Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2192: Who is not a disciple of Dao Gong?

lesson! ?

For a time, under the Xianzang Peak and before the jade stele, the air was dignified.

Everyone looked at each other, and more and more warriors came around.

Turning around, Ye Xiu stared at Ling Tian.

This person is finally going to make a move! ?

Ye Xiu was extremely conceited, the Dao Palace was the first freshman, and couldn't prove himself at all.

Qu Shenyou is too powerful now, he is not yet an opponent.

But this former first freshman, in Ye Xiu's eyes, was a good stepping stone.

The cultivation bases are almost the same, and Ling Tian has not obtained the inheritance from the Dao Gong Xian Zang Peak, no matter how strong it is, where can it be stronger! ?

He is not convinced.

The two men looked at each other, and there was a flash of fire.

And the hearts of all the new students are also hot.

The first two-time Dao Gong freshman, there was friction at the first meeting, and the reason was that the newcomer provoked the old man.

The people around are showing weird looks. It is very common for old people in the Taoist palace to bully newcomers. However, newcomers rarely provoke the elderly, but Ye Xiu is the first freshman, and he is also a child of the Ye family. He is not defeated. Zhengsheng, so he naturally has no scruples, and proudly he directly provokes Ling Tian, ​​the first freshman of the previous year.

Although Ling Tian created countless myths two years ago, even Qu Shenyou and Luo Yan were not his opponents.

But after all, those deeds, two years have passed.

Two years is enough time to make a lot of changes.

At least, they didn't think how much Ling Tian could increase his combat power after leaving Dao Palace.

Otherwise, who will come to Dao Palace 1?

Now, the two freshmen are the first to compete. This is a good show.

"Teach me?" Ye Xiu looked at Ling Tiandao. He was not worried, and even a little excited. Although Ling Tian's realm may be higher than him, he must be better than him, but if there is a chance to fight him, look at the previous session. The number one for the freshmen of China is just a few kilograms in the end!

As for the other consequences, he didn't think about it. Ling Tian is still not a disciple of the Dao Palace, so even if he loses, what can he do! ?

Ling Tian looked at Ye Xiu and said with a smile: "Yes, you kid, you don't understand the rules, you have to take care of it."

Ye Xiu glanced at Ling Tian, ​​then smiled, and said, "Hehe, interesting, okay, I just want to see, why would you teach me?"

His voice fell, and the surrounding space seemed to freeze, suddenly becoming exceptionally quiet.

Many people's eyes all fell on Ling Tian, ​​he was not a good-tempered person.

Back then, he beat that Qu Shenzhen into a dead dog.

"That, as you wish!"

Ling Tian smiled, and then, in the astonished eyes of the people who dispersed, he directly raised his hand and stretched out in the direction where Ye Xiu was, and an extremely violent aura suddenly descended. It was an immortal with a fusion of will. The vital energy turned into a big hand like emptiness and flames, and the colors of the sky and the earth changed, and a hot storm suddenly blew up, causing the surrounding Ye Xiu's body to fly away from sand and gravel.

As the number one freshman, Ye Xiu was not jealous. He released his will power the moment Ling Tian started his hand. However, the next moment, he felt an extremely terrifying will come, and his body seemed to solidify. move.

Ye Xiu's expression suddenly changed. He wanted to break free of this force of will, but no matter how hard he struggled, he couldn't escape. The space he was in seemed to be completely solidified, and his body was firmly oppressed.

This is an absolute suppression of will!

Although he ranked first among freshmen, the gap between him and Ling Tian was still too big.

But at this time, even though Ling Tian who had arrived here was only a clone, his breath and spirit was no different from his body.

Ling Tian lifted his feet and walked towards Ye Xiu step by step. He was very slow, but the people behind him trembled.

After more than two years, Ling Tian finally made another move, but now Ling Tian is even more terrifying than it was two years ago!

Ye Xiu, he was kicked to the iron plate.

"I don't know, what is the style of your Ye family, but among the four great families, the Ye family is not that strong. You are the first freshman in the Dao Palace. Although you are proud, you are not worthy!" Ling Tian Looking at Ye Xiu, he calmly said: "The strong, you should be humble afterwards if you should be humble, and when you should be rampant, then be rampant!"

"It was me that you met today. You have to listen to this lesson!"

When the voice fell, his palm was thrown out in the air. The wind raged and turned into a palm print. With a snap, he swallowed Ye Xiu directly, and flew his body directly out, leaving a trail of horror on the square. Scarlet palm print cracks.

At this time, Ling Tian retracted his hand, and there was blood red silk lingering on the palm of his hand.

Luo Yan frowned, isn't this her Luo family's practice! ?


Ye Xiu, the first freshman, was slapped away by Ling Tian.

You know, no matter how bad it is, Ye Xiu's combat power is comparable to Tier 2 Immortal King.

But now, I can't take a palm! ?

In two years, Ling Tian's combat power has really been comparable to Tier 3 Immortal King! ?

Ye Xiu got up and touched the blood on the corner of his mouth. He raised his head and stared at Ling Tian with cold eyes.

"Are you humiliating me on purpose?" Ye Xiu pulled out the fairy knife and held it tightly.

"Hehe, I'm not in the mood to humiliate you." Ling Tian smiled faintly.

Ye Xiu's self-esteem was really strong enough.

Ye Xiu smiled sarcastically, "You are the last senior, Xianyuan is indeed deeper than me, but I haven't done my best yet!"

When the voice fell, Ye Xiu unexpectedly lifted his sword intent and cut off a blade of light.


"It seems that you are not conscious."

Ling Tian spoke calmly, and then, his palm stretched out, and on top of his palm, the Blood Evil Extinguishing Soul Arrow instantly condensed, a total of twelve lines.


A series of blood arrows shot down frantically.

Shocked on the blade light that Ye Xiu slashed.

Five arrows, after five arrows, the blade of Ye Xiu's strongest blade shattered.

The arrow relentlessly oscillated on the heavy defenses offered by the latter.

However, Ye Xiu could only vomit blood, and kept retreating.

Finally, when the ninth arrow was shot, Ye Xiu was already bloodthirsty and collapsed to the ground.

Will has been blurred.

On the square, many new students of this year gathered around, including Yan Wushuang and others, looking at Ye Xiu at this time, and couldn't help but sigh.

Ye Xiu was too crazy, and they didn't like Ye Xiu's style.

Now, seeing Ye Xiu being beaten like a dead dog, they felt very relieved.

Facts have also proved that the new class of freshmen is simply not comparable to the last class of freshmen.

Ling Tian is still tyrannical.

"Ling Tian, ​​stop!"

At this time, from the top of the Xianzang Peak, the Qianlong teacher flapped the fairy king's light wings to descend.

"Miss Luo, now General Qu Qing is discussing with everyone in the Yulei Palace, the general invites you to go up!"

Qianlong glanced at Ling Tian.

Although surprised, it didn't take it to heart.

Defeating Ye Xiu is nothing at all. In two years, even though Ling Tian has become stronger, he has been thrown away by Qu Shenyou far, so it is not a concern.

"Well, let's go!"

Luo Yan nodded, and immediately led Ling Tian and others, flew up to Xianzang Peak and landed in front of the Imperial Thunder Palace.

However, when everyone in Ling Tian wanted to enter the hall, the Dragon Drying Teacher stopped Ling Tian.

"The Royal Thunder Palace is the important place of the Taoist Palace, and General Qu Qing is discussing the military situation, and other people are not allowed to enter!"

Luo Yan frowned, "Ling Tian was the first freshman in the previous year."

"So what? Two years ago, they had left the aisle palace, so now they are not disciples of the Tao palace."

"Being able to enter this palace is already open to the net."

Instructor Qianlong sneered, and immediately stretched out his hand, "Miss Luo, please come in!"

But Luo Yan did not move.

Before the palace gate, Ling Tian behind Qianlong suddenly smiled.

"Teacher Qianlong, why are we not disciples of the Dao Palace!?"

Instructor Qianlong was impatient and turned around and said: "What kind of disciples are you Dao Palace!?"

"Under Lingyan Holy Land, the fourth Wolong Dao Palace!"

"Is it qualified!?"

Ling Tian suddenly snorted coldly, holding high in his hands, Ling Yanling!

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