Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2315: Compared with the wind, how about it! ?

The strength of the 20,000 warriors of the Mo family has already killed tens of thousands of demons in such a short period of time.

Under the impact of Ling Tian's army, the Demon Race was flanked, and it was already in chaos!

The scale of victory has already tilted toward that human race again.

"With you mobs of demons, do you want to destroy my human race, dreaming!?"

Ling Tian sneered under his visor.

"No, it's impossible!"

"how so!?"

The Tier 4 Devil looked at everything in front of him blankly, completely unable to accept it.

"No, no, our Great Demon King will wipe you out!"

"Human race, has never been an opponent of our demons!"

The Demon King was still roaring unwillingly.

"Then you have no chance!"


The long sword in Ling Tian's hand was chopped down with an extremely sharp sword aura, separating the Tier 4 Demon King from his head.

Picking up the demon king's magic crystal, Ling Tian raised his eyes and looked at the battlefield on the sky.

At this time, the demons were in chaos, and the Mo family's 20,000 bow and crossbowmen still shot and killed a hundred thousand demons, giving the human race a complete advantage.

And because the great demon king You Wei was fighting with Zhao Ji in the high sky, he didn't know how the battle was going.

"You guys continue!"

Ling Tian looked at Zhao Min's third daughter.

The gaze of the three women was then moved away from Ling Tian.

No way, Ling Tian is too dazzling today.

Among the human race, no one can match it!

The three girls bit the cherry lips, and then once again killed the other demon kings.

And Ling Tian jumped, and went straight to the remaining Tier 4 Demon King.

Among the Demon Army, there are still three Tier 4 Demon Kings.

All were taken by Qu Qing and the two masters of the Taoist Palace.

But in the hands of the devil, the three of them can only guarantee invincibility.

Seeing that Ling Tian flew over, the two masters of Dao Palace were overjoyed.

Ling Tian today is too tyrannical.

With Ling Tian's joining, they can directly kill the Tier 4 Demon King!

The fact is exactly the same.

Ling Tian first came to the battle group of the master of the Fenxiang Dao Palace, his palm fell, and his divine consciousness locked in, the Tier 4 Demon King couldn't escape.


In the sound of the explosion, the Tier 4 Demon King was severely injured by Ling Tian's palm and fell to the ground.

The rest, the master of the Taoist Palace of Burning Incense himself, can completely solve it.

In the next moment, Ling Tianqing sword entered the battle group of the lord of Chengfeng Dao Palace.

A sword slashed the arm of the Tier 4 Demon King.

Then, he departed coolly.

Everyone looked at the figure who was arrogant and unscrupulous on the battlefield.

Today's Ling Tian didn't put the Demon Race in his eyes at all.

At the very least, no one in the demon army can stop Ling Tian.

Moreover, Ling Tian only severely injured the Demon King, and did not directly kill him.

And Ling Tian has the ability to kill the Demon King.

Doing this is just that I don't want to take credit with the Lord of the Taoist Palace.

Ling Tian is a nostalgic person. When he first arrived in Dao Palace, the top mentors of Burning Incense and Chengfeng Dao Palace took good care of him. Now, he is paying back his favor.

In the end, Ling Tian flew towards Qu Qing who had four kills in the middle of the army, and the second-largest general of the demon army.

That is a Tier 4 Demon King second only to the Great Demon King.

With strong combat power, among the Terran, apart from Zhao Ji, only Qu Qing can resist.

Qu Qing saw Ling Tian flap the fairy king's dragon wings and come.

My heart is extremely uncomfortable.

Ling Tian is a junior.

Now, how could he let Ling Tian come to help! ?

However, he could not stop all of this.

The Tier 4 Demon King also found the traces of Ling Tian.

"The descendants of the human race, you will pay for everything today!"

"My dark demons, I won't let you go!"

Ling Tian came by the wind and sneered.

"It's okay, the grievances between me and the Dark Demon clan, in this life, I don't want to solve it!"

"It's not bad for your army of a million!"

Ling Tian's light flashed, and a punch fell, which shook the Demon King back from Qu Qing's body.

"Ling Tian, ​​what are you doing!?"

Qu Qing said in shock.

But Ling Tian didn't seem to hear him, deceiving his body to catch up with the demon king, fist hand to hand, smashed down one after another, swallowing the demon king.

The demon king was furious and fought back while roaring.

But his fist and supernatural powers fell on Ling Tian's body, but they were all resolved!

The strength of Ling Tian's body made the Demon Race amazed.

Dozens of rounds ended.

Ling Tian knocked the Tier 4 Demon King from above the sky into the dust.


Ling Tian snorted coldly, slashed with a sword, and directly slashed the Tier 4 Demon King on the mountain.

Then he stretched out his hand and took the magic crystal directly into his arms.

This time, Ling Tian didn't give way to Qu Qing.

"What do you mean!?"

In the sky, General Qu Qing was frightened.

Ling Tian took the battle exploits for this edition!

He just gave up his military exploits to the two pillars of the Dao Palace.

"Haha, General, I'm Ling Tian, ​​but a man who bears a grudge!"

"I'm waiting for the army to come back, but for the face of Human Race, there is only this Tier 4 Demon King. You didn't have the ability to kill you originally. If I don't let you get this demon crystal and battle exploits, you can't take it, understand!?"

Ling Tian rushed to the sky and leaned forward.

"Ling Tian, ​​I am the Great General of the Southern Territory, leading all the martial artists of the Southern Territory of Chu Kingdom. Are you talking to me!?"

That Qu Qing was ashamed.

Ling Tian spoke to him like this, did he still regard him as a general in his eyes! ?

"Hehe, if the general has style, kill more demons. The lord of the palace has no time to care about you!"

Ling Tian sneered, and the Dragon Wing of the Immortal King suddenly shook behind him and flew straight to the sky.

"Ling Tian's direction...Could it be that he wants to attack the Great Demon King!?"

The human race said in surprise.

In the eyes, it is even more incredible.

"Normal, now that Ling Tian's combat power has exploded, it is enough to contend with the top Tier 4 Demon King, and it can completely help Zhao Ji!"

"If the Great Demon King is defeated, then our Dao Palace will win this battle!"

The master of the incense-burning Taoist palace took the beheaded demon king out of the magic crystal, said.

"If we win and the battle against the millions of demons is spread to the capital, what will it be like!?"’

Chengfeng Road Palace stunned.

"Of course it will shake the whole country. At least, since the establishment of the Dao Palace, there has never been such a big victory!"

The beautiful woman of the Fenxiang Taoist Palace smiled.

"Yes, since my Dao Palace has been established, there has never been such a young palace owner!?"

"This son and the previous wind continue to go, which is stronger and weaker!?"

The master of Chengfengdao Palace also exclaimed.

"Now I don't know which of them is strong or weak, but the wind in Dao Palace is not as good as Ling Tian."

At this time, princess Liu Zhaoer flew over.

The three girls have already killed several demon kings, and there are very few demon kings in the demon army.

The rest depends on how powerful the Demon King is.

On the battlefield, many people looked up at the sky.

At this time, the magic cloud on the sky made up.

Only flashes and loud noises can be seen looming in it.

The Great Demon King You Yan has been fighting with Zhao Ji for a long time.

But Ling Tian turned into a stream of light and rushed directly into the magic cloud.

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