Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2191: Teach me a lesson for you

The news of Luo Yan and Ling Tian's return, like a storm, spread through the Dao Palace at an extremely fast speed.

Not long after walking through the Dao Palace, Ling Tian saw Lu Wuxian flying over.

This Xijun warrior, who had obtained the qualification of being a quasi-new student in the Dao Palace in the golden fairy realm, finally shined in this Dao Palace ceremony.

Won the third place.

It can be regarded as a complete exhale for West County.

After all, these achievements, except for Ling Tian, ​​even Liu Mubai, who was once recognized as the number one swordsman in Xijun, couldn't do it.

"Senior Brother Ling Tian, ​​are you really back!?"

Lu Wuxian looked overjoyed when he saw Ling Tian from a distance.

In the past two years, he has experienced too much in the Dao Palace, but without Ling Tian's Dao Palace, he also lost a lot of fighting spirit.

"Well, you have grown up very fast, you didn't disappoint me!"

Ling Tian patted Lu Wuxian on the shoulder. After two years, Lu Wuxian looked like he was no longer childish, and his cultivation level had reached the realm of intermediate immortal monarch. He was very strong.

"Hehe, that's not as strong as Senior Brother Ling Tian. In the past two years, our new students in West County have been very worried about you."

Lu Wuxian looked at the people behind Ling Tian, ​​"Oh, yes, the Dao Palace was surrounded by the demon army before, and it was almost destroyed. Brother Ling Tian must be here to support us, right?"


Ling Tian nodded.

"That's great, now Dao Palace is just using people!"

Lu Wuxian was overjoyed and walked to the Xianzang Peak in Yulei Dao Palace with Ling Tian.

"Now, the Southern Territory General Qu Qing and the Dao Palace powerhouse are discussing the military situation in the Xianzang Peak Yulei Palace. I will take you there. If you want to come, the Dao Palace Lord will be very happy."

While leading the way, Lu Wuxian introduced this Dao Gong introductory ceremony to Ling Tian.

Compared to Ling Tian's class, this time, although there was no dark horse evildoer like Ling Tian, ​​many of the proud children of the sky still showed amazing talents.

Ye Xiu, one of the four great families, won first place in the new life, and the second was Yan Wushuang, a disciple of the four great immortals in East County. Although this person is not the four great families, nor is he a disciple of the four great prefectures, he is talented. But it is extremely strong, with a marksmanship, like a wandering dragon shocking the world, superb.

Thirdly, it was Lu Wuxian himself. Today, his kendo is well deserved among the new students.

After that, there were not many Tianjiao from the four major state hous and the Luo Family Qu's family. After all, the strongest was once with Ling Tian.

Everyone came under the Xianzang Peak. At this time, there were a lot of people under the mountain, and many people were surrounded by a white jade stone stele.

There was a problem above the stone tablet, and the new students below looked at the names, with reverence in their eyes.

"what is that!?"

Ask if you don't understand Feng Qixi.

"Oh, isn't this going to the Holy Land? This jade stele is a ranking recently made by Dao Palace. We call it Qingyun Bang!"

"That's what it means to be peaceful!"

"There are two sides to the jade stele. On the Qingyun list, it is the ranking of the most powerful disciples of the Xianjun realm from the Three Dadao Palace to the present, and the other side is the Wolong List. The record is naturally the ranking of the freshmen of each session ."

Lu Wuxian explained.

"Tsk tsk, I know the Wolong List, but we went too hurriedly last time, but we didn't make any list, let's go and take a look!"

Feng Qixi came to interest.


Everyone was curious in their hearts, so they agreed to get down, and then a group of people landed in front of the Qingyun list, Feng Qixi saw the list from the top, and their faces became more and more gloomy.

"Damn, what, there is no Miss Ben!?"

This is really making Feng Qixi angry.

"Sister Feng, this Qingyun ranking was actually only set up two years ago. At that time, you had already left the Dao Palace, so you didn't have a name."

Lu Wuxian smiled and said: "Of course, if Senior Sister Feng's combat power is used, she will definitely be able to enter the top ten of the Qingyun list!"

"Top ten!? My lady has to be in the top five no matter what!"

Feng Qixi refused to accept.

"My master must be Qingyun first!" Mo Yu proudly looked at Ling Tian, ​​then shook his head again, "Oh no, it's not you, you are a clone."

Ling Tian: "???"

"First, Qu Shenyou, second, Qu Shenfeng, and third, Qu Shenhu!"

However, Ling Tian's gaze also fell on the Qingyun list.

It was discovered that the children of the Qu family had almost slaughtered the list.

In two years, Qu Shenyou was still the number one person in the Taoist Palace. If you want to come, this person will get a lot of opportunities during this time.

Even Wang Chen, Liu Mubai and others are in the top ten.

It can be said that the Taoist Palace today belongs to the Qu family.

At least, Luo Yan looked at the famous Qu family in that palace, his face was already gloomy to the extreme.

The Qu family and Luo family have always been at odds, and the grievances of thousands of years made her feel insulted at this time.

"This list should be changed!"

Ling Tian and Luo Yan said almost in unison.

Change the list! ?

The voices of the two did not hide anything,

Almost in an instant, the warriors around the jade tablet quieted down.

Many people looked back at Ling Tian and Luo Yan, and they all recognized Luo Yan in the first place.

This woman used to be the dreadful Tianjiao, and it is reasonable to be able to say this.

But who is the other person! ?

It seems that the cultivation base is also the appearance of the intermediate immortal monarch.

"This person is Ling Tian!"

But soon, the freshman of this year got the news of this person.

After missing for two years, Ling Tian returned.

Under the jade stele, several newcomers with dazzling fairy lights all looked at Ling Tian. Is this the first freshman in the previous year?

"Are you Ling Tian?"

At this time, a sharp gaze turned towards Ling Tian, ​​and Ling Tian looked at the other person. A beautiful woman dressed neatly and swiftly showed a sharp meaning all over her body. She carried a golden spear behind her back, showing her unique style. Of beauty.

The second freshman, Yan Wushuang, did not expect that she would be a woman.

"Yes." Ling Tian smiled and nodded.

When he returned this time, Ling Tian's clone did not wear a visor, and he was not prepared to hide his identity.

No need.

"It looks like you haven't made much progress in two years." Yan Wushuang took a look at Ling Tian and said.

"Perhaps." Ling Tian said with a smile, and didn't mind, his current state of mind, he would not have the same knowledge as these freshmen.

"Is the last freshman the first?"

At this moment, a figure suddenly appeared behind everyone.

When everyone turned around, they found that the speaker was dressed in black with a fairy island slung around his waist.

The look is arrogant and arrogant.

"Brother, he is the number one freshman in our class, Ye Family, Ye Xiu, I can't beat him!"

Behind Ling Tian, ​​Lu Wuxian whispered.

Unwilling to face.

Ling Tian nodded.

Although Ye Xiu looked good.

But today, two years later, Ling Tian no longer talks about his younger generations.

Simply, just like a child.

"Don't speak!? Haha, Intermediate Fairy, is it possible that in two years, your cultivation speed is as slow as a tortoise!?"

"Unfortunately, I have never been in the same class with you, otherwise, all the glory will belong to me, Ye Xiu!"

Ye Xiu saw Ling Tian's expression as usual.

Immediately said again.

And everyone was startled.

This is still the fearlessness of those who don't know, don't he know how powerful Ling Tian was back then?

Saying this now is a naked insult to Ling Tian.

Is this, the newcomer provokes the predecessors?

Ling Tian glanced at each other, he was really proud, but he didn't care.

I don't want to be bothered.

"Let's go, go to Xianzang Peak."

Ling Tian said, he was leaving.

"Haha, what!? Persuaded!?"

"I heard how maddening you were back then. I didn't expect that now it looks like nothing more than an ordinary stuff!"

"The Dao Palace now is not a place where you can come, Miss Luo Yan, I will show you the way."

That Ye Xiudao.

As soon as this statement came out, Feng Qixi was the first to explode.

"It's better to keep your mouth clean, in the same session as ours? If it's the same session, Ling Tian wouldn't even know Nima who can beat you!"

Feng Qixi cursed.

Ye Xiu turned around and his eyes fell on Feng Qixi, "Feng Qixi, right? I used to use Fengqi Lei. I have heard about your brother, but now I am indeed stronger than you back then. This is a fact! "

"Look at the Qingyun list!"

Ye Xiu pointed to the jade tablet behind him again, "You have been missing for two years, and your cultivation level is nothing more than that. Now on the Qingyun list, there are all Qu family members. What are your names?"

"If you want to change the list, don't you be afraid of being laughed off, how can the inheritance outside compare with Dao Gong!"

"Don't look at some of you with a higher cultivation base than me. Perhaps, none of you are my opponents right now!"

"You..." Feng Qixi's face flushed and was about to explode, "Hey, this lady is not your opponent!? What are you!"

"I don't quarrel with women, anyway, you just have to remember that I, Ye Xiu, is the number one freshman in the Dao Palace this year. I am very strong!"

"If you want to be on the list, you have to pass me first!"

After that, Ye Xiu sneered, turned and left.

Ling Tian, ​​who had left, had already stopped. He turned around and looked at Ye Xiu's back.

To be honest, this person is indeed very strong, even only a little worse than Qu Shenyou back then.

With full strength, it may not be impossible to fight with the current Feng Qixi Mo Yu and others once.

He is arrogant and indeed qualified.

"Wait." Ling Tian said in a low voice, then Ye Xiubu stopped and looked back at Ling Tian, ​​"What?"

"I will teach you a lesson for you," Ling Tian said lightly.

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