Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2356: Before the Temple【Large

"I am also very curious. After I used my secret method and learned about the secrets of the Mingyue Immortal King in your heart, the spirit of the Mingyue Immortal King suddenly entered my illusion. The Mingyue you saw at first sight The Immortal King is her own divine mind, and after that, some parts of me lost control."

"In other words, the fairy king Mingyue can also see you in my illusion."

"The strength of the Immortal King Mingyue is powerful, and you may have some kind of connection among you, so you can do this."

The monk smiled, "But, after all, I don’t understand the Mingyue Immortal King, so, in the end, I still couldn’t trap you in the illusion, but I was also curious why my divine thoughts, in a sudden instant, collapsed?"

"I can't say..."

Ling Tian shook his head. Of course, he had no comment.

In fact, after Ling Tian entered this Tian Xing Cave, he once thought that this Tian Xing Master was his next guide.

But now, Ling Tian has denied it. This person doesn't know anything about that person's existence.

Moreover, he could know that Zhao Min and Luo Yan were back, but he did not count himself, which also did not match the guide.

Therefore, it is impossible for him to reveal too many secrets.

"Well, I also know that this is your own secret."

Xing sighed that day, as if a little disappointed.

"However, senior, since I have passed your test, this reward is something that I must have."

"Otherwise, if this spread out, wouldn't it be a shame to your heavenly punishment master?"

Ling Tian raised his eyebrows.

This time he didn't get anything, but he kept on it.

"Hehehe, you kid, you're witty, let's talk, what do you want?!"

Master Tian Xing said with a smile.

"Before in the third level, I felt a powerful fairy fire. I just want that fairy fire. I don't know, can seniors give it to me!"

Ling Tian had already thought about what reward he wanted.

Right now, his cultivation base is just a high-level fairy monarch, the lowest among all the holy land Tianjiao.

With such strength to participate in the Saint Bi, even if you finally enter the Palace of the Immortal King, but the cultivation base is not at the peak of the Immortal King, you can't even want to attack the Immortal King.

Therefore, he is now in urgent need of cultivation resources, and moreover, they are massive.

The elixir of immortality is far from enough.

Only Xianhuo can be satisfied, and it's still a powerful Xianhuo.

"Xian Huo!?"

That day, Master Xing frowned, and then shook his head, "No, this fairy fire has been incorporated into my body. It does not grow naturally, and you can't use it."

"Then, it's a pity, it seems, I don't have much to want."

Ling Tian shrugged, this was really disappointing.

"You kid, look like this. Although I don't have a fairy fire in my hand, I know where there is in this holy land, and it is natural, but whether you can get it depends on your own ability."

Xingdao that day.

"Oh? Where? Not much stronger than my Void Cangyan, I don't want it."

Of course Ling Tian knew that there was a fairy fire hidden in the holy land, but he couldn't look down on the ordinary.

"Hehe, you will definitely be satisfied!"

"This fire is in Jixia Holy Land, in the temple!"

"In the sanctuary, there are seven secret realms of gold, wood, water, fire, earth, wind, and thunder. Every secret realm allows disciples under the sect to practice. Among them, there is a piece of ice hidden under the ten thousand years of ice in the water secret realm. Flame, the rank should be around 300!"

"Well, this middle-rank fairy fire, shouldn't it be enough?"

Master Tian Xing said with a smile.

"Three hundred floors!?"

Ling Tian's heart moved.

If this is true, then this fairy fire seems to be enough to see.

The Secret Realm of the Temple! ?

Ling Tian had heard of it for the first time.

"Yes, I may not be able to do anything else, but as the first master of the seven books, I still have a temple token here, which allows you to enter the temple freely. If you want to get that fairy fire , Just find it yourself!"

Master Tian Xing, threw a sign to Ling Tian.

"Temple Order, not bad!"

Ling Tian was overjoyed, this was still a great gift.

"Now that I have given you the reward, then you can withdraw!"

Master Xing raised his hand that day.

"Okay, the junior retire!"

Ling Tian nodded and withdrew from Shahai.

Until Ling Tian's figure disappeared completely.

The smile on Master Tian Xing's face suddenly freezes.

Immediately, his shoulders trembled, and the chains entwined all over his body turned into a series of hideous snakes, walking in the sand sea.

"Ling Tian..."

"Hehe, although you don't say it, I can guess that you are that person."

"Unexpectedly, unexpectedly, you who made all Emperor Wu tremble and fear ten thousand years ago are back again!"

"Does this count as the good fortune of my heavenly punishment!?"

"Ha ha, ha ha ha ha..."

The gloomy laughter of Master Tian Xing shook in this deadly space.

Outside the space, before the heavenly punishment heart demon.

Zhao Min and Luo Yan felt relieved when they saw Ling Tian come out safe and sound.

"Let's go, get out!"


The three of them flew by and walked straight out of Tianxing Cave.

When the three of them appeared at the entrance of the cave, they were really taken aback.

At this time, in front of the cave, there were dozens of people waiting for that Fengqixi Festival, standing there, it seemed that they were waiting for them.

"Ling Tian, ​​congratulations. From now on, you will be disciples of the Criminal Ministry!"

Liu Zhaoer and others came forward to congratulate.

However, the two masters of the Ministry of Water and the Ministry of Soil unexpectedly discovered that the three of Ling Tian not only cleared the customs so quickly, but also did not seem to suffer much injury.

Only Ling Tian had some mottled blood on his body, but it was not serious.

Is it so strong! ?

You know, Yuan Qing almost killed half of his life three years ago!

"Hey, that's all, maybe some of the Saint-Birds in six months' time have watched!"

"Yes, it is an honor to be able to witness such a prosperous time."

The two masters sighed and left.

Ling Tian, ​​Feng Qixi and the others exchanged greetings, and finally sent them all away.

In front of Tian Xing Cave, only Ling Tian and the old man were left.

"Let me first introduce you to the basic rules of the holy land. Jixia is the country of Chu, the most powerful sacred place for spiritual practice. Chaoge Mountain, where the sacred site is located, has a radius of thousands of miles. There are many places suitable for spiritual practice. You can go to the sacred site at will. Practice in any place of the sacred place, or break into the secret remains of some sacred places, but the premise is to pay attention to safety, and in the process of practice trials, the seven disciples often break out disputes, and no disputes are forbidden in the sacred places. But there is an iron rule that you can’t kill the same door. That is to say, killing and abolishing are not allowed in the Holy Land. As for the fighting and fighting at will, there are no rules at all, and no reason is needed. Of course, if you step into some forbidden areas, you don’t. Let's do it."

After thinking about showing a meaningful smile to the three Ling Tian, ​​Ling Tian blinked. This is the holy land to encourage disciples to fight for battle, promote each other, compete, and grow.

"My criminal department, although there are very few disciples, it is also the first in seven. You can fight casually, but you can't lose, let alone come to me to complain, you know?"

The three Ling Tian shrugged.

lose? !

That doesn't exist.

"In addition, within the Holy Land, the place where you can control the fastest time flow is the Temple, which can be up to forty times. However, if you want to enter the Temple, you need to become a Holy Land Immortal King, or have a Temple token, or get it yourself. The permission of the temple, these, after you go to the temple to see it, you will be able to understand."

"With your qualifications, it is not difficult to enter the temple, but it is a matter of chronology."

"Also, this is where the Criminal Ministry is located. You can build the cave mansion by yourself here."

"This is the emblem of my Criminal Ministry, you wear it on your body."

"Well, I only have to say this. If you don't understand, you can go and ask for yourself."

After that, the figure of the elder that thought over flashed and disappeared.

"Go, look elsewhere!"

Ling Tian gave the two women a wink, and the three of them flew away from the Xing Department.

Above the mountains, Zhao Min couldn't help but said: "Ling Tian, ​​do you think that the Xing Master was weird that day, and he spied our secrets wantonly, it's really..."

"Perhaps, in short, beware of this person. When we arrive at the Ministry of Justice, we really won't get any other gains, as long as we can enter the Saint Bishop smoothly."

Ling Tian nodded.

Soon, the three returned to the top of the holy mountain.

There are huge squares and arenas here.

And between the sky and clouds, there is a magnificent golden palace.

There, in the legend, the holy land is the most desirable place.


Want to enter the temple to practice, is all the holy land disciples dream of.

After all, it can control forty times the flow rate of time, which is not comparable to other places.

Ling Tian and three people fell in front of the temple, surrounded by many people in front of the temple door.

Seeing Ling Tian's arrival, the faces of those people changed, and they evaded one after another.

At this time, the clothes of the three Ling Tian had this unique mark of the Ministry of Justice. Seven of them were the first, which was enough to scare people.

Moreover, Ling Tian was even more powerful today. He entered the Holy Land in just one day and passed the test of the Criminal Ministry, even stronger than Yuan Qing three years ago.

Such as this, let Ling Tian, ​​few people dared to provoke.

Unless, it's the Holy Land Xianjun!

Sure enough, Ling Tian had just walked to the door of the temple, and a few figures came out of the crowd.

"Hehe, why, you also want to enter this temple!?"

"However, you are not the holy land immortal monarch, but you are not qualified to enter it!"

The voice sounded immediately behind Ling Tian, ​​his tone naturally arrogant and contemptuous.

Ling Tian turned around and found that this person was dressed in gold with a dragon pattern on it.

Moreover, it is still a real dragon pattern.


Ling Tian's pupils shrank.

He had seen this person, and he followed the master of the Golden Tribe yesterday. He was the Holy Land Immortal Monarch of the Jin Tribe, Liu Zhao!

Not only that, but this person is also the brother of the princess Liu Xian.

"Ha ha……"

Ling Tian sneered.

Why, so fast, some people can't wait to step on themselves.

Moreover, once shot, it is Holy Land Xianjun.

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