Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2355: Is it true Qin Mingyue?

Inside the Tianxing Cave.

The Ling Tian trio, through all the levels, finally reached the retreat in the penalty cave that day.

However, just entering it, the three of them frowned involuntarily looking at the scene in front of them.

Three exclaims, almost coincidentally.

Here, it looks like a place of dead silence.

The space inside the cave is huge, but what catches the eye is the endless sea of ​​sand.

In the center of Shahai, a monk in a monk's robe sat there withered.

Hundreds of chains stretched out from the ground to bind his body tightly.

Not only that, the chain was blood-red all over, and it looked a bit like the scarlet imprisonment that Luo Yanyan had just acquired.

It's just that the iron chains in front of them must be stronger and more numerous.

The end of the iron chain is densely covered with sharp bee stings, deeply pierced in the blood and flesh of the monk.

This guy!

It really seems to be suffering some kind of punishment!

Ling Tian took a deep breath.

Because at this time, he could feel that the blood in the monk's body was being sucked by the iron chain all the time.

This monk not only had to endure the heart-wrenching pain all over his body, but even his cultivation base was eaten away.

Even today's monk, it seems that there is only the realm of Xianjun.

\"Tian Xing Master?\"

The three Ling Tian frowned, and they never thought that the legendary powerful master of Heavenly Punishment would look like this.

\"Hehe, for more than a thousand years, I am finally waiting for you.\"

The monk opened his dry eyes and chuckled.

Ling Tian brought the two daughters and descended on the sand sea. \"\"Junior Ling Tian, ​​had seen Senior Tian Xing! \"

\"Senior Tianxing met!\"

Zhao Min and Luo Yan also salute the Master of Heaven Xing.

\"Hehe, no need to introduce, I already know you well, don't I?\"

Xing laughed at the doctor that day.

But Ling Tian's expression changed.

Indeed, they had already been brought into the illusion by the powerful spiritual power of the Heavenly Xing Master before. It can be said that the Heavenly Xing Master already knew them very well.

Although, these are not happy for Ling Tian.

But there is no way, the Master of Heaven Xing is too terrible, they have no way to resist his divine will.

At least, it is now.

\"Hehe, I know, you guys, I think it is very unreasonable for me to pry into the secrets in your hearts.\"

It seems that the Xing Master can really snoop on the thoughts of others this day, and he suddenly laughed twice.

\"But this is to become a disciple of my criminal department, saying that I must go through the test. Compared with ability, I value character more, so I can only offend.\"

\"But you can rest assured, I am like this, I will never leave here in my life, your secret, I will take it and enter the cycle of reincarnation.\"

The three Ling Tian glanced at each other, and didn't say much.

Regarding Luo Yan and Zhao Min, there is indeed a secret in their hearts, but for existences such as Tian Xing, that secret has no value.

Although Ling Tian had a lot of secrets, because of the existence of the God of War will to kill the sky, the secrets spied by Tian Xing had been shattered.

Therefore, Ling Tian is not afraid.

\"Senior, now that we have passed the test, are we already regarded as disciples of the Criminal Ministry?\"

Luo Yan said.

\"of course!\"

The monk nodded.

\"The Penalty Department is one of the Seven Holy Lands. You become disciples of the Penalty Department. You can inherit the inheritance that I have collected over the years in the Jixia Library on the top of the sacred mountain. But, to be honest, I think the one that suits you has just been Let the demon, reward you.\"

\"A few of you are born, all of you are extremely extraordinary, supernatural powers, and nothing short of it.\"

Zhao Min frowned, still not reconciled, \"Guru, without Ling Tian, ​​we would never be able to pass the level, but your reward is not Ling Tian.\"


Master Xing suddenly burst into laughter that day.

\"I naturally know that there is no him, and he doesn't care about ordinary things at all.\"

The monk thought for a while, and suddenly said: \"Zhao Min, Luo Yan, you two should withdraw first, I have something to talk to Ling Tian separately.\"


Zhao Min looked at Ling Tian.

\"In this case, you should go out first, and I will chat with the master separately.\'

It just so happened that Ling Tian also had a lot, and wanted to ask about this Tian Xing.

\"Well, let's go outside and wait for you.\"

Soon, the two women left Shahai.

After a while, only Ling Tian and Tian Xing Master remained in the sand sea space.

\"Senior Tianxing, you have been here for more than a thousand years, just to punish yourself, even if you don't hesitate to drop the realm of cultivation.\"

Ling Tian asked.

\"Yes, I used to kill too many creatures, I did this only for atonement.\"

Ling Tian raised his eyebrows.

In fact, he did not quite understand why Tian Xing did this.

Because, if you want to redeem your sins, then you can just commit suicide directly.

Anyway, the Xing Master looked like he did not hesitate his life.

\"But, Ling Tian, ​​who are you?!\"

However, that day, Master Xing suddenly looked at Ling Tian, ​​his eyes sharp.

\"Hehe, Senior Tianxing’s spirit is so powerful, don’t you know who I am?\"

Ling Tian smiled back.

\"Hehe, you know, my divine mind and illusion are all broken by you. This is indeed beyond my expectation. For you, I don't know much now.\"

\"Furthermore, I do not hide it from you. I knew that two girls, Zhao Min and Luo Yan, would come to my Heavenly Punishment Hole, but you were unexpectedly out of my expectation. In this case, I want to come just because Your identity is so special and so special that you can't even spy on the heavenly way.\"

Tian Xing said sternly.

\"Senior Tian Xing, since I can be contemptuous of heaven, but, as mysterious as me, I am afraid that I am not the only one, right?\"

Ling Tian raised his eyebrows.

\"It is not wrong to say so, but~\"

That day, Master Xing hesitated for a moment, \"Are you and that Mingyue Immortal King really a husband and wife?\"

He asked suddenly.

Ling Tian nodded, \"Yes.\"

When the Xing Master saw all this, he was also extremely surprised.

Because he had once compared Qin Mingyue's fate, almost the same as Ling Tian, ​​in chaos.

He knew the relationship between Ling Tian and Qin Mingyue, or because he saw Ling Tian's memories.

\"Senior, I also want to ask you, just now in the illusion, is Qin Mingyue really transformed by your mind?\"

Ling Tian asked rhetorically.

He looked straight into the eyes of Master Tian Xing, as if he wanted to see the most true facts.

\"Not at all.\"

Unexpectedly, what shocked Ling Tian's heart was that Master Xing had denied it that day.

Not at all! ?

Ling Tian raised his eyebrows, the expression on his face froze almost instantly.

Isn't it all caused by the spiritual thoughts of the master of punishment?

What else can it be?

Is it possible that the Qin Mingyue he saw just now is true?

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