Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2173: Guqin is a sword box?

When Ling Tian woke up again, he was in a strange room.

Opening his eyes, Ling Tian saw an antique room and a bed with a peculiar fragrance of fragrance.

Turning sideways, there was a figure in a phoenix robe standing in front of the window.

Feeling the change in Ling Tian's breath, the figure turned around.

It is the princess, Liu Zhaoer, who is shrouded in the noble and immortal flowers.

"Wake up!? Your physical body is really terrible, such a serious injury, but it's only less than a day, just fine."

The corners of his mouth raised, and Liu Zhaoer smiled.

"Thank you princess for taking care of it."

Ling Tian started from the bed, looking inwardly, that the body of the Canglong that had been shocked and torn before was intact.

When the True Dragon Nine Transformation became the Canglong Transformation, the speed of repair was indeed astonishing and terrifying. Moreover, the injuries he suffered on the Golden Summit were actually not that serious at all.

Fainting is just a loss of strength.

On the contrary, after the cultivation base reached the realm of Immortal Monarch, the stars within Ling Tian's sea of ​​Qi were undulating and majestic.

The gap between Xianjun and Jinxian is really too huge.

At least, now Ling Tian believes that he can fight with all his strength against the second-order immortal king, and he can even kill the second-order immortal king with pure Yang finger or with the help of the weapon of the immortal king.

Even if the Tier 3 Immortal King is lost, he can easily retreat.

And the powerhouse of the third-order immortal king level, in Chu State, is already a great official in frontiers, or the top mentor level in the Taoist palace.

"Don't thank me, after all, we are allies."

Liu Zhaoer turned around, picked up the Guqin in front of the window, and sent it to Ling Tian.

"Before in West County, I had heard of your piano sound. Compared with the imperial piano master in my palace, I didn’t do much, but the piano is just like that. This guqin is a gift of recognition given to me by my father. From now on, it belongs to you."

Looking at the Guqin in front of him, Qing Xiao Helei, Rao knew it before Ling Tian, ​​but he was still excited in his heart.

There are only dozens of four-character name pianos in the entire Immortal Realm, and this guqin is the third four-character piano after Ling Tian's relics and Qin Mingyue's Nine Heavens Ring Pei.

Although the first two are the best among the Xianqin, ranking one of the six great Xianqin, Qingxiao Helei is inferior to them, but they are far more powerful than Long Xiaoyue.

Ling Tian held the guqin in his hand and discovered that the guqin was completely black and blue. He didn't know what material it was made of, but the atmosphere of the ancients was permeated, and he knew it was thousands of years old.

Moreover, there is a gap on the side of the Guqin, and there is a sword intent in the body!

Can you insert a sword! ?

Ling Tian raised his eyebrows, if it wasn't for Long Yuanjian that couldn't get out of the sheath, he really wanted to try it.

On the back of the guqin, the sculptor is a slowly cyan crane. Underneath, there is a crystal clear teardrop. The teardrop is crystal clear. It is a spar, which Ling Tian knew.

"Shenyin Phoenix Crystal!?"

"Haha, knowing the goods, although it's a little smaller, it can't be used to refine things, but it's more suitable to be integrated into this guqin. If there is not such a small spar, this piano is not worthy of four characters." Liu Zhaoer said.

"Nevertheless, this violin is definitely a violin that has been passed down through the ages, and it is extremely precious."

Ling Tian pursed his lips, and finally pushed the guqin up, "However, I also know that it cannot be loved by others. This guqin is really too expensive, I can't ask for it."

"Hehe, now you are pushing me on."

Liu Zhaoer shook his head, "Although this piano is a gift from my father, it is mine now. I can give it to whoever I want. If I don't want it, it doesn't hurt to destroy it."

"If my piano skills can match this Guqin, I won't give it to you."

"But I know that this piano will only be truly in your hands, and it will reflect his value. I am not good at piano skills."

Liu Zhaoer raised her hand and pushed the guqin into her arms, "Furthermore, on the golden dome, I have given away this guqin. How can I return it? I can see that you like Qingxiao crane tears very much. Take it."

"Then, I'm disrespectful."

Ling Tian fumbled for Guqin and was about to put it away soon.

"Wait, I'll give you a piano. Isn't it worth it for you to play the piano for me!?"

Liu Zhaoer said suddenly.

"Uh, what does the princess want to hear!?"

Ling Tian raised his eyebrows.

"I don't listen to what others have heard."

"This, all right!"

Ling Tian put Qingxiao Crane's tears on his lap, and thought for a while, the slender ten fingers flicked, and a brand-new piano sound slowly filled the whole room.

The sound of the piano is faint, sometimes agitated, sometimes narrated, like a lofty mountain, like running water.

After one song, the deep sadness between Liu Zhaoer's eyebrows was smoothed.

"This song was created by you!?"

Liu Zhaoer asked suddenly.


Ling Tian thought for a while and said.

"What name."

"High mountains and flowing water."

"Looking for friends with mountains and rivers."

Ling Tian put away the guqin.

"Hehe, soulmate... it's hard to find a soulmate!"

Liu Zhaoer looked out the window, "I'm not your soulmate, but you don't lack a soulmate, they really care about you."

Ling Tian came up and saw Zhao Minfeng Qixi and others waiting anxiously outside the room.

"Well, a friend is hard to find, and a confidant is hard to find. I will use what I have to protect them."

Ling Tian nodded.

"Hehe, then Zhao Min, if I didn't guess wrong, it should be from the royal blood of the Kingdom of Zhao!?"

"I once remembered that a coup d'etat occurred in the Kingdom of Zhao thousands of years ago. The original bloodline of the royal family of the Kingdom of Zhao, one of whom was missing, is the descendant of that royal family when I want to come.

Liu Zhaoer suddenly looked at Ling Tian, ​​and said with a smile.

"This secret, isn't it tricky!?"

Ling Tian's pupils shrank.

"Why, do you still want to kill people!?" Liu Zhaoer shrugged, "If you think about it, you can't, besides, it's just a descendant of the Zhao Kingdom."

Seeing Ling Tian's nervous appearance, Liu Zhaoer smiled and said, "Don't worry, for the time being, no one except me will know this secret, but if this woman reaches the stage of entering the palace, she will definitely be exposed."

"However, by that time, you may already have the ability to protect her without any worries."

"Moreover, if I didn't guess wrong, after you become the Immortal King, you will help her and restore Zhao Guo!?"

Ling Tian pursed his lips, "This is my promise to him."

"Very well, then, I will help you."

Before Ling Tian was puzzled, Liu Zhaoer walked out the door, "Let's go, it's too early, you should go out, lest they worry."


Looking at Liu Zhaoer's back, although Ling Tian still had doubts in his heart, it was obvious that the other party did not want to say more.

Restoring the state of Zhao and allowing Liu Zhaoer to live in the state of Chu, seemingly not simple things.

But, the achievement of the fairy king...

Ling Tian clenched his fists. He believed that as long as one day, he would become a fairy king, and that day could be overthrown, ground, and overturned!

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