Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2177: Leaving Tao Palace

"Lingyan Pavilion, is about to be born!?"

After a long while, the third prince said in a deep voice, and then looked at the old palace master, “Palace Master Yu Lei, since the establishment of Chu Kingdom, the Fourth Dao Palace and Lingyan Pavilion have disappeared, even I The ancestor of the Liu family seems to have never looked for it."

"Lingyan Pavilion, which once held half of the heritage of Lingyan Holy Land, seems to have disappeared in Chu State. How can it suddenly appear in Chu State today!?"

The third prince frowned, and in his heart, his mind was full of thoughts, "Furthermore, the emperor's father made the decree himself."

"There is only one reason, and that is... In fact, the Fourth Dao Palace and Lingyan Pavilion have never left the Chu Kingdom. When they need to come out, they will appear."

The lord of Yu Lei Dao Palace shook his head and said with a wry smile.

"Old Palace Master, what do you mean by these words? What do you mean when you need him to appear!?"

The second prince raised his eyebrows.

"The old man is just the gatekeeper of the Xianzang Peak appointed by your majesty, so how can he know the secrets of this, but it is foreseeable that the Chu Kingdom... is going to change the sky, and from the beginning, it is Shengbi!"

The lord of Yulei Dao Palace suddenly smiled, "Two princes, you have to work hard!"

"The old minister is tired, I hope the prince will make atonement."

After that, the old palace lord hid into the Xianzang Peak.

"Old Palace Master, I have the gold medal handed to me by my father, can I be qualified to let you open Xianzang Peak!?"

But the two princes took out a gold medal from their hands, on it, there were the words King Chu personally visit.

"Hehe, I didn't expect that the second prince actually had his majesty's token in his hands, nothing more, since your majesty is like coming in person, then I can only open the Xianzang Peak!

"But I don't know, Second Prince, who would you like to enter the Xianzang Peak!?"

The voice of the Lord of the Taoist Palace came from it.

"Qu family, Qu Shenyou!"

The pupils of the second prince shrank.


The Lord of the Taoist Palace has only one word, and there is no sound in the Imperial Thunder Palace.


Outside the Palace of Thunder, Ling Tian broke out, and then flew straight down the mountain.

This scene surprised everyone at the entrance of the palace.

If Ling Tian wanted to enter the Xianzang Peak, it would be impossible for him to come out so quickly!

However, shortly afterwards, Princess Liu Zhaoer also rushed out of the Imperial Thunder Palace and flew down the mountain.

After a while, Teacher Qianlong sneered and said: "Looking at the appearance, Ling Tian won't enter the Xianzang Peak."

"Then you can't enter Xianzang Peak, and you lose the qualification to worship the top mentor. Isn't this new student the first place?

A disciple from the Qu family sneered.

"That is inevitable. He offended too many people, not only in the Yulei Dao Palace, but also the Burning Incense Dao Palace and Chengfeng Dao Palace, and he did not dare to take him in."

"Wait, if he doesn't participate in the Holy Land Competition, it's all right. If he dares to go to the Holy Land, he will definitely die!"

Instructor Qianlong narrowed his eyes slightly, and his face was cold.

Under the fairy mountain.

Ling Tian returned to the house of Princess Liu Zhaoer.

Zhao Minfeng and the others on Qixi Festival were also very surprised when they saw Ling Tian's return.

"What's the situation!? Why are you back so soon!? Don't you want to go to the Xianzang Peak!?"

Zhao Min's expression on Ling Tian's face was ugly, and there was blood on his palm.

"Ling Tian, ​​what's the matter? You are injured? Is it because the people from Yu Lei Dao Palace are ugly to you?"

Ling Tian sneered, shook his head and said, "It's nothing, pack things up, let's leave here."

"go away!?"

"Didn't we just arrive at the Dao Palace? What's wrong? You are talking about it!"

Feng Qixi said anxiously.

She has worked so hard to arrive at Yulei Dao Palace. If she quit, then she will lose the qualification to go to the Holy Land.

"My two emperor brothers have arrived, and Ling Tian was made things difficult for by my second brother in the Immortal Mountain Thunder Palace."

"This is my second brother's fault, Ling Tian, ​​I apologize to you."

Liu Zhaoer fell into the hospital with apologetic expression on his face.

"No, the princess does not need to apologize!"

Ling Tian shook his head, "In the palace, the princess maintains her in every possible way, and Ling Tian is grateful in her heart."

"Moreover, even if the second prince wants to apologize, I will never accept it. From now on, I will have nothing to do with Yu Lei Dao Gong!"

"If you can still enter the Sacred Land Competition, I will sweep all the teams in the Royal Thunder Palace!"

After that, Ling Tian took Zhao Min and walked out of the house.

"Ling Tian, ​​where can you go if you don't enter the Yulei Dao Palace!? You provoke my second brother, and with his power, the other two Dao Palaces will never take you in!"

"You will also lose the qualification to enter the Holy Land!"

"Why don't you bear it? Trust me, I will find a way!"

Liu Zhaoer still wanted to keep Ling Tian.

Although she knows, this is impossible at all.

"Ling Tian is uninhibited all his life, even if there is nowhere to take him in, why not!?"

"The world is so big, there will be a place for it."

The silhouettes of everyone in Ling Tian gradually disappeared from Liu Zhaoer's sight.

"On Qixi Festival, wherever the master goes, I will go, I know, you want to go to the Holy Land, but there is really no way."

Mo Yu took a deep look at Feng Qixi and chased after him.


Feng Qixi stomped his feet and looked at Liu Zhaoer, "You really can't help it?"

"Not for the time being, my second brother's power is really too strong, unless the prince comes forward."

"However, as long as Ling Tian is still in Chu State, then I can guarantee their safety."

Liu Zhaoer shook his head.

"Then it seems that there is really no way. Ling Tian is too strong in character."

After all, Feng Qixi also caught up.

For a time, only Liu Zhaoer was left in the huge courtyard.

"It's nice to have such a group of friends."

"High mountains and flowing water, Ling Tian, ​​am I counted, how about your soulmate!?"

Yulei Road outside the palace.

Feng Qixi caught up with Ling Tian and others.

"Wait for me, how do you say, we are also comrades-in-arms, what is it to leave me behind!"

Feng Qixi pouted, and stepped forward and took Zhao Min and Zuo Xianzhi's hands.

"On Qixi Festival, I don't force it. After I leave Yulei Dao Palace, I really can't go back. Now, I really don't know where to go.

"Lost the qualifications to go to the Holy Land, it is very likely that I will leave Chu State."

Ling Tian turned around and looked towards Feng Qixi.

"Do you think I am selfish enough to abandon my friends!?"

Feng Qixi glanced across Ling Tian, ​​"It's just a holy place, you don't need to go."

"Tanabata, you really have changed a lot."

Ling Tian smiled and summoned the blue cow, "Let's go!"

The others also laughed and summoned the black ape and dragon head seven koi one after another.

"Where are we going now!?"

Ling Tian looked at the distance, "First go back to Wolong Town to rest, and then leave Chu State."

Taking a deep breath, Ling Tian straddled the blue cow, led the crowd into a stream of light, and left the area of ​​the Third Avenue Palace.

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