Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2314: Sweep

And after Ling Tian's voice fell, from the hundreds of warships behind him, tens of thousands of warriors emerged in an instant.

"Sword Cloud Array!"

For a time, more than 40,000 warriors formed a battle formation.

It was still the 20,000 warriors of the Mo family in front, and the crossbow was held high. In an instant, countless arrows condensed into a rain of arrows, facing the demon army, covering the sky.

How terrifying is the arrow rain of Mohist school! ?

When the demon army was shocked, it was only a short breath, and thousands of demon army were nailed and killed.

Ling Tian's light and shadow flashed before appearing in front of Zhao Min's three daughters.

His palm stretched out, saying that Wentian Qilin Halberd was put away.

"who are you!?"

The Tier 4 Devil looked at Ling Tian in anger.

Ling Tian was actually full of dragon breath.

However, his Dark Demon clan has always had no grievances with the Dragon clan.

"Lord of the Fourth Dao Palace, Ling Tian!"

Ling Tian under the silver armor said coldly.

"You are human!?"

The Tier 4 Demon King was even more shocked.

"if not!?"

Ling Tian raised the fairy sword in his hand, "Are you finished!?"

"Damn it, even if you are a human race, using secret methods to create such a Tier 4 Immortal King's breath, you think you are my opponent?"

"You descendants of the human race are going to die!"

The Demon King grinned, and the giant stick in his palm was raised.

"Ling Tian, ​​be careful!"

Behind Ling Tian, ​​princess Liu Zhaoer exclaimed.

But the sword in Ling Tian's hand had already been raised.

Tens of thousands of sword shadows turned into heaven-like god-level sword intent, and along with the terrifying will of the immortal venerable that appeared on Ling Tian's head, in an instant, the sword in Ling Tian's hand soared to a giant!

Although the sword used is not the national weapon meteorite sword, this sword is still at the top of the fairy king. Under Ling Tian's full urging, the sharp edge of the sword light, instantly let the human and demons on the battlefield before the Dao Palace , All eyes are projected over.

"Wen Tian, ​​Yi Jian!"

Once again use the new fairy sword to cut down this terrifying kendo secret technique, so fast, before the fourth-order demon king can react, the sword light has arrived!


The Tier 4 Devil exclaimed, too late to display other magical powers, so he could only hold the magic weapon in front of him.


Loud noises accompany Mars, blooming above the sky.

The deafening sound directly smashed many demons on the battlefield.

And in the messy Mars, the sword light of Wentian Yijian still did not shatter, but directly slashed on the earth, directly splitting many mountains in half.

And the Tier 4 Demon King who had just beaten Zhao Min's three daughters without the power to fight back disappeared above the sky.

Smoke billowed, covering a hundred li.

Ling Tian carried the silver sword and descended from the sky, the fairy king's dragon wings behind him flapped, sweeping away the dust.

It was discovered that the magic weapon in the hands of the fourth-order fairy king had broken and fell into the sword mark gully.

When the Terran Army saw it, there was a loud noise.

Who could have imagined that this Tier 4 Demon King, who was extremely powerful and whose combat power was comparable to that of the Lord of Dao Palace, was actually knocked down by the sky! ?

Is this really Ling Tian! ?

It's too strong! ?

Even Liu Zhaoer at the back didn't want to believe his own eyes.

When Ling Tian returned before, he hadn't been Qu Shenyou's opponent.

Could it be that Ling Tian that day was really not the real Ling Tian! ?

In the Taoist Palace, the Qianlong Teacher even couldn't believe his eyes.

With such strength, doesn't it mean that Ling Tian already has the strength to kill them in seconds! ?

This, what to do in the future! ?

Moreover, how long did it take for Ling Tian to grow from a new student to this! ?

This makes them feel very uncomfortable.

"Before my Human Dao Palace, I couldn't tolerate you presumptuously!"

Ling Tian floated above the sky, leaning over to look at the Tier 4 Demon King below.

The voice was cold, like a real dragon god, looking at the dirty demon ants.

The eyes and voice were full of insult and contempt.


This made the demon king feel ashamed and angry, regardless of the injury on his body, his whole body was surging with demonic energy, and he rose into the sky again.

"You just used a secret method, I don't believe it, you can stick to it!"

"Die me!"

The Demon King roared again and again. Although the magic weapon was broken, but with the help of the tyrannical blessing of the demon shadow behind, he raised his fist and smashed it down towards Ling Tian.

"Can you stop me!?"

The devil roared, his fist turned into a terrifying shadow, swallowing it.

Although there is no magic weapon.

But the demon king's body has been tyrannical to the extreme, comparable to a weapon.

This is the talent of the demons.

"Haha, the only devil body, dare to show your ugliness!?"

"Secret method!? The secret formula will also destroy you!"

Ling Tian sneered, and simply put away the fairy sword, and stretched out his big hand like a dragon's claw.

It descended from the sky, but the dragon claws seemed to be condensed from the immortal fire and dragon energy.

Caught suddenly, it's impossible.

Prajna palm!

Use this terrifying secret technique in the form of the blue dragon.

Very strong, unprecedented.

Now, Ling Tian really used almost all his strength.

The Dragon Wing of the Immortal King behind Ling Tian had been possessed since Ling Tian became the Blue Dragon Transformation, but it only bloomed today.

This is a sign that the Canglong becomes full state is turned on.

Extremely terrifying, unprecedented.

Prajna palm, descending from the sky.

Like the ancient dragons, tearing the sky apart, he pressed a grasp.

The Tier 4 Devil's eyes widened, and before he could say anything, he was enveloped by the dragon's claws.

As for his boxing front, it fell apart almost the instant it touched the dragon's claws.

Then, the huge dragon claws pressed the Tier 4 Devil on the battlefield again,



The mountains within a radius of thousands of miles seemed to be shaking wildly.

The huge momentum this time attracted even the gazes of that Qu Qing and the two masters of the Taoist Palace.

But when the smoke and dust on the battlefield dissipated, these three Tier 4 human immortal kings really discovered it.

The Tier 4 Demon King was pressed under the imprint of the huge dragon claw.

The breath has languished.

One sword, one palm!

The fourth-order devil, this version, was hit hard!

"How did this guy become so tyrannical!?"

"how can that be!?"

Qu Qing was shocked.

At this time, that Ling Tian had already descended on the battlefield, with the long sword in his hand, pointing directly at the Tier 4 Demon King.

"Weak demons, can't you even stop my two moves!?'

"Human race, you are so arrogant, what can you do if you defeat me!? Your human race, don't you want to be annihilated by my demons!?" The demon king furiously said.

"Haha, destroy my human race!? What do you use to destroy!?"

Ling Tian's long sword swept the battlefield.

At this time, those 40,000 people had already entered the demon army.

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