Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2351: Fastest in history

"How do I feel that the inheritance of the Xing Master this day is quite suitable for you?"

Ling Tian looked at Luo Yan and suddenly smiled.


Luo Yan was startled.

"Well, I heard that before you came to Dao Palace, you used harsh methods, and the best thing is torturing people. Why don't I look like it?"

Ling Tian raised his eyebrows.

"Maybe it's because of meeting Ling Tian, ​​sister Luo Yan's heart softened."

Zhao Min shrugged.


There was a flash of blush on Luo Yan's face, and his whole body propped up the scarlet light, and flew forward.

Ling Tian and Zhao Min glanced at each other, knowing that Luo Yan was obviously evading, but they didn't say anything and followed.

Although the first level was painful, it was nothing to Luo Yanyan and other Tianjiao.

After enduring the pain of bone removal, the three reached the second level.

The second hurdle is the punishment of ten thousand arrows.

After entering, the three Ling Tian burst out facing endless arrows.

And this happened to be the martial art that Zhao Min had cultivated.


Zhao Min's expression was startled, but immediately, the holy light all over his body suddenly rose, and his body style was like light, flashing again and again.

Wherever he went, he dodged a series of arrows smoothly.

Now, Zhao Min's body style is quite good.

Coupled with the knowledge of arrow, it is too simple to think about passing this level.

Luo Yan also snorted coldly, naturally also dissatisfied.

It turned into a **** shadow and also burst out.

The Luo family's blood escape technique is also a superior body technique.

The two women quickly disappeared before Ling Tian shrugged.

It seems that this level does require Shen Fa to pass.

However, he himself didn't have any high-grade body skills.

"No matter, since you can't hide, then just run rampant."

With a whisper, there were pale dragon scales all over Ling Tian's body, and the dragon shook and stepped out.


After three breaths, Ling Tian smashed all the powerful arrows from the lasing, and then caught up with Zhao Min and Luo Yan.

"Ling Tian, ​​you are cheating!"

Zhao Min was a little helpless.

Luo Yan was also very speechless.

This guy really doesn't play cards according to the routine.

"No way, we are in a hurry, this one is the fastest!"

"Come on, take you to fly! Haha!"

Ling Tian laughed, and chased Luo Yan and Zhao Min, stretched out his big hands, holding one on each side, Canglong guarding his body, and shot away.

Along the way, only the sound of the arrow collapsing resounded through the cave.

In the second pass, Ling Tian and the three people passed it in just one cup of tea.

Outside the Tianxing Cave.

Everyone looked at the hole, and the arrow pattern went out.

They all took a deep breath.

"It's less than an hour, so fast!?"

Liu Zhaoer frowned.

"The first two stages are deboning and arrow punishment. It is not difficult. The next three stages are the most terrifying. For thousands of years, no one has passed the third stage except that monkey."

The Tubu master said.

When everyone heard the words, they all looked at the top of the punishment cave that day.

The third ancient pattern has been lit up.

It was suddenly a crimson flame pattern.

Burning? !

However, Feng Qixi and others said in unison: "It's not difficult!"

Not difficult! ?

The Tubu master shook his head, how could it be easy.

But Feng Qixi and others did not have any worries.


The thing Ling Tian feared the most was the fire.

Inside the cave.

The third pass.

Up and down the Quartet is a world of scarlet flames.

Even in Ling Tian's body, he could feel the pain of burning fire.

This is to be rare.

After all, what Ling Tian cultivates is the Eternal Burning Heaven Jue, and every time he advances, he needs to refine the immortal fire into his body.

Ling Tian could still feel the pain, let alone Luo Yan and Zhao Min.

The bodies of the two women are not strong.

Under normal circumstances, I am afraid that the second level will not be able to pass.

But fortunately, Ling Tian is here.

"This fire is a bit interesting, it's like a fairy fire, and it's stronger than my Void Cangyan."

Ling Tian looked at the flame world in front of him.

"Ling Tian, ​​do you think it's strange that Xingdong in this day seems to be tailor-made for the three of us."

Zhao Min said suddenly.

Ling Tian nodded,

He had already noticed this.

The first level Eviscerate, fits the witch Luo Yanyan.

The second round of arrow penalties fits Zhao Min.

The third hurdle is burning, isn’t this Ling Tian? ?

Perhaps for others, each of these levels is difficult, but it can't stop the three of them from having too much time. ,

"No matter so much, when I see the Master of Heaven Xing, everything will become clear."

Ling Tian said, and immediately the fairy fire enveloped the dragon scales, protecting Zhao Min and Luo Yan, and continuing to fly by.

The immortal fire of this third level is indeed of very high grade, and even completely crushes Void Cangyan.

Even if Ling Tian is not afraid of fire, his physical body is particularly tyrannical, but in the end, he grinned painfully, his speed suddenly slowed, and finally he could only slowly move around in this flame world step by step with the two women.

However, the two women in Ling Tian's arms did not suffer any pain.

"Ling Tian..."

Zhao Min painfully wiped off the sweat from Ling Tian's face.

"It's okay!"

Ling Tian shook his head, he could still bear it.

Luo Yan's face was expressionless, but he only felt that his heartbeat, not knowing what was going on, was getting faster and faster.

It seemed that this was the first time she was in the arms of a man.

Smelly man, he was taken advantage of again.

If it were before, Luo Yan was absolutely unacceptable.

But now, she can't remember resisting.

The third pass, half an hour later, passed smoothly.

Outside the Tianxing Cave.

The Tubu master and others couldn't believe their eyes when they saw the flame pattern that was gradually extinguishing.

The third pass, it took only half an hour to pass! ?

This is too fast! ?

This is simply the fastest in history!

"If I remember correctly, that monkey spent an entire hour three years ago!?"

The Master of the Water Department was surprised.

"Yes, that monkey also has fairy fire. One hour is already fast. This Ling Tian body has emptiness, but it's not like that, right?"

The Tubu master also sighed.

"The fourth pass is on."

"It's a cloud of fog."

"What criminal law is this!?"

Feng Qixi frowned.

"It is the Xing of Divine Mind, all the negative emotions burst out, either resentment or fear!"

"No one is perfect, everyone has weaknesses."

"This level is not easy, it may take a long time."

Liu Zhaoer said.

"Yes, the monkey had a tyrannical character back then. I heard that he was angry with himself in the fourth level. After three days and three nights, he woke up and passed this level. Therefore, the fourth level is difficult to say. Not difficult, but it is possible to trap people in it."

Master of Water Ministry said.

"Awesome, I almost didn't **** myself off."

Everyone listened, but found it interesting.

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