Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2178: Enrollment at the Fourth Palace

The sudden change in the Imperial Thunder Palace was unexpected by Ling Tian.

Originally, Ling Tian planned to get the inheritance in the Yulei Dao Palace, enter the Saint Child, pass the Dabi, and then enter the Immortal King Palace.

After becoming the Immortal King, he will help Zhao Min recover Zhao Guo.

But now, the sudden appearance of the second prince made Ling Tian's plan all aborted.

Without the Dao Palace inheritance, he would not gain any more in Chu Kingdom. Now, he can only go to other immortal kingdoms to find opportunities.

Now, there is no news of Luo Yan, otherwise, he wants to find the suspicion of Emperor Qingxiao.

Perhaps that was his chance.

Five people traveled through the endless mountains of millions of miles and returned to Wolong Town, which was already silent.

The Wolong Stele in the town had already crumbled, Ling Tian didn't know that this was Luo Yan's handwriting.

Without the Dao Gong Xinsheng who came from all over the country of Chu, there were only a few stores in Wolong Town that were open for business.

"Let's find an inn for a break first, and Mo Yu will go and see if there are any maps for sale."

Ling Tian said while riding the green bull.


Mo Yu turned into a black wind and left.

However, Ling Tian took the three daughters to find several inns in Wolong Town, but they were all told that Ling Tian could not be allowed to stay in.

The reason was an order from the second prince.

Outside the city walls of Wolong Town.

Ling Tian's face was gloomy.

He also didn't expect that the two princes were really fast enough to shoot, so that all the cities along the way would not take them in.

Perhaps there is the power of the princess Liu Zhao'er. At present, their lives are not in danger, but no one can guarantee what they will face after they leave Wolong Town or the Kingdom of Chu.

"Ling Tian, ​​where are we going to stay now!? Or, rushing all night!?"

Zhao Min asked.

"Let's find a mountain peak to open up a cave mansion for rest." Ling Tian shook his head, there were still many opportunities in his hand that he hadn't digested.

He understands that the road ahead will be difficult and dangerous. If the combat power does not enter the territory, he has no ability to protect the safety of everyone.

"Master! Master!"

But at this moment, Mo Yu chased up from behind.

"Why are you panicking, yelling, you can't be chased and killed!?"

Feng Qixi stopped Mo Yu and looked behind him, but there was no one.

"I got the map!?"

Mo Yu shook his head, "I didn't buy it!"

"What did you call if you didn't buy a map!"

Feng Qixi rolled his eyes.

"No, no, I didn't buy the map, but I saw this!"

Mo Yu panted and raised a notice in his hand, "Master, there is a Dao Palace recruiting students here!"

"Dao Gong enrolls students!?"

Ling Tian and the others looked at each other, feeling strange, but still took the notice.

However, after everyone read the notice, they couldn't help frowning.

"Chu country fourth, enrollment at Wolong Dao Palace!?"

"Where is the Fourth Palace!?"

Feng Qixi pinched Xiaoman's waist and frowned.

"Of course there is a fourth Dao Palace. Didn’t the princess say before that after the split of the former Lingyan Holy Land, there were four Dao Palaces, but one Dao Palace disappeared."

Zhao Min frowned and looked at Ling Tian, ​​who was also puzzled. "Could it be that mysterious Tao Palace, this is it, Wolong Tao Palace!?"

"No, if it is really the Fourth Dao Palace after the split of the Holy Land, it will be reduced to posting a notice to enroll students in Wolong Town!?"

"Moreover, there is no one in Wolong Town now!"

Feng Qixi shook his head repeatedly, "This notice must be a prank."

"Ling Tian, ​​I don't think so, let's find a place to settle down."

Ling Tian looked at the notice in his hand, but shook his head, "Not necessarily. There is a formation on this notice. Inside the formation, hidden is a map near Wolong Town, not far from here. Anyway, I need to find a place. It’s better to take a look in the past."

"Oh? Really have a map?"

Everyone looked at each other and was astonished.

Soon, the five Ling Tian came to a deep mountain five hundred miles away from Wolong Town.

"Ling Tian, ​​are you sure this is what is drawn on the map?"

Feng Qixi looked at the gorge in the mountain range in front of him, and in the gorge, there was still this small stream flowing through.

Shrouded in smoke in the distance, it seems that there are still these thatched cottages.

Although it looks quite charming, it doesn't look like the fourth palace in any way.

This is too rustic.

"It's here, that's right."

Ling Tian nodded, and immediately flew down in front of the hut by the stream.

Outside the hut, there is a fence wall, and inside, there are a few fresh monster fish, which should have been fished from the stream in front.

"No one seems to be here."

"Ling Tian, ​​this is not a Taoist palace at all, someone must be playing us."

"Let's go."

Zhao Min and others also gave up.

"No, there is a formation here."

But Ling Tian's palm was pressed on the fence courtyard wall.

From the courtyard wall, Ling Tian already felt an extremely powerful array energy, even if he wanted to break open with tens of thousands of sword shadows, it was quite difficult.

The complexity and tyrannical degree of this formation is second only to the suspicion of Emperor Qingxiao.

"Hehe, you guys come from afar, old and old, and greet you if you have missed a long way."

Suddenly, behind everyone, a voice rang.

Even Ling Tian himself was taken off. He suddenly turned around, but discovered that, I don't know when, an old man in a fur coat and hat was already standing behind everyone.

"Wow, you bad old man, when did you come out! Dare to scare Miss Ben!"

"Could it be the second prince's person?"

Feng Qixi pinched Xiaoman's waist and cursed.

"Chinese Valentine's Day, don't be rude."

But Ling Tian's pupils shrank. He just glanced at the old man. The sea of ​​qi in his body was trembling.

Even the mysterious phantom on the foundation has changed.

This old man is absolutely extraordinary.

Even Ling Tian couldn't see the depth of this person at all. The profound cultivation of this person might still be higher than that of the master of the Royal Thunder Dao Palace.

So, it's really scary.

"Senior forgive me. I waited until I saw the notice in Wolong Town and found it. If you bother, please forgive me."

Ling Tian bowed.

"Oh, it turns out that you want to enter my Wolong Dao Palace to practice?"

The old man raised his eyebrows.

"Hey, is it possible that you, an old man, deceived us, your Dao Palace? Where is Dao Palace?"

Feng Qixi did not give the old man face at all, pouting.

"Hehe, isn't it just behind you?"

The old man leaned on the fishing rod and said with a smile, without any anger at all.

"Behind!? Still opening your eyes and talking nonsense, aren't there just a few thatched huts behind? What's the saying there..."

Feng Qixi turned around, but before she finished speaking, the voice stopped abruptly.

Because everyone turned around, the thatched huts behind them had disappeared, replaced by the thousands of miles of mountains and rivers shrouded in the halo of the formation, and the picturesque continuous fairy pavilion.

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