Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2174: All the princes who encounter obstacles before the peak arrive

"Ling Tian, ​​are you okay!? Are you okay? How can you faint when you fainted!?"

Seeing Ling Tian coming out, Feng Qixi, Ran Qinghong and others gathered around.

"Hehe, it's just too tired."

Ling Tian smiled and drew Zhao Min to the front, "It makes you worried."

"I believe you won't be in serious trouble."

Zhao Min said sweetly.

Zhao Min knows Ling Tian's power best, and his peers are just competing against each other, so Ling Tian won't be seriously injured.

"By the way, Ling Tian, ​​now we have entered the Dao Palace, but what should we do next!? Where did we go to find the inheritance, until now, we have not yet worshipped the teacher!"

"Don't worry, let Ling Tian go to Xianzang Peak first!?" Ran Qinghong said suddenly.

"By the way, princess, you asked me to go to Xianzang Peak before, what place is it!?"

Ling Tian suddenly remembered, and looked at Liu Zhaoer.

The Liuhua teacher said before that Xianzang Peak is not only difficult to enter, but it is also extremely difficult to figure it out.

"Xianzang Peak..."

Liu Zhaoer suddenly turned around and pointed to the direction behind the courtyard, "There is Xianzang Peak!"

Everyone looked in the direction of Liu Zhaoer's fingers, but they suddenly discovered that the so-called Xianzang Peak is the first peak in the center of the Immortal Island of Yulei Dao Gong, that towering cloud and weather!

All the palaces and pavilions in the entire Yulei to the palace are built around this peak.

"In the Imperial Palace, there are a total of four top-level inheritances. Each top-level inheritance has a corresponding fairy mountain. Within the fairy mountain, all the inheritances collected by the ancestors of the Dao Palace for thousands of years are sealed, as long as you worship the teacher who is in charge of the fairy mountain inheritance. Under the sect, there is an opportunity to enter it and get its own inheritance."

"But other than that, the most mysterious inheritance in Yulei Dao Palace is in Xianzang Peak!"

"In the Xianzang Peak, there is the Royal Thunder Dao Palace...No, it is the top heritage of Lingyan Holy Land."

"Only the first class of every freshman, or the king of Chu's permission, can enter."

Feng Qixi said in a puzzled way: "Why has it withdrawn from Lingyan Holy Land again!? Isn't there only one Jixia Holy Land in Chu Kingdom?"

"That was once, there was only one."

Liu Zhaoer smiled and shook his head, "Before the establishment of Chu Kingdom, the two sacred sites followed my Liu family's battle in Xianzhou, and broke out of the encirclement of the dark demons, but after that, the sacred land of Lingyan fell apart and became the Fourth Avenue Palace."

"In addition to the three Taoist palaces you know about Thunder, Burning Incense and Chengfeng, there is actually a mysterious Taoist palace, but since the Holy Land broke, that Taoist palace has mysteriously disappeared."

"But in short, Xianzang Peak is the most desirable place for inheritance under the Holy Land. If Ling Tian can get your inheritance from it, and then walk out safely, then entering the Holy Land to practice is destined. Up."

"Well, with that said, this Xianzang Peak is really indispensable." Ling Tian looked at the towering mountain peak.

In fact, what he is even more curious now is the Fourth Dao Palace that mysteriously disappeared from Lingyan Holy Land.

What's the inheritance in that Taoist palace? ?

"Well, Xianzang Peak is a secret realm, but the entrance is at the top of Yulei Peak. It is in charge of Zhao Ji, the lord of Yulei Dao Palace. If you want to enter, you need his permission."

"Let's go, I'll take you there."

Liu Zhaoer nodded, and went out of his yard and went straight to the mountain.

"You are waiting for me here."

Ling Tian patted Zhao Min's hand and followed with Ran Qinghong.

The three fell on the top of the mountain.

What caught Ling Tian's eyes was a large hall standing on the top of the mountain. The red walls and green tiles of the main hall looked like a heavenly pavilion.

And before the gate of the palace, Ling Tian had seen Qianlong, Jin Dou, Liuhua and other teachers of the immortal king's cultivation, sitting cross-legged with some vigorous younger disciples.

However, among these people, apart from the Liuhua teacher who nodded towards Ling Tian, ​​no one paid any attention.

Ling Tian also knew that in the battle on top of the Golden Summit yesterday, he not only offended the Qu family, but also offended other major families.

It is reasonable for these people to have no good looks.

In this way, he thanked Liu Zhaoer even more. If he had not been led by Liu Zhaoer, it was not certain whether he could come up to the Xianzang Peak.

"Palace lord, disciple Liu Zhaoer, please leave the palace and open the gate of Xianzang Peak!"

Liu Zhaoer and Ling Tian stood in front of the gate of the palace and bent towards the gate.

"Haha, your Royal Highness, you are still really anxious for this Lingtian, but after one day, you just want to open the Xianzang Peak in such anxious manner!?"

Among the disciples, some sneered.

Ling Tian looked over and found that the speaker was similar in appearance to the Qu family brothers, except that he was older, had a higher cultivation base, and had reached the realm of a high-level fairy.

"Ling Tian, ​​this person is Qu Shenyou's cousin. He is a disciple who enters the Humane Palace in the same realm with us. You hurt the Qu family brothers, and the Qu family disciples will not make you feel better.

Ran Qinghong spoke behind Ling Tian's ear.

"It's okay."

Ling Tian nodded and didn't care.

It's just a mob.

However, the Qu family disciple looked at Ran Qinghong again, "Junior Sister Qinghong, I heard that Ling Tian is still a member of your team!? Tsk tusk, for the third prince, you really took great pains!"

"Is it possible that between the three princes and the princess, is there any deal that can't be made!?"

Hearing that, Ran Qinghong and Liu Zhaoer's expressions changed.

Nowadays, undercurrents are surging between the princes of Chu, and the relationship is delicate.

"Kamikaze, just say a few words!"

At this time, the Qianlong teacher suddenly opened his eyes and looked at Liu Zhaoer, "Princess, you don't know that, yesterday at midnight, the second prince and the third prince came to Yuleidao Palace, and they are now in the palace, talking secretly with the palace lord."

"If it's just because of Ling Tian's entry into Xianzang Peak, don't bother, and let Ling Tian come up another day."

"What!? My second and third emperor brothers arrived at Yulei Dao Palace!?" Liu Zhaoer was startled, "how do I know about this!?"

However, the Qianlong Teacher did not speak any more.

"His Royal Highness the Three Princes..."

Behind Ling Tian, ​​the complexion dyed with Qinghong also changed.

Ling Tian touched his nose.

Hey, what do you mean! ?

The Battle of the Golden Summit had just ended, and the two princes who were in the Chu State Chu Maelstrom had all arrived at the Imperial Palace! ?

No matter how you look at it, all of them seem to have an unusual taste.

It's difficult, it's because the things in the Valley of Eternal Life have been exposed! ?

Ling Tian looked at Liu Zhao'er. The latter naturally knew what Ling Tian was thinking about, but he shook his head.

At this time, it should not be possible.

If the two princes knew the secret of the Longevity Spirit Valley, the first thing they did was to come to Ling Tian.

Obviously, this time they all went to the Yu Lei Dao Palace, it was something else.

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