Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2350: In front of Tianxing Cave

"I'm dizzy, so terrible!? That won't work, I'll go see it!"

"Short, go!"

Feng Qixi raised his eyebrows, pulling Mo Yu and chasing after him.

"This girl!"

Liu Zhaoer shook his head.

"Sister, I want to see if Ling Tian has the ability to pass the test!"

Zi Jin also raised his eyebrows.

"Since you are all so curious, let's go together"

Liu Zhaoer sighed, how could she not worry in her heart.

Everyone went to the direction of the Criminal Ministry.

Finally, even the masters of the Water Ministry and the Earth Ministry also went.

In the end, the top of the sacred mountain, the rest, are the existence that does not admire Ling Tian.

"Huh, what's so beautiful, I don't believe it, he Ling Tian can be better than the monkey three years ago!?"

At this time, Liu Zhao, the holy land of Jinbu holy land, sneered.

The others were also shocked.

Before Ling Tian, ​​in addition to thinking about a disciple, another person successfully passed the test and entered the criminal department.

Moreover, just three years ago, it was a generation of wind.

Its combat power is the first of the holy land immortal monarchs.

But even with that guy's terrifying combat power, when he came out of the Criminal Department, he almost fell.

"Speaking of which, it has been almost three years since that monkey left. I don't know. He is still there."

Master Lei Bu said.

"There are not many people who can kill him. I heard that when he arrived at Dawei, he wanted to discuss with the nine sons of Dawei, but the result has not been heard yet."

The fire department master said.

"Challenge the nine sons of Wei?"

Everyone looked at each other, no matter what the result was, it was enough to shock people that Chu could have such a character to challenge the strongest descendants of Wei.


Chaoge Mountain.

The three Ling Tian gradually caught up with the old man named Si Guo.

"I am a disciple of Master Tian Xing, named Si Guo, in the future, you can ask me to Si Guo Senior Brother."

At this time, the old man said.

"Uh... Junior Ling Tian."

"Zhao Min."

"Luo Yan."

The three introduced themselves, but when they looked at each other, there was confusion in their eyes.

In the future! ?

"Senior, say that, do you think we can pass the test smoothly!?"

Ling Tian asked.

This is a bit strange.

"Ha ha……"

However, this time the old man chuckled slightly, did not turn his head or respond, and continued to fly by.

Ling Tian and the three people behind him looked at each other, this guy was really strange.

"Senior, you are the Holy Land Fairy of the Criminal Ministry!?"

Zhao Min asked.

"No, I am not."

The old man shook his head.

"Three years ago, Tianjiao Yuan Qing, the first descendant to climb the sacred mountain, entered the Holy Land. After torture, he arrived at the Xing Department and met with Tian Xing Master, becoming the second disciple of the Xing Department, that is, the holy land fairy of the Xing Department."

At this moment, Luo Yan said suddenly.

"Hehe, that monkey."

The old man shook his head dumbly, "That's not right."

"Three years ago, he actually didn't pass the test, he fell to the last level."

Luo Yan raised his eyebrows, "How is it possible!? So, Yuan Qing should be eliminated."

"Hehe, Master is ashamed of the Yuan family, so he had to see Yuan Qing walking down the holy mountain, so he saved him."

"He is regarded as a registered disciple of the master, and he has not formally worshipped the master. I don't talk too much about others, and others don't know about it."

Think about the aisle.

"That's the case, so Yuan Qing is also ashamed of the name of the Holy Land Immortal Monarch, so he has only left the Holy Land for three years, hasn't he returned yet?"

Luo Yan raised his eyebrows.

"Perhaps, anyway, from the master, he didn't get anything. Instead of spending it in the holy land, he might as well go outside and practice. Master also promised him that he would give him another chance to pass the forbidden test. If it passes, Just accept him as a disciple."

Thinking of nodding.

"Senior, when did you worship the people under the master of Heaven Xing?"

Ling Tian asked suddenly.


After thinking about it, the old man thought about it, "It seems to be more than 1,300 years, right?"

"One thousand three hundred years?"

Luo Yan exclaimed, "How can this be possible, the Holy Land has only been established for a thousand or two hundred years!"

"Yeah, I followed when the master was a fairy monarch, one thousand three hundred years, nothing wrong!?"

The old man turned around to look at Luo Yan, and suddenly smiled.

However, the smile on the old man's stiff face was a little weird.

"That said, for more than a thousand years, Master Tianxing has not really accepted a disciple!?"

The three were surprised.


"So, I hope you don't let me down this time."

After thinking about it, the figure of the old man suddenly stopped and pointed to a dark hole on the mountainside below him.


The holy mountain is thousands of miles around. Along the way, Ling Tian has passed the three parts of Jinmutu one after another, all of which are clusters of palaces.

But here, it was far away from the meteorological place, only a corner, and even the surrounding was extremely desolate, thousands of miles away, there was no holy place building.

I thought about the hole that the old man pointed to, which was halfway up the mountain, and I didn't know where it would end.

And beside the entrance of the cave, there is this hut, and nothing else.

This is simply too shabby.

The four fell in front of the cave entrance.

"This is the place of my practice. If you succeed, you can build a room here yourself."

After thinking about it, the old man pointed to the hut.

"Now, if you have no other requirements, just go in. Master and his elders are in the depths of this cave. They have not appeared for a thousand years. To say that this holy place has been in retreat for the longest time, the master is longer than the master."

"Okay." Ling Tian pursed his lips, wanting to ask something, but didn't know where to speak.

No matter, it's not too late to ask after passing the test.


Ling Tian took a deep breath and looked at the entrance of the cave. At this time, there were five dim marks on the entrance of the cave. He didn't know what it meant. Then he took Luo Yan and Zhao Min and walked into the dark cave.

After a while, Feng Qixi, Liu Zhaoer, Zijin and others all came down.

But after thinking about the old man, he was already cross-legged in front of the cave entrance, his eyes closed, like a dry stone.

"Wait, when you enter this celestial punishment cave, you have to endure the magical powers of punishment set by the master of celestial punishment. No one can stop it, and no one can save it."

Master of the Water Ministry said.

"Ling Tian, ​​Sister Min Min, you must pass!"

Put your hands together on Qixi Festival and pray silently.

"Relax, Master is very strong, there is no test, can resist him."

Zuo Xianzhi comforted.

Zijin glanced at Zuo Xianzhi, and was also slightly surprised.

What exactly has Ling Tian experienced along the way can make them so confident.


As soon as the three Ling Tian came in, they felt a bone-wrenching wind sweeping from the cave.

The wind is like a knife, like the pain of bone removal.

"Is this the first punishment?"

Luo Yan frowned.

Even though she had enveloped Xianyuan, she could still feel the pain.

It is worthy of the test set by the Master of Heaven Xing.

It's really amazing.

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