared this time."

Instructor Zangfeng looked at Ling Tian and said with a smile: "If I'm not mistaken, the fairy sword in this kid's hand has never been out of the sheath, because the blood refining method is used and it is in the process of advancement, so this child must be a refiner. Master, this class of combat power refiner, my Dao Palace, book it!"

"Huh!? That's not okay, you said that you booked it!? I think this child is carrying a fairy fire, and there is a pill incense in his body, and he will definitely be able to refine the pill. I burn the incense Taoist palace, and I need such a Tianjiao to support the scene !"

That Yuan Dan teacher also said suddenly.

Suddenly, the top tutor of the Two Dao Palace started to **** Ling Tian.

This scene made all the freshmen envy.

Being able to get the favor of so many mentors, Ling Tian is already proud enough.

"Everyone, the competition hasn't ended yet, or else, while the fight hasn't started yet, how about we make a lottery!?"

That Qianlong instructor held his hand.

"Bet once!?"

Instructor Zang Feng frowned, "I'm afraid you won't make it, how can you bet?"

"Just bet on who of these three wins and become the number one freshman. I'll bet on the number one in the game!"

The Qianlong instructor thought for a while, and actually took out a golden egg the size of a melon, "This Yunshui Profound Tiger Egg is a different species in the world. After hatching, it will have the cultivation base of the first-level immortal monarch, which can become a mount. Treat it as a lottery!"

"This time Dao Palace did not set the first prize for new students, so, even if it is a little bit of my heart, how about it!?"

The voice fell, and the mentors were all stunned.

"Yunshui Xuanhu!? Senior Brother Qianlong, isn't this the treasure you got when you came in!? Could it be that you just sent it out as a bet!?"

A mentor exclaimed.

"Hehe, I can't use it anyway, it's better to give it to a disciple!"

The Qianlong teacher waved his hand and didn't care.

In the Three Avenue Palace, everyone knows that this Dragon Drying Instructor is powerful in combat and is also proficient in controlling beasts. There are many monsters and monsters tame in his hand. His own mount is also a dragon, and the name of the Dragon Drying instructor. And because of this.

"Hehe, it seems that Senior Brother is quite confident in Qu Shenyou, this abacus is really good."

On New Year's Day the tutor raised his red lips and sneered.

Instructor Qianlong certainly wouldn't care, because this mount egg was originally prepared for Qu Shenyou, who can't tell! ?

Nowadays, if you want to make a lottery, isn't it just to give Qu Shenyou a big name, and you can also search for it! ?

"Hehe, you can voluntarily, and I don't want it."

Qianlong instructor said lightly.

"Hehe, my Yuandan is also a stingy person!"

Teacher Na Yuan Dan thought for a while, and the light and shadow flickered in his hand, and a pill appeared in his palm.

The pill was flaming red, and it seemed to be surrounded by dragon souls.

"Hi! Rising Dragon Pill!?"

"Yuan Dan, your handwriting is not small!"

Mentor Zangfeng and the others couldn't help exclaiming when they saw the medicine in Yuan Dan's hand.

Even the Dragon Drying Master couldn't help frowning, and said: "Yuan Dan, what do you mean by taking out this Shenglong Pill!?"

"Three years ago, I asked you if you have the Dragon Pill in your hand, I have a great use, but you said, there is no one!"

"Hehe, of course it didn't exist three years ago. It took me three years to collect all the materials for this Shenglong Pill, and it took three months to refine it!"

"Since you are a mount egg when you dry the dragon, I can't be left behind by the incense-burning Taoist palace, right!"

Yuan Dan tutor played with the Shenglong Pill in his hand and smiled: "So, this pill is regarded as a lottery, and whoever is the first freshman this time will be rewarded!"

When the voice fell, the Dao Palace instructors and disciples all took a breath.

Rising Dragon Pill is a magical pill. It is effective for the dragon aura in the pill to bless the roots and bones. It can not only increase the martial arts physique of the martial artist, but also refine the body of the martial artist and obtain the power of rising dragon. The **** pill that the warrior dreams of.

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