Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2167: Four-character Xianqin Qingxiao Crane Tears

Even Rising Dragon Pill can allow monster beasts with dragon bloodline to evolve in bloodline.

This is also the reason why Qianlong Master wants to rise the dragon pill.

At least, at the moment when the Shenglong Pill appeared, the Jin Dou teacher's eyes were about to fall out.

He is the Immortal King of Body Refining. Although this Shenglong Pill can be used to the extreme in the realm of the immortal monarch, it still has a great effect on an immortal king like him.

"Yuan Dan, you made a shot this time, but you smashed me!"

In the end, the Tibetan mentor was left.

He is the top instructor of Chengfeng Dao Palace. Although in terms of strength, he can't compare with Yu Lei Dao Palace and Fenxiang Dao Palace, but the Tibetan front teacher, who is also a top mentor, will naturally not lose his face.

"Hehe, don't cry poor, you are in charge, but there are so many treasures in the hands of the refining tools in the Taoist palace, and there are so many treasures in your hands. What can you give to the younger generation as a reward!?'

Yuan Dan tutor screamed.


Instructor Zangfeng rubbed his hands, his stingy was well-known in the Third Avenue Palace.

However, stomping his feet, as if he had made up his mind, instructor Cang Feng took out a spar from his sleeve.

The spar had a dark gold color, although it was inconspicuous, and only the size of a walnut, but the moment it appeared, it seemed to have the ultimate sharp aura, surging out of it.

Let those who see it, not only slightly retreat.

"At this time, is the piece of celestial sand that you received five years ago?"

Yuan Dan whispered.

"Yes, five years ago, I went to the territory of the Dark Demon Race to search for materials for refining. I accidentally got such a piece of star sand that had fallen from outside the triple sky. It happened to be a piece of stardust sand with sword intent. This material is the best material for refining sword qi!"

"However, although this piece of stardust sand is a divine product, it is still too small, so let's be the winner."

After Zang Feng said that, the Yuan Dan teacher smiled and said: "Hehe, you really know how to pick things, because you can see that Lingtian's sword needs this stardust!?"

"To each other, your Dragon Rising Pill seems to be tailor-made for Ling Tian, ​​it's useless to Qu Shenyou!"

Cang Feng spread his hands.

Immediately he looked at other teachers, "Jin Dou, Liuhua, everyone, today's days are extraordinary, so arrogant talents have never seen it for hundreds of years. Are you guys, more or less, have to say! ?"

The so-called goose plucking hair, this hidden front pits people, is really unambiguous.

Freshmen first, they won't come into their door, they are brilliant, isn't this a robbery! ?

However, since the teacher Zangfeng said, the teachers are not embarrassed not to take action.

Therefore, each piece of treasure was thrown by the mentor. Although there is no way to compare with the magical treasure in the hands of the three top mentors, but in total, there are nearly 20 pieces, which is very valuable!

"Hehe, it's so good, in this way, the first freshman is worthy!"

Qianlong instructor nodded and smiled.

Although he was uncomfortable with Yuan Dan and Zang Feng's leaning towards Ling Tian, ​​the last freshman ranked first, after all, Qu Shenyou.

"Teachers, I also happen to have a treasure that I don't need. Today's lottery, count me!"

At this time, the princess Liu Zhaoer above the sky flew down.

"His Royal Highness also casts lottery!?"

The Qianlong tutor was startled.

Liu Zhaoer seems to have arrived very early, is this time Tianjiao younger generation, so attractive to her! ?

Perhaps it is because of Qu Shenyou! ?

Instructor Qianlong is meditating in his heart, and now the Qu family is helping the second prince, like the sun is in the sky, if Qu Shenyou can become the current servant, then the Qu family will become even stronger!

This is a good thing!


Liu Zhaoer nodded and thought for a while, and from the phoenix robe, he took out a very luxurious and narrow brocade box.

"This thing was given by my father when I was eighteen years old, but it has been in my hands for a long time. Rather than let it be dusted, it is better to give it to useful people."

With that, she opened the long and narrow brocade box.

Suddenly, a blue light burst out of it.

Not only that, the divine light condensed into a crane, whirling above Liu Zhaoer's head, faintly, as if the crane was moaning above the nine heavens, and tears of the gods fell like rain.

"Four-character Xianqin, Qingxiao Crane Tears!?"

When everyone saw the treasure in the brocade box, they all couldn't stop exclaiming.

Teacher Yuan Dan was even more unbelieving, and he repeatedly said in surprise: "Princess, this is the famous piano Qingxiaohelai given by His Majesty the King of Chu as your coming-of-age gift. You, do you want to be a lottery!?"

"This, who wants it!"

Qianlong instructor pursed his mouth, and said in deep thought: "Fantasy is indeed above the rhythm and has some exploration. It is said that the attainments are not bad, and the princess is interested. Here, I will first thank the princess for the wonder."

"Hehe, Qianlong, now that the test is not over, why do you thank you in advance!?"

"Such a lottery, unprecedented, let's see, after all, who can win!"

Cang Feng's voice fell, and the eyes of all the warriors in the audience gathered on the first battle platform.

Ling Tian could also see the arrival of the three Qianlong.

Moreover, the appearance of each piece of treasure made Ling Tian's eyes hot.

Rising Dragon Pill, Star Sand, Famous Qin Qing Xiao He Lei, this is simply tailor-made for himself!

Moreover, Qingxiao Helei is still the gift of the princess's birthday, if this falls into the hands of others, wouldn't it be that the fat water flows into the field of outsiders!

Now, he and Liu Zhaoer are cooperating, and they are on the same boat. He also knows that Liu Zhaoer gave him this Qingxiao Helei, but the condition is to get the first place in the freshman!

Test me! ?

The corner of Ling Tian's mouth was majestic, looking at Qu Shenyou and Luo Yan on the left and right sides of the battle platform.

"Two, what do you say!? Let's go together!?"

He must win this battle!

"Go together!?"

Qu Shenyou sneered.

He had never put Ling Tian in his eyes.

Now, with so many treasures as a prize winner, and Liu Zhaoer's famous piano is still there, he can't lose either.

Although he has been careful about Luo Yan, he has never revealed this secret to others, but Liu Zhaoer's move today may be suggesting something to himself.

Between Luo Yan and the princess, Qu wandered around himself and chose the princess.

If he becomes a concubine, his family will be in full swing. By then, even at the rank of the second prince, his family will be a minister of the arm, and power will be in the ruling!

"Luo Yan, I know, it's impossible to join hands between you and me!"

"This kid, you will solve it, or I will come!?"

"I'm coming!" Luo Yan said without thinking.

Her eyes shrank suddenly, looking at Ling Tian, ​​her eyes were full of complexity.

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